Regular Public Meeting Minutes April 28, 2015
Regular Public Meeting Minutes – Media Center 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Mrs. Hegglin called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
"In accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, the West Long Branch Board of Education has issued notice of this meeting to be publicized by having the date, time and location of the meeting posted at Betty McElmon Elementary, Frank Antonides School and the West Long Branch Public Library and mailed to the Asbury Park Press and The Link, which has been designated as the Board's official newspapers. Notice was also filed with the Borough Clerk and sent to those persons requesting that such notice be mailed to them."
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the following students:
Zev Kallman and Kenny Hayes
Often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote. Before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting, the administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the Superintendent of Schools. If the Superintendent of Schools is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education, it is then referred to the appropriate board committee. The members of the board committee work with administration and the Superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter. When the committee is satisfied with the matter, it is presented to the Board of Education for discussion before any final action is taken. Only then, is it placed on the agenda for action at a public meeting. In rare instances, matters are presented to the Board of Education for discussion at the same meeting that final action may be taken.
The Following Members of the Board of Education were present:
Mrs. Arvanitis Mrs. Cavanaugh Dr. Christopher
Mrs. Gassman Mrs. Hegglin Mrs. McLaughlin
Ms. Sarfaty
The Following Member of the Board of Education was absent:
Mr. Kramer Mrs. Trocchia
Also in Attendance:
Thomas Farrell, Superintendent
Dennis Kotch, BA/Board Secretary
Viola Lordi, Esq., Board Attorney
· Kathy Winecoff, NJSBA – Ethics Training
· 8th Grade Student – WLB Logo Winner
· Dennis Kotch - 2015-2016 School Budget
March 24, 2015 Regular Public Meeting
Motion offered by Mrs. Sarfaty and seconded by Mrs. Arvanitis was approved by a roll call vote of 7/0.
Building & Grounds Brian Kramer
Mr. Kotch reported:
· The referendum design phase is underway.
The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and
Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.
1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the FAS Fields by the WLB PTA for a Fitness for Fun Day on Friday, May 22, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for Grades K-8, with a rain date of Tuesday, May 26, 2015.
2. Move to amend, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the West Long Branch Schools’ Athletic Fields by “Girls on the Run” for group meetings and exercise program, from Tuesdays and Fridays, to Mondays and Fridays, during the months of March 2015 through May 2015 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Certificate of Insurance of File).
3. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the FAS Softball Field by the Jersey Shore Lady Lions Travel Softball Team for a league doubleheader on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Certificate of Insurance of File).
Motion #1 offered by Mrs. McLaughlin and seconded by Mrs. Cavanaugh was approved by a roll call vote of 6/0/1 with Mrs. Arvanitis abstaining.
Motions 2 &3, offered by Mrs. McLaughlin and seconded by Mrs. Cavanaugh were approved by a roll call vote of 7/0.
Education/Curriculum/Technology Dr. Paul Christopher
· Mr. Erhardt and Mr. Fiorillo are working together on a revised schedule for FAS and BME. There is conversation around no recess for grades 6, 7, & 8 with options in the schedule for grades 6, 7, & 8.
· Middle States Region Meeting will be postponed until July.
· Standards based report card, K-2, is a work in progress and efforts are being made to promote communication with staff and parents before the end of the year. Implementing the report cars is also a district goal. The Regional Draft Version of the K-2 report card is completed and aligned with the Common Core and NJCCCS.
· Conversation is continuing around access to the parent portal about how to check on the frequency of parental access to the portal as well as keeping parents informed of the information contained on the report card.
· Discussion was brief on beginning early Fall Sports Tryouts for 15-16, before the opening of school but it was decided not to begin on the dates suggested due to the timing of the start of the school year.
· Mr. Fiorillo discussed the end of the year assessment for grade 6 – math placement.
· Summer reading meeting was held with staff, parents, and the Principals for book lists to be developed by grade level to be available at Barnes and Noble. It should be completed by the end of May.
