WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.51
Thursday 26 October 2017, Dalmuir CE Centre 2pm
Jim Hendry / Risk Street TRA Chaired meetingCouncillor Diane Docherty / Housing Convenor
Isobel Rankin, / Dalmuir MSF TRA
Hugh O’Donnell / Westbridgend TRA
Harry McCormack / Tullichewan TRA
Frances McGonagle / Littleholm TRA
Polly Wheelans / Littleholm TRA
John Kerr / Housing Development and Homelessness Manager
David Lynch / Area Co-ordinator – ( Central & Kilpatrick)
Lorraine Watson / CATRA
Angela Plews / CATRA
John Hainey / S Drumry TRA
Dawn Conner / Tenant Participation
Peter Barry / Strategic Lead, Housing and Employability
Scott McLelland / Area Co-ordinator – Clydebank (Dumbarton and Vale of Leven)
Myra Feeney / Area Co-ordinator – Clydebank (Waterfront )
Jane Mack / Tenant Participation Officer
Edward Thomas / Housing Operations Manager
Martin Feeney / Building Services Manager
Alan Young / Housing Asset & Investment Manager
Stefan Kristmanns / Housing Development Co-ordinator
Item / Action
1. / Welcome and apologies
Apologies from Mary de Wal, Billy Neeson, Janette Donlin and Jackie Wilkie
2. / Note of Meeting 24 Aug and update on actions
Old Cottage Hospital Site: Dumbarton
This land going to be developed by Dunbritton HA for housing but is still in the ownership of NHS – been a delay with the transfer of title. NHS have been reminded of their obligation to keep the land in good condition until title transfers to Dunbritton. The contact at NHS is Johnathan Love and contact details have been passed to OTTRA.
West Bridgend Foyer tiling – Tenant’s Priority Budget
Hugh O’D advised that Westbridgend tenants are not happy with the quality of work, errors and attitude of the contractor. Martin F offered to meet with Hugh O’D to review the work done and issues raised.
Littlehom Foyer
Several cleaning options have been tried with slight improvement. Tenants are not satisfied with outcome and Maintenance are still looking for other options. Tenants want new tiles to be considered as an option.
The window at West Court, Littleholm has still not been replaced but Martin F gave the meeting an assurance that this would be complete by December meeting.
Hugh O’D pleased that walkabouts are being formalised. Previously Quality Circles had been successful way to improve conditions in the flats and Westbridgend keen to be involved.
South Drumry being used as a pilot. Jane M clarified that the walkabouts complement the Your Community model and focus on landlord responsibilities particularly communal repairs that aren’t being reported as well as improvements. TRAs would be supportive and raised current issues with communication after walkabouts. Was agreed that it was critical that people know afterwards what has been agreed, are kept up dated with progress and for officers and TRA’s to work together. / OTTRA
Martin Feeney
Martin Feeney
Martin Feeney
Jane Mack
3. / Update on enhanced Fire Risk Assessment (Peter Barry)
Peter advised that the Specialist Consultant’s report is being summarised into a tenant’s report for each block and will include his assessment and recommendations. The reports will be ready within 3 weeks and tenants and staff will be invited to meet and discuss the reports with the Specialist consultant.
Peter confirmed that the Council was committed on ensuring our flats have an enhanced fire safety and need to reassure and calm tenants.
Jim H raised concern that there had been mixed messages about the presence of Aluminium Composite Materials (ACM) which is causing unnecessary panic. Concern why Council didn’t know about the windows as only put in 3 years ago, or if they did know, then tenants had been misled.
Peter confirmed following facts,
· Initial desk stop study was on cladding only.
· Cladding does not contain ACM so assurances were correct.
· Only through the enhanced investigation which included the windows has the composition of the window panel been looked at.
· It is called ACM but not the same composition as found at Grenfell.
· WDC keen to be transparent and have shared information as quickly as possible. Housing Officers also continue to do visits to offer reassurance.
· WDC are continuing discussions with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) and will get a final answer on mats and their risk.
John H referred to the latest recycling leaflet from Greenspace which asks tenants to put out recycling for 6.30am collection and raised concern that this would be contrary to a ‘sterile landing’ policy.
Myra confirmed that these leaflets had not been distributed to the flats and would contact Greenspace and discuss appropriate arrangements for recycling at the flats so that separate objectives don’t overlap.
Lorraine W commended WDC on action taken and need to be calm and in particular need good communications.
Edward T advised the meetings with the fire specialist would be arranged for as quickly as possible to address any concerns. / Myra Feeney
Edward Thomas
4. / Feedback on HRA – Tenant Priority Budget and DLO Surplus
Peter confirmed that the Tenant Priority Budget is not at risk. He also advised that all the DLO Surplus goes to the General Fund and there was Council agreement for that.
Over the last few years tenants have only asked for £280,000 worth of work and more work will now be done as part of cyclical repair programmes. Therefore Peter keen to get tenants views on how the Tenant Priority Budget could be used in the future.
Peter’s ideas were to devote the fund to local people to bid for £2/300,000 per year and could be done in the model of Participatory budgeting. Also conscious of impacts of Welfare Reform and affordability an issue so could use the Budget to reduce the rent - £400,000 equals to 1% rent change.
Jim H advised would like ideas in writing so they can discuss with wider WDTRO and have a separate meeting on this subject.
Hugh O’D referred back to initial discussions in 2011/12 when DLO were making a large surplus which resulted in the Council agreeing to reduce the charges and created £800,000 tenant budget. The percentage made outwith housing was taken out of the equation.
Martin confirmed that the financing of the DLO had changed considerably since then and now works more competitively and surplus is far reduced – confirmed as 5% whereas in 2011/12 it was 11%.
HO’D appreciated that the circumstances had changed but that the policy set out in 2011 should not be changed without full consultation.
Jim H not in agreement that it goes to General Fund. Peter advised that it adds real value to the General Fund that all benefit from.
A separate meeting to be organised with the WDTRO to discuss fully.
Westbridgend Doors
Hugh O’D referred to the meeting in 2016, when it was agreed to use the Tenant Priority Budget to pay for replacement doors at Westbridgend. The tenants believed that the close painting which benefited owners without charge had set a precedent on how the DLO surplus could be used to benefit tenants without charging owners.
Jane advised that the minute from the Tenant Priority Budget meeting says that the ‘painting of the doors’ was agreed but when the work was assessed Building Services determined that the doors couldn’t be painted without being renewed. Where the Tenant Priority Budget comes from also has an impact on how it can be spent as if from the HRA, should adhere to HRA Guidance and so should only benefit tenants and future tenants.
Martin F confirmed that the doors are functional but could be more secure. One block has consented to the work being done but as the work is not essential it can’t be forced on the other blocks.
Issue to be clarified at separate meeting being arranged. / Peter Barry/Jane Mack
5. / Update on Charter (Stefan Kristmanns)
Charter Performance action plan is main performance plan and is a regular agenda item to ensure information is shared with tenants.
Tenant satisfaction demonstrates an improving picture and action plan being reported to Housing Improvement Board on 30 October 2017 and will be implemented over the rest of the year. Stefan wanting to know if the WDTRO are happy with how the information is presented and how they want to see the action plan.
Jim H asked why the Lennox Herald had a run an article on WDC being the worst performing Council in terms of keeping repair appointments apparently due to staff shortages.
Martin F confirmed that there are 40 vacancies in Building Services. Pay is not as good as in private sector but work conditions are better, so doing a recruitment drive to promote benefits and do use agency staff when needed.
Harry McC and Jim H confirmed performance meetings with Stefan been useful to increase understanding and use them to be able to raise questions at the Liaison meetings. / Charter performance
regular agenda item
6. / Housing Operations Restructure (Myra Feeney)
Myra gave update on restructure measures being taken and have 4 pilot Housing Officers working in a generic role within a smaller patch size of around 250 houses. The pilot areas were confirmed as Tullichewan, South Drumry, Rosshead and Dalmuir.
These areas were chosen as they have high percentage of tenants with multiple needs ,a high number of void properties and arrears.
Housing Officers visited Glasgow Housing Association team at Anniesland and will be work shadowing with GHA Housing Officers one day a week for 4 weeks. IHMS officer also working with Housing Operations to review their processes ahead of the new system.
GHA was chosen because of their good practice and the improvements they have made since HO’s worked in smaller areas and were able to focus on all aspects for tenants.
Housing Officer’s knowledge base will increase with more awareness about dealing with mental health and income maximisation and will include shadowing Working4U officers to share knowledge.
Myra been spending time on planning, training and working with HR to ensure the change is managed well. Being done initially as a pilot so that they take time to get it right. / All to note
7 /
Update on Housing Involvement in Your Community (Scott Mclelland)
Your Community brings together all partners in the community and Housing has a huge role to play and Scott is the lead officer for Housing.
2 Tactical groups have been set up covering Dumbarton and Clydebank and they have a Budget for community improvements. 6 projects already been signed off including Vanguard Street and Radnor Park.
Your Plan, Your Place events been taking place and community action plans will be produced. Scott will keep WDTRO updated on progress and offered contact details for Your Community officers to be provided. / Scott McLelland
8. / Tenant Participation Update (Jane Mack)
Consultations -
· Asset Management Strategy – ongoing survey as well as Focus group meeting on Monday 6 November at 6pm till 8pm, Dalmuir CE Centre Meeting Room 1 . Good opportunity for tenants to influence a Strategy that will have an impact on the quality of their homes for at least the next 5 years.
· Housing News survey – annual survey to ensure HN is a good read and VFM - closing date is 5/11/17 –all views very welcome.
· Scrutiny Panel – completed the official Stepping up to Scrutiny Training with 2 new Panel volunteers. The Panel have completed their latest exercise on New tenant visits and paper going to HIB on 30/10 - if all recommendations agreed will then become an action plan that gets monitored by the Panel. Once HIB give approval, will get the Panel’s report circulated to the WDTRO.
· 4 tenant volunteers attending the TPAS conference next weekend so they will meet other active tenants and learn and develop their own skills to bring back and share.
· Walkabout process –S Drumry TRA have volunteered for pilot –still to be progressed but once developed will be rolled out to all areas.
· New TRA been set up in John Know Street, Clydebank- had their first successful public meeting 4/9/17 - will keep them informed of the WDTRO and hopefully they will join once they up and running.
Reminder that Pre- HACC Forum is on Mon 30/10/17 – tenants meet at 3pm to discuss papers and then meet Housing Convenor and officers who wrote the papers at 4pm and open to all.
Committee papers only posted out Tuesday so have gone first class so hopefully people will still have a chance to study them before Monday but apologies given for even less time than normal. / Jane Mack
9. / Forward Plan Update
Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) will be debated at pre-HACC – key issue is to get right type of housing in right areas and to meet housing needs eg. larger homes for larger families. Is cheaper to build flats but need to meet local needs so need to supply houses too.
Design of buildings identified as affecting people’s behaviour and tenants behaviour can improve when in new or improved buildings – been local examples.
Peter also confirmed that also want to spend smartly to increase spending on current stock.
Jim H asked for clarification if the new Council Administration were in agreement with this and Councillor Docherty confirmed that it was a key Scottish Government pledge to ensure that Council’s build more properties and if they don’t money will be removed and given to suppliers who will build so SNP Administration of WDC fully support Council house building.
10. / AOB
None raised
11. / Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 14/12/2017 at Garshake at 4pm