Grade 12 Athletic Leadership
IDC4UX Course Outline
Teacher:Cathy GodkinStudent:
Course Description
This course focuses on the development of leadership skills for students in the school and the community. Students will study and apply theory in developing skills in the areas of conflict resolution, planning and goal setting, problem solving, group dynamics and teamwork. Students will develop the skills and knowledge to support them in pursuing a variety of leadership roles. Students will have an opportunity to promote leadership mentoring in the elementary schools as well.Key Understandings
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate the following:
- Use of leadership skills in a variety of healthy active living contexts;
- Teamwork skills that achieve positive results;
- Identify the effectiveness of individual leaders and peer support roles;
- Demonstrate an understanding of elocution skills and effective communication;
- An ability to help plan, promote and run a school wide event
Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning
Categories of Evaluation
/ % of Term Mark / % of Final markKnowledge and Understanding / 15%
Thinking and Inquiry / 10%
Communication / 15%
Application / 60%
Final Evaluation: Run a Major Event / 20%
Final Evaluation: Personal Interview Portfolio / 10%
Breakdown of Final Mark / 70% / 30%
Late Policy
All assignments are due by the assigned date. If an assignment is NOT completed by the assigned date, the student will be given a Late and Missed Assignment Tracking Sheet with a clear indication of the revised date.(most likely the next day). One third of a level will be deducted from the assignment for each school day up to the full value of the assignment. The best practice is to submit your best work by the assigned date.
Performance Tasks/ Units of Study
/ Assessment strategies include:- Active participation
- Observation
- Conferencing
- Paper and pencil tests
- Written reports
- Self evaluation
- Reflection
- Research
- Presentations
- Leadership styles and skills
- Group development and teamwork skills
- Self Awareness
Facilitation of Recreational Activities
- Needs assessment and plan coordination
- Promotion of participation
- Event Planning
Presentation Techniques
- Teaching Pedagogy
- Communication Skills
- Mentoring
- Development of research techniques
Learning Skills and Work Habits / Example Behaviours
Responsibility / Commitment within the learning environment; complete and submit class work, homework, assignments according to agreed upon timelines; manage own behaviour
Organization / Devise and follow a plan; establish priorities & manage time to achieve goals
Independent / Independently monitor, assess, and revise plans to complete tasks & meet goals; follow instructions with minimal supervision
Collaboration / Respond positively to ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others; build healthy relationships with others; work with others to resolve conflict and build consensus
Initiative / Look for/act on opportunities for learning; curiosity & interest in learning; positive attitude
Self-Regulation / Set own individual goals and monitor progress toward achieving them; assess and reflect critically on own strengths, needs, and interests; make an effort when responding to challenges
Course Expectations
- Regular attendance in this course is essential for success. In order to demonstrate achievement of course expectations you must be present in class, and fully participate.
- Please be prompt for each class. Lateness for class will be balanced with a detention on your lunch, or before/ after school.
- Students will be encouraged to grow and develop as a person and a leader while being a positive force in the growth and development of our school and the people in it.
- Students will represent the school with spirit and pride when they are presenting at the elementary schools, whether leading games in the gym or helping organize events.
- Students impact should be ‘to leave this school a better place than they found it.’
- Students will donate 10 hours of community Resurrection service outside of class time.
We have read and understand this Course Outline.
Student: Parent/ Guardian:
We encourage you to contact:
Cathy Godkin 519 741 1990 ext. 5448
At anytime throughout the semester with any of your concerns or questions. I will be contacting you if your child is persistently late, absent, and/or experiencing academic difficulty.
I look forward to a great semester developing leaders…for life!
Revised September 2013