· 51 students are presently registered for Kindergarten.
· Kindergarten screening is May 27th and May 29th .
· Monmouth University Storytellers are scheduled for April 28, 2015.
· PARCC Grade 3 testing: May 12th , English/Language Arts.
May 13th -14th , Math
· Next round of Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark assessments are scheduled for the week
of May 4th.
The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and
Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.
1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following class trips:
May 8, 2015
Lakehouse Recording Studio/Music Academy, Asbury Park, NJ
Grade 2 (62 students)
Mrs. Jannarone, Ms. LoPresti, Mrs. Myers, Ms. Steel, Mrs. Drach, & Mrs.Bently Approximate cost to the Board - $124.20
May 11, 2015
Adventure Aquarium, Camden, NJ
Grade 7 (80 students)
Mr. Arpa, Ms. Ghaffari, Ms. Keseday, Mrs. Weiner, Mr. Eichenbaum, Mrs. Falco, Mrs. McNicholas, Mrs. Pastore, & Mrs. Tvrdik
Approximate cost to the Board - $279.46
May 14, 2015
Green Meadows Farm, Hazlet, NJ
Grade 1 (53 students)
Mrs. Famula, Mrs. Freeman, Ms. Robbins, Mrs. Roberts, & Mrs. Carasia
Approximate cost to the Board - $196.66
May 14, 2015 (Trip Approved at Feb. 3, 2015 BOE mtg)
Liberty Science Center, Liberty State Park, NJ
Grade 5 (64 students)
Mrs. Hartman added as chaperone
May 28, 2015
Monmouth Park, Oceanport, NJ
Grade 3 A.T. (6 students)
Life Science
Mrs. Sandoz, & Mr. Petrone
Approximate cost to the Board - $120.00
June 18, 2015
Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ
Grade 6 (61 students)
Visual Arts
Mrs. Dalia, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Montana, Mrs. Sandoz, Mr. Straley, Mrs. Andreasi, Mrs. Plofker, Mrs. Saniscalchi, & Mrs. Tvrdik
Approximate cost to the Board - $268.05
2. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the attendance at the workshops listed below with associated program costs for the employees referenced below:
Date / Name / Workshop / Location / Cost of Program Excluding Associated Mileage CostsApril 30, 2015 / Kim Rallo / Retention & Study Skills / Eatontown, NJ / Paid through IDEA Funds
April 30, 2015 / Denise Yonezuka / Retention & Study Skills / Eatontown, NJ / Paid through IDEA Funds
May 21, 2015 / Jean Kollinger / The Best of the Web 2.0 for Educators / Eatontown, NJ / Paid through IDEA Funds
May 21 & June 11, 2015 / Renee Freeman
(BME) / NGSS Assessment Development Work Sessions / Millstone Township, NJ / $158.00 (total cost)
May 21 & June 11, 2015 / Jodi Keseday
(FAS) / NGSS Assessment Development Work Sessions / Millstone Township, NJ / $158.00 (total cost)
May 27 – 28, 2015 / Tracy Gironda
(ESL) / NJ TESOL/NJBE Spring Conference / New Brunswick, NJ / $259.00
May 28, 2015 / Felicia Tvrdik / Differentiated Instruction: Low and High Prep Strategies / Eatontown, NJ / Paid through IDEA Funds
Motion offered by Mrs. McLaughlin and seconded by Dr. Christopher was approved by a roll call vote of 7/0.
Finance Committee Mary Gassman
· A discussion took place about not having a finance meeting every month but rather spend more time during budget season. This will be discussed further in May.
The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and
Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, the West Long Branch Board of Education accepts the Board Secretary/School Business Administrator's Certification as of March 31, 2015 that no budgetary appropriations account has obligations and payments which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the West Long Branch Board of Education; and
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4, we the members of the West Long Branch Board of Education, of the County of Monmouth, after having reviewed the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY and upon consultation with the appropriate officials, certify that as of, March 31, 2015 are to the best of our knowledge that no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year; and
The West Long Branch Board of Education hereby accepts the Board Secretary’s Report the month ending March 31, 2015 and the Treasurer of School Monies Reports for the month ending March 31, 2015.
2. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Borough of West Long Branch approves the Bills and Claims for April, 2015, and March, 2015 Payroll per attached: (Budgeted)
Bills & Claims Fund 10 $ 301,246.11
Bills & Claims Fund 20 $ 35,715.67
Void Check (# 3047 March) $ 625.00
DCRP $ 306.44
Payroll P/E 3/15/15 $ 283,680.57
FICA P/E 3/15/15 $ 21,821.81
Payroll P/E 3/18/15 (Retro) $ 105,713.40
FICA P/E 3/18/15 (Retro) $ 8,113.08
Payroll P/E 3/31/15 $ 270,960.09
FICA P/E 3/31/15 $ 20,608.92
3. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following Transfer of Funds for
March 2015:
Acct# / Trans Amt / Acct Desc11-190-100-890-00 / -271.15 / MISC. EXPENSES
11-000-251-610-03 / 271.15 / GEN SUPP – BUSINESS OFFICE
11-000-270-390-02 / -450.00 / TRANSP-BUS AIDE
11-000-270-420-00 / 450.00 / TYPE II BUSES REP&MAINT
11-000-217-320-00 / -13,400.00 / PURCH PROF'L - EXTRAORD
11-000-216-320-09 / 6,200.00 / PUR PROF SER-SPCH THERPY
11-000-216-320-10 / 7,200.00 / PUR PROF SER-OT/PT
11-000-291-270-01 / -42,100.00 / GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE
11-000-270-517-00 / 21,000.00 / CONTR SERVICES
11-000-270-518-00 / 16,900.00 / CONTR SERV-MOESC SP ED
11-000-270-610-00 / 4,200.00 / GENERAL SUPPLIES
4. WHEREAS, the West Long Branch Board of Education adopted a tentative budget on February 24, 2015 to be submitted to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools for approval, and
WHEREAS, the tentative budget was approved by the Executive County Superintendent of Schools on April 16, 2015 and
WHEREAS, the tentative budget was advertised in the legal section of the Asbury Park Press on March 26, 2015; and
WHEREAS, the tentative budget was presented to the public during a public hearing on February 24, 2015; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the budget be adopted for the 2015-2016 School Year using the 2014-2015 state aid figures and the Secretary to the Board of Education be authorized to submit the following adopted budget to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools in accordance with the statutory deadline:
General Fund / Special Revenues / Debt Service / Total2015-16 Total Expenditures / $10,655,451 / $558,107 / $456,000 / $11,669,558
Less: Anticipated Revenues / $1,373,139 / $558,107 / $0 / $1,931,246
Taxes to be Raised / $9,282,312 / $0 / $456,000 / $9,738,312
Travel and Related Expense Reimbursement
WHEREAS, the West Long Branch Board of Education recognizes school staff and Board members will incur travel expenses related to and within the scope of their current responsibilities and for travel that promotes the delivery of instruction or furthers the efficient operation of the school district; and
WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7.2 et seq. requires Board members to receive approval of these expenses by a majority of the full voting membership of the Board and staff members to receive prior approval of these expenses by the Superintendent of Schools and a majority of the full voting membership of the Board; and
WHEREAS, the West Long Branch Board of Education established $25,000 as the maximum travel amount for the current school year (2014-2015) and has expended $14,121 as of this date; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves travel and related expense reimbursements in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A-7.3, to a maximum expenditure of $25,000 for all staff and board members for the 2015-2016 school year.
Tax Levy Certification Form A and B
RESOLVED, that the amount required for school purposes in the school district of West Long Branch, County of Monmouth for the 2015-2016 school year is $9,738,312 and is required to be levied for local school district purposes.
Motion offered by Mrs. Gassman and seconded by Dr. Christopher was approved by a roll call vote of 7/0.
Personnel Beth Sarfaty
Mrs. Hegglin reported: