/ BritTeen Club
Skills for Life. British vibe.


Registrations for new members take place between 28September and 10 October , as follows:

Mondays and Tuesday between 13.00 – 19.00Wednesday –Fridays between 10.00 – 16.00

We recommend that interested participants have an intermediary level of English (except for kindergarten children). Before they can enrol, all new members are invited to an admission interview during the registration period. You do not have to book a place for the interview in advance, but please bear in mind that interviews are possible only within the specified working hours.

Fee for one BritTeen member / workshop / Fees for BritTeen members (siblings or group)
Autumn 2017 / registration / re-registration / registration / re-registration
220 RON / 200 RON / 200 RON

Registration is completeupon filling in this form and paying the full fee.

The fee can be paid in cash, by card or by bank transfer, during the registration period, with the following details:

British Council, C.U.I. number 9000 0000 26598 / 22.02.91,
Account no. (IBAN) RO07 CITI 0000 0008 2601 2005, opened at Citibank Europe plc - Dublin, sucursala Romania (Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, Bucuresti).

Period / Times
23 October – 4 December
25 October – 6 December / Kindergarten + grades 0-1: Monday: 17:30 – 18:30
 Primary: Wednesday: 16:00 – 17:30
 Secondary: Wednesday: 18:00 – 19:30

Please choose the BritTeen workshops you want to participate in. Each workshop lasts for one hour and a half, and students can register for one or two workshops (at different times).

A group consists of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 students. If the minimum number of participants for a workshop is not met, the registered students will have the possibility to transfer to another workshop or withdraw from the BritTeen club.

Please state yourworkshop option below:

Kindergarten + grades 0-1: My Garden / □
Primary: Let’s explore the Galaxy / □
Grades 5–8: It’s all about you / □

 overleaf

For office use only
Date of payment
Payment method
Prior to the first BritTeen session, you will receive atext message with administrative details about the rooms and the starting time of the workshops.

Each BritTeen member benefits from a 3 month free subscription to the Library @British Iasi. The opening hours for the Library @BritishIasi are:

  • Mondayand Tuesday from 13.00 – 19.00
  • Wednesday to Friday, from 10.00 – 16.00
The British Council BritTeen Data Protection Notice and Acknowledgement of the Terms and Conditions

Under the terms of the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act, 1998*, the British Council is required by law to manage any personal information you give to us about yourself or your child securely and only for the purposes we have specified. For the information you will provide, these are as follows: To maintain records on our students; to maintain accurate financial records; to be able to cater for any special needs our students may have; to provide attendance records to the Club’s sponsors, where applicable.

Also British Council might use your photograph(s) for the purpose of promoting British Council activities. This may include placing your photograph(s) in our publications, on our websites and in our promotional materials. In addition we may also pass your photograph(s) to any of our overseas offices, where necessary, for the above purpose. By signing this form, you agree to The British Council’s collecting and processing this information for the purposes specified above, which may involve the transfer of your data to another British Council office.

* A copy of our data protection policy is available on request. For this, or any other data protection queries, please contact our Data Protection Officer at 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN, or by e-mail at

Withdrawaland transfer policy

If you wish to withdraw from the Club, due to altered circumstances, the following rules will be applied:

  • If you inform us in writing, before the module starts, you will be refunded the full module fee, minus an administration fee of 10%.
  • If you inform us in writing, during the first three weeks of the module, you will receive the amount paid, except for the cost of the sessions attended and a 25% administration fee (out of the initially paid fee).
  • Withdrawals are not accepted after the third week of the module.

Transfers from one workshop to another are allowed only within the same age group, before the second session of the workshops. Transfers are made on a first come, first served basis and can only be completed if the minimum and/or maximum number of participants for all the workshops involved is met.

Fill in with capitals, please

Family name / First name
Date of Birth / Grade
Mobile phone
E-mail address

Does your child have any medical conditions or allergies that we should know about? If yes, what should we do in the event of an attack?

□ Yes Please specify……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

□ No

From time to time, we may wish to contact you to make you aware of our services and events. If you DO NOT WISH to receive this information, please tick this box □

Signature parent/guardian / Date:

The signature confirms that you have read and understood this terms and conditions of registration/refunds policy.

This form will be signed by one of the parents/guardians.