Lesson Plan Guided Reading

Group: Kindergarten Lesson: Unit 1 Lesson 2

Book: Alphabet Book, Amelia’s Show-and-Tell Fiesta read aloud

Intro: Morning Message (Smartboard)

“Today is ______. (Child’s name)’s favorite day of the week is ______.

Recite days of the week cards and identify day. Have students pair share their favorite day of the week and share why it is their favorite. Next, locate the student’s name in the message, identify the first word of the message, and find words that have the letter Aa in them.

Phonemic Awareness: Listening for Sounds activity—Teacher will play one sound from the Listening Library CD. Students will then identify the sound using a complete sentence such as “I heard the sound of a ______. Repeat several times. Next, play two sounds at a time and have students repeat the activity using the words first and last when identifying them. Sounds included are: dropping a book, sharpening a pencil, cutting with scissors, blowing a whistle, snapping fingers, whistling, zipping a jacket, closing the door, tearing a piece of paper, writing on the board, slamming a book, opening a window or drawer, pouring water, and bouncing a ball. Ask students to listen to and identify one sound using a complete sentence. Repeat the activity using two sounds and use the terms first and last when giving a sentence.

Phonics: Sing the “Alphabet Song” (SRA CD 12 song 1). Ask students to name the letter that comes after Aa. After students identify the letter Bb, use the lion puppet to focus attention on the wall card Bb and say the name of the letter together. Remind student’s that the capital B (like the A) is used at the beginning of names and is a tall letter. Write on the board a name that begins with the letter B and a classroom word that uses the letter b in the middle or at the end of the word. (ex. Brian and table) Have students point to the Bb’s in the words. Next, have students identify Bb’s on their name plates or around the room.

Identify the differences between wall cards Bb and Aa, reminding them that the Aa is red because it is a vowel. Demonstrate the correct way to print upper and lower case Bb’s on the Smartboard.

Alphabet Book Big Book—Bb

Display the Bb page (p. 6-7). Point to the title letters Bb and have students say the name of each of the letters. (upper and lower-case). Have students look at and talk about the picture, asking questions such as, “What animals do you see in the picture?” (bees, bumblebees) “What else do you see?” (flowers) Read the rhyme emphasizing each word that begins with Bb. Read the rhyme a second time asking students to call out “B!” every time they see you point to a word that has a Bb in it.

Reading a Pre-Decodable

Pre-Decodable 1: The First Day of Kindergarten

Distribute a copy of the pre-decodable to each student. Hold up my copy and read the title aloud, pointing to each word. Next, point to and read aloud the author and illustrator’s name, identifying the roles of each. Turn to page 3 and ask student to match the pages. “Find the page in your book that looks just like this one.” Discuss the illustration on p. 3. Ask volunteers to say the names of any objects they recognize in the drawing. Explain that the boy’s mother is taking him to school on his first day of Kindergarten. Have a volunteer tell which woman is the teacher. Remind students to answer in a complete sentence. Continue discussing the other story pages in the same manner. Guide students in connecting the main events of the story line, and to also identify specific items or people in the illustrations (details). Other questions that may be used during the story may be: “Who is the story about?” (point to answer), “Do you think the boy enjoyed his first day of Kindergarten? How do you know?”

Word Building/Vocabulary:

Amelia’s Show-and-Tell Fiesta vocabulary words:

Treasures—special things. Give examples of treasures. (ex. Blanket made by Grandma, souvenir from vacation, etc.)

Fancy—“not plain or decorated” Compare a plain egg to an Easter egg.

Twirl—to turn around quickly. Ask students to demonstrate.

Glance—a quick look at something. Ask students to glance out the window or at the door.


Introduce the read-aloud, Amelia’s Show-and-Tell Fiesta. Tell students that in this unit they will be reading and learning about how other children adjust to the new experience of being in school. Have the lion puppet introduce the story and tell the title. Read author and illustrator’s names and review their roles. Predict what the story will be about. Then, read the focus question—“Why does Amelia feel different at school?”. Read the story, stopping along the way to ask the questions, such as, “Why are people parading through Amelia’s classroom?”, “Why does Amelia speak in a teeny voice?”, “Why does Amelia want to go home?”, and “Why does Amelia finally feel at home?”. When the story is complete, review and answer the Focus Question. (She is new to the class, speaks a different language, and has brought something to show and tell that is different from what the other children brought.) Discuss with students what they learned about fitting in at a new school with questions such as, “How does Amelia seem to feel about her new school in the beginning?”, “Why did Amelia bring something different for show-and-tell?” (she was new at school and did not understand what was expected), “Why does Amelia not want to talk about her fiesta dress?” (It’s different from anything the other students brought), and “What finally encourages Amelia to share?” (her classmates seem curious about her fiesta dress). Review vocabulary with the following questions: “What treasures were mentioned in the Read Aloud?”, “What was fancy in the Read Aloud?”, “How did Amelia turn in her dress?”, and “What did Amelia see as she glanced around the room?”


1)“Rhyming Words Match” folder

2)Dr. Seuss listening/response station

3)Letter Bb highlighting page

4)Reading Eggs website