Document Number: T13/e03133r0
Date: August 21, 2003
Reply to: Dan Colegrove
*Operating under the procedures of The American National Standards Institute.
NCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
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Minutes of T13 Plenary Meetings, June 24-26, 2003 T13/e03133r0
To: Membership of T13
From: Glenn Lott, Secretary of T13, and Dan Colegrove, Chairman of T13
Subject: Minutes of 42nd T13 Plenary Meeting at Boulder CO.
August 19 to August 21, 2003
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Minutes of T13 Plenary Meetings, June 24-26, 2003 T13/e03133r0
1 Opening remarks 3
1.1 Committee Secretary 3
2 Approval of agenda 3
3 Membership and attendance 4
3.1 Membership 4
3.2 Fees 4
3.3 Attendance 4
4 Approval of the Minutes from the Previous T13 Plenary Meeting (e03122r0) 6
5 Document Distribution 6
6 Review of Previous Action Items 6
6.1 Review of Open Issues 6
7 Old Business 7
7.1 ATA/ATAPI Host Adapter Standard Project 1510D status 7
7.2 ATA/ATAPI-7 Project 1532D [ ] 7
7.2.1 Host Packet DMA Diagram 7
7.2.2 HPA State Diagram [Kataria] 7
7.2.3 Write Wrong (e02126r0) [Pacific Digital] 7
7.2.4 Updating Device Configuration Overlay [Hatfield] 7
7.2.5 Write DMA Queued FUA Problem (e03121r1) [Masiewicz] 8
7.2.6 Unload Immediate Proposal (e03120r3 and r4) [Livaccari] 8
7.2.7 Flush Cache Error Recovery [Hatfield] 8
7.2.8 Time limited Read Write Status Bits (e03117r3) 8
7.2.9 Volume 3 review 9
7.2.10 ATA/ATAPI-7 Change bar review 9
7.2.11 ATA/ATAPI-7 schedule review 9
7.3 EDD-3 Project 1572D [Goodfellow] 10
7.4 A/V Technical Report project proposal status (e02148r2) [Colegrove] 10
7.5 PARTIES-2 Project Status [Kataria] 10
7.6 Proposal for HBA-2 Standard 10
7.7 T13 reflector, FTP, and web site setup 10
8 New Business 10
8.1 SI Proposal on ATAPI Bits [Hartney] 10
8.2 Support for Cacheless Drives [Obr] 10
8.3 ATA/ATAPI-8 Project [Colegrove] 10
9 Liaison Reports 10
9.1 T10 10
9.2 SFF 11
9.3 IDEMA 11
9.4 Serial ATA II 11
10 Call for Patents 11
11 Review of Action Items 11
12 Schedule 13
12.1 Authorization of Ad Hoc Working Groups 13
12.2 Long term meeting schedule 13
13 Adjournment 14
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Minutes of T13 Plenary Meetings, June 24-26, 2003 T13/e03133r0
Results of the Meeting
1 Opening remarks
Dan Colegrove, the T13 Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday, August 19, 2003. Dan thanked Mark Jackson of Maxtor Corporation for hosting the meeting.
As is customary, the people in attendance introduced themselves, and a copy of the attendance list was circulated. Copies of the agenda were made available to those in attendance.
The Chair briefly reviewed the meeting rules: T13 is a Technical Committee of INCITS and operates under INCITS rules. Anyone with interest in the work of the committee is free to attend and take part in discussions. However, motions and votes are limited to member organizations, one vote per member organization.
The Chair also noted that T13 operates under the INCITS antitrust guidelines. There should never be discussion of the following topics at any INCITS or an INCITS subgroup meeting:
§ Any company's prices or pricing policies;
§ Specific R&D, sales and marketing plans;
§ Any company's confidential product, product development or production strategies;
§ Whether certain suppliers or customers will be served;
§ Prices paid to input sources; or
§ Complaints about individual firms or other actions that might tend to hinder a competitor in any market.
Policies and Procedures and antitrust guidelines for INCITS are available at the web site at T13 operates under these policies and procedures augmented by the T13 procedures at the T13 web site at
1.1 Committee Secretary
Dan Colegrove asked for volunteers for the position of Secretary. Glenn Lott volunteered to act as a temporary Secretary for this meeting. Dan is still looking for volunteers to permanently fill this position.
2 Approval of agenda
John Masiewicz moved and Michael Eschmann seconded that the agenda be approved as reflected in these minutes. The motion was approved unanimously.
3 Membership and attendance
The Chair reviewed the rules for membership and attendance:
3.1 Membership
An individual from an organization new to T13 must attend at least one T13 plenary meeting before requesting voting membership. After that meeting, the representative may request membership from the T13 chair stating expertise and material interest in the scope of the committee and pay the required fees to INCITS. The time when membership becomes effective has just changed. Membership now becomes effective at the start of the next meeting the organization attends assuming the organization attends one of the next two meetings.
3.2 Fees
Current INCITS memberships fees for Principal or additional Alternates are 800.00 USD. The First Alternate is free with a Principal membership.
Mailings of committee documents are available to any interested party after each plenary meeting. The cost for mailings for one year is 300.00 USD for mailing in the USA and 400.00 USD for mailing to a location outside of the USA.
Persons with questions or requests regarding membership fees and/or subscriptions for mailings should contact Parthenia Purnell, ITI Standards Operations, at .
3.3 Attendance
In addition to payment of fees, there are also minimum attendance and participation requirements to maintain voting membership status on T13. A representative from a member organization must attend two of every three plenary meetings and vote on at least every other letter ballot. If a member organization fails to have a representative in attendance at two of the last three T13 plenary meetings or vote on every other letter ballot, they are warned that failing to attend the next T13 meeting or to vote on the next letter ballot will result in their voting membership being terminated.
Attendance at a working group meeting does not affect voting membership status in T13.
The T13 voting membership during the meeting was 19 organizations. There were 16 companies present.
The number of eligible voting members required for establishing a quorum was 7. Member organizations were present at the start of the meeting, thus a quorum was present.
The following individuals attended:
Name / Company / E-MailMembers / E-Mail Addresses
Gardner, Phil / Absolute Software / Removed due to spam mail abuse.
Puri, Sumit / Fujitsu / Contact the committee chairman
Colegrove, Dan / Hitachi Global / For attendee contact information
Livaccari, Steve / IBM
Michael Eschmann / Intel
Thompson, Tim / LSI Logic
Jackson, Mark / Maxtor
Obr, Nathan / Microsoft
Hatfield, Jim / Seagate
Noblitt, Marc / Seagate
Lott, Glenn / ST Microelectronics
Suzuki, Hiroshi / Toshiba
Hirata, Kenneth / Vixel
Masiewicz, John / Western Digital
Joe Breher / Lingua Data
John Schadegg / Samsung
Mark Hartney / Silicon Image
4 Approval of the Minutes from the Previous T13 Plenary Meeting (e03122r0)
John Masiewicz moved and Mark Jackson seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting, e03122r0, be approved as posted. The motion was approved unanimously.
5 Document Distribution
The following documents were distributed either via hard copy, soft copy, or both:
Agenda and document directory
Editorial open issues list
6 Review of Previous Action Items
The open action items list were reviewed under item 11
6.1 Review of Open Issues
- Cross-references in common areas such as the glossary will have broken links using the current notation.
- What is meant by this statement in Open or shorted traces with the same length as the input signal traces shall be provided to measure the system input risetime and to synchronize pulses. Traces for crosstalk measurements diverge from each other. Provisions for attenuation reference measurement shall also be provided. What end diverges? Is divergence a requirement? What provisions for attenuation? What are input signal traces? (Action Item #10).
- What is meant by this statement in Unless otherwise specified, the requirements in … are for the entire signal path from the host mated pair connector to the device mated pair connector, but not including PCB traces. A picture is worth a 1000 words. (Action Item #10).
- What is meant by this statement in Material certification or certificate of compliance required with each lot to satisfy the Underwriters Laboratories follow-up service requirements. Do we want to require UL in the standard, or do we want the procedure (UL 94v-0) to be the requirement? (Action Item #10).
- How do we handle vague areas of the standard where work is on-going to make the areas more specific in organizations outside T13.
- The term device in clause 14 may actually refer to phy layers in both host and device. Need to research the difference between device and phy. (closed by editorial clarification)
- In table 11 COMRESET/COMINIT detector off threshold minimum = COMRESET/COMINIT max value. (Action Item #10).
- In the serial interface, what are the proper host/device protocols for selecting non-existent and non-selected device states. This is analogous to ATA/ATAPI-6 (now Table 18 in Volume 2). There is a discrepancy between this description for the handling of shadow registers after reset and the similar description in ATA/ATAPI-5 (Table 14). SATA seems to have taken the ATA/ATAPI-5 approach. The descriptive text in section 5.15.2 in volume 1 also needs to be resolved with the SATA method. (Action Item #10).
- In section, OOB signaling sequence failure, Volume 3, COMINIT must be returned within 10ms. This conflicts with the parallel requirement of 2ms and appears to be a loosening of the spec and could lead to interoperability problems. (Discussion on item as to whether a 2 mS detection timeout is acceptable (as in parallel ATA) for a SATA device. Decided to wait for feedback from SATA working group.)
