US History 2016-2017
Mr. Soontiraratn
Room 1217
Conference: 6th Period
(281) 357-3230 Ext. 1067
Welcome to U.S. History! I am excited to begin this new year and I hope you are as well. My number one request is that you come to class every day with a positive attitude, and I will do the same as well.
Materials and Supplies: Pen, pencil, and a folder with paper. Please bring these supplies ASAP. As each unit progresses, you will be expected to keep all notes and papers in your folder.
Classroom expectations: These expectations exist alongside the district rules in your student handbook. They are put in place to keep our classroom a positive learning atmosphere.
1)Be prepared: You will be expected to come to class every day ready to learn. This means being on time, having all materials needed for the class period, and coming to class with a positive attitude. This allows us to get started right away and cover the class material.
2) Listen: If another person in the room is talking, whether it is the teacher or a fellow classmate, please respect them and listen. There is valuable information to be learned from both.
3) No food or drink in the classroom:bottled water is the only exception.
4)Be on time: Being tardy is disruptive to the entire class. The school policy of the first tardy being a warning, the second tardy being a phone call to a parent, and a write up on the third tardy will be enforced.
5)RESPECT: I expect our classroom to be one in which students feel comfortable, safe, and respected. I will treat you with respect; therefore, I expect you to respect me and your fellow classmates in return.
Grading: U.S. History will be using the point system. This follows the 70% major grades, 30% minor grades approach, but will be transferred to a 560/240 point scale.
Late work: Each day an assignment is late is 10 points off.
Tutorials: Tuesday & Thursday afternoons
Textbooks, primary sources, and other documents will guide the learning, as students complete assignments and/or participate in discussions.Students are expectedto be prepared for class, complete assignments and readings, and participate in discussions.
Writing will be an essential skill for this course, and one which we will use on a regular basis. Writing assignments will include in-class practice, a writing portion on tests, and a major grade essay every grading period.
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me or stop by the classroom. I’m looking forward to a great year!