Evaluation of 12/13 Initiatives:A wide range of sporting opportunities were offered to the children, both during and outside of curriculum time. There was an excellent take up for all extended school sporting activities and children from Year1 through to Year 6 represented school at a wide range of sporting events during the year. The school’s football, netball, cross-country and cricket teams were all highly successful, winning several competitions and trophies and many highly favourable comments were received by staff regarding the children’s attitudes and performances at all of the sporting events undertaken.
Excellent progress was made in swimming by children in KS2, with 100% of Year 6 leavers being able to swim at least 25m. All children in Y6 enjoyed a range of outdoor and adventurous experiences through a residential visit to Carlton Outdoor Education Centre in February 2013.
A range of playground activities helps to ensure that children have healthy and active break times (this will be added to and further developed as funds allow) and a group of Year 6 pupils successfully undertook the role of Playtime Leaders, receiving training from Trinity Catholic College to help them undertake this role.
Focus for Improvement 13/14 / Specific Action: / Staff responsible: / Cost/Budget: / Success Criteria/Outcomes:
Quality of teaching and learning.
Sport Funding
To ensure a continued delivery of a wide range of sporting opportunities, particularly within dance and gymnastics. / To make effective use of visiting teaching staff and coaches throughout the school and in all areas of the PE curriculum.
Wheelchair basket ball
Middlesbrough Dance Consortium
Gymnastics Coaching
Trinity Partnership
Middlesbrough Teaching Alliance
Children’s Clubs- dance, cheerleading, lunchtime sport / VW
Outside agencies / £3000 / All children provided with opportunities to further develop their skills in all aspects of physical education. Children enjoy and look forward to PE lessons and are keen to further their skills.
To enhancing the quality of PE lessons throughout school, providing coaching and mentoring for staff within lessons. / Clare Harding to work alongside staff throughout school to plan, deliver and assess teaching and learning.
Training-Level 2 NVQ Physical Education for Children-One life
MFC-Dance / VW
CH/AG (Trinity)
JS / £5,000 / Staff feel more confident in own skills in planning, teaching and assessing a wide range of PE activities. Quality of lessons is raised throughout school.
Achievement of Pupils
Sport Funding
Gifted and talented children planned for and stretched in PE lessons. SEN children given support and planned for accordingly to meet their needs. / G & T children to be more specifically directed towards further opportunities to enhance their skills and performance. / VW / G&T and SEN children to be identified and planned for appropriately in planning. Effective use of links with local sports clubs is made in helping G & T children to further their skills.
Ensure plenty of opportunities are offered to all children to develop healthy lifestyles. / Health week in school (including MFC Healthbus). Range of different sporting opportunities outside of lesson time to be offered to all pupils. Active playtimes to be encouraged, with good range of equipment available. / VW
Lunchtime supervisors / Children know and identify ways by which they can stay healthy and take up many different opportunities to do so. Parents also involved in encouraging healthy lifestyle choices.
Behaviour and Safety of Pupils
To establish a team of new playtime leaders from Years 6 who will run a variety of activities every lunchtime for children to participate in and enjoy. / Team of playtime leaders to be set up and trained leading to more structured, active lunchtimes for all children within school. Provide training for lunchtime supervisors in running and organising playground activities. / VW
Lunchtime supervisors / Children become instrumental in organising and running activities during lunchtime breaks. Children throughout school enjoy structure and activities offered.
To ensure organisation of PE cupboard enables students and staff to safely and effectively access equipment/resources. / Organisation of shelving units to make storing equipment easier. Children to take responsibility for putting equipment away correctly after use. Sports leaders to check cupboard is kept tidy. / VW
Sports leaders
TB/NB / £1000 / Equipment is stored safely and tidily and is well looked after by all children.
Quality of Leadership and Management
To review and adapt curriculum programme in line with new government guidelines/curriculum when introduced. / New PE curriculum introduced. / VW / Co-ordinator is up to date on new initiatives and shares with staff.
Curriculum reviewed and adapted in line with new guidelines when available.
To fully participate in both the Trinity and Middlesbrough Schools’ Sports Partnerships. / Attend network meetings and competitions throughout the year. Liaise with staff from different schools within partnerships to enhance sporting opportunities in school. / VW
JS / £3,000 / School is actively involved in sporting events and opportunities within the local area.