7 Old Business
7.1 ATA/ATAPI Host Adapter Standard Project 1510D status
ANSI Editor waiting for editorial changes from Pacific Digital, Tony Goodfellow.
7.2 ATA/ATAPI-7 Project 1532D [ ]
7.2.1 Host Packet DMA Diagram
Correction to the state diagram has been added to the Volume 2, Figure 55 update.
7.2.2 HPA State Diagram [Kataria]
Mukesh Kataria was not present to present. Carried over to the October meeting.
7.2.3 Write Wrong (e02126r0) [Pacific Digital]
No current activity. None of the interested parties are currently present to discuss the proposal. Carried over to the October meeting.
7.2.4 Updating Device Configuration Overlay [Hatfield]
Jim Hatfield indicated a proposal for the updates will be available at the October meeting.
A list of the suggested DCO items is in the Minutes of the June 24-26 Plenary Meeting. There was a brief review of the list for which items should be considered for DCO. World Wide name and IS0-7779 where thought not to be required. Time Limited Read/Write, Large Physical Sector and Large Logical sector were added.
- Write wrong
- A/V command sets
- Selective self-test
- Conveyance self-test
- UDMA-133
- FUA (Forced Unit Access)
- Time Limited Read/Write
- Large Physical Sector Size
- Large Logical Sector Size
- Interaction between HPA and DCO to be defined
7.2.5 Write DMA Queued FUA Problem (e03121r1) [Masiewicz]
The current description of the Write DMA Queued FUA command, in volume 1, used a non-queuing command block descriptor. This proposal replaces the non-queued format with a queued command format.
John Masiewicz made a motion to accept the proposed change and Sumit Puri seconded the motion. The motion was passed 11for: 0 against: 0 abstain.
7.2.6 Unload Immediate Proposal (e03120r3 and r4) [Livaccari]
Steve Livaccari reviewed the differences between e03120r3 and e03120r4 command block descriptions. Preference was given to the e03120r3 command block description. The e03120r3 proposal was reviewed for functional and editorial content. Steve will update the proposal for review at the October meeting.
7.2.7 Flush Cache Error Recovery [Hatfield]
No proposal available for review. No action taken.
7.2.8 Time limited Read Write Status Bits (e03117r3)
Jim Hatfield raised the question, if a status register bit is marked as obsolete, what is the procedure to define the bit meaning for command specific operation? The bit under question is Status Register Bit 2: Correctable Error.
The consensus was that a new driver is required to take advantage of Time Limited Read Write, and a legacy driver conflict should not exist. Jim made the proposal to maintain the obsolete status if Time Limited Read Write is not supported.
Jim Hatfield will submit document e03129r0 as a proposal for the change by October meeting.
7.2.9 Volume 3 review
7.2.10 ATA/ATAPI-7 Change bar review
ATA/ATAPI-7 Volume 1 (d1532v1r3c) – reviewed changes
ATA/ATAPI-7 Volume 2 (d1532v2r3c) – reviewed changes
ATA/ATAPI-7 Volume 3 (d1532v3r3c) – reviewed changes
John Masiewicz lead a change bar review of Volume 2 Rev 3. At the completion of the review, Tim Thompson motioned to accept the changes and role them in to Rev 3c (d1532v2r3c), and Jim Hatfield seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
John Masiewicz lead a change bar review of Volume 3 Rev 3c editorial and working group changes. At the completion of the change bar review, John reviewed his list of editorial concerns as was published on the reflector. Several action items were taken during this review to further investigate particular items. Reference the Action Item list in section 11 for a list of these outstanding actions.
Tim Thompson moved to state in Volume 3, that a Register H2DFIS with SRST=1 and C=1 is invalid and results in indeterminate behavior. And this behavior will be noted in H2DFIS Description. Phil Gardner seconded the motion. Motion was passed , For 9: Against 0: Abstain 2
After discussion of the expected functionality of the nIEN bit in the Device Control register, it was determined that the Device should ignore nIEN in the control register, and that the Host Adapter should not set the nIEN bit in a H2D Register FIS. A note was added that indicated that some devices conforming to SATA 1.0a may modify the reported value of the I bit based on the state of the nIEN bit. John Masiewicz will draft input for proper implementation of nIEN and I bit behavior in ATA/ATAPI-7 SATA Devices. Dan Colegrove has the action of presenting the information to the SATA Work Group for use in a Serial ATA 1.0 Design Guide.
John Masiewicz lead a change bar review of Volume 1 Rev 3. At the completion of the review, Tim Thompson motioned to accept the changes and role them into rev 3c (d1532v2r3c), and Jim Hatfield seconded. The motion passed 7 for: 0 against: 0 abstain.