Magherafelt Sky Blues Football ClubConstitution and Codes of Ethics
Future Plans must be based on1. Continued emphasis on quality
2. Encourage coaches to attain higher coaching awards
3. To put in place the best possible facilities
4. To coach from an early age
5. To establish good footballing practices
6. Encouragement at all aspects of the Club
Magherafelt Sky Blues Football ClubConstitution
Name 1
The name of the Club shall be Magherafelt Sky Blues Football Club, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club’.
Objects 2
The primary aim and objective of the Club is to provide footballing facilities for the youth and adult players of Magherafelt and the outlying districts thereof and is based on the ethics of fair play, cross-community involvement and mutual understanding.
Membership 3
A - No person shall be denied membership of the Club on the grounds of race, colour, creed, ethic origin, sex or disability.
B - Participants are expected to contribute financially to the Club.
C - All members of the Club shall be expected to adhere to the Constitution and rules and additionally act in a manner befitting to the ethos of the Club.
Management and Trustees 4
A - The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by a committee (hereinafter called ‘the General Committee’) which shall be comprised of: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Head Coach, Public Relations Officer and representatives of the participant age groups.
B - The General Committee may from time to time at its discretion co-opt additional members to serve on that Committee.
C - The General Committee may from time to time establish sub-committees to conduct certain of the affairs of the Club which will act in accordance with Club policies.
D - The Trustees shall be a minimum number of three and a maximum number of four.
E – The Trustees shall be appointed by election at a General Meeting from among the members of the Club and on a vacancy occurring among the Trustees a new Trustee shall be appointed at the next ensuing General Meeting. Each Trustee shall remain in office until death or resignation or until he ceases to be a member of the Club or until he is for any reason removed from office by a resolution passed at a General Meeting of the Club
F – The Trustees shall, when authorised by a resolution passed by a two thirds majority of the members of the General Committee present and voting at a meeting of that Committee, sell, lease, grant, demise, mortgage or charge any of the property and effects of the Club vested in them and execute all documents necessary to effect the same and they shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Club property. The Minutes of the meeting at which such resolution is passed, shall, when confirmed, be evidence of such authority.
G - The assets of the Club shall protect the Trustees from pecuniary loss, except that arising from malfeasance or malpractice.
General Meetings 5
A- The Club shall hold its Annual General Meeting in June in each year and at each such Annual General Meeting the following matters shall form part of the Agenda:-
1 - Approval the minutes of the previous year’s A.G.M.
2 - Reports from the Chairman and Secretary.
3 - Report from the Treasurer and adoption the accounts.
4 - Election the General Committee.
5 - Consider changes to the Constitution.
6 - Renew and consider changes to the bye-laws where appropriate.
7 - Deliberate on any other business.
Election Procedure – For the purpose of all elections the following procedure applies –
A – No member be elected any office without first being nominated by two members present at the meeting (one as proposer and the other as seconder) and with the candidate’s consent to the nomination.
B – Voting shall be by show of hands by members present as appropriate for election to be held, or at the discretion of the Chairman by secret ballot.
Extraordinary General Meeting 6
The General Committee shall have the power to call an extraordinary General Meeting by decision of a simple majority of its members.
Monthly Meetings 7
Monthly meetings of the General Committee shall be held with 14 days notice being given to Committee members.
Voting 8
With the exception of changes to the constitution, decisions put to the vote shall be resolved by a majority. In the event of a tie the chairman shall hold the deciding vote.
Quora 9
The quorum at General Meetings shall be at least two thirds of the General Committee. Where a quorum does not exist but at least three General Committee Members are present, the meeting shall take place but the members present may decide to seek the opinions of absent Committee members on urgent matters requiring a decision, either by written verification or appropriate methods.
Changes to the Constitution 10
A - Any changes to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting of the Club.
B - Any proposal to a change in the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Secretary who shall circulate the proposal to all members in the Club and allow one week for submissions of any amendments before calling a meeting in accordance with rule 5a.
Finance and Accounts 11
A - The Financial year shall run from June to May each year.
B - The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of Annual Accounts of the Club.
C - All cheques or bank account withdrawals drawn against Club funds must be signed by the Treasurer and one other nominated officer-bearer.
Bye-Laws 12
The General Committee shall have the power to publish and administer such bye-laws as they deem necessary or expedient to govern the activities of the Club.
Dissolution 13
In the event of the dissolution of the Club, the assets shall, following satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, be dispersed to one or more Clubs having a similar ethos or related to those of the Club, as shall be determined by a simple majority of the General Committee.
Child Protection Policy 14
The Club shall adopt and actively use an approved Child Protection Policy.
Indemnity 15
The Club shall continually indemnify every officer, member, volunteer and participant of the Club from against all claims, demands, actions and proceedings made or brought against the Club in connection with its activities or in the administration of Club duties. This indemnity shall not extend to fraud, malpractice or wrongful omission on the behalf of the person or member sought to be made liable. The Treasurer shall effect a policy of insurance in respect of this indemnity.
Discipline 16
Club members whilst on Club duty e.g. at matches, training and social functions where the Club is being represented must conduct themselves in an orderly fashion at all times. Members failing to do so may be the subject of an investigation by the Committee, who may take whatever action they consider necessary.
Remuneration 17
No remuneration shall be paid to any official of the Club. Only vouched and proper expenses incurred for official Club business will be paid to relevant members who produce the required documentation e.g. postage, stationary etc.
Code Of Ethics
1.1 - Play for enjoyment, not to please your parent or coach.
1.2 - Play by the laws of the game.
1.3 - Always accept the referee’s decision.
1.4 - Play with control. Do not lose your temper.
1.5 - Play for yourself and your team - your team's performance will benefit and so will your own.
1.6 - Be a good sport. Applaud all good play whether by your team or the opponent.
1.7 - Respect your opponent. Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not "bully" or take advantage of any players.
1.8 - Cooperate with the coach, team mates and opponents.
1.9 - Remember that the goals of the game are to have fun, improve your skills, and feel good.
1.10 - At the final whistle applaud and thank your opponents and the referee for the match.
1.11 - Always remember that you owe a duty of care to your opponents. Tackle hard but fairly, do not intend to hurt your opponent.
1.12 - Win with humility - loose with dignity.
2.1 - Remember that as a coach of underage teams you must act in "loco parentis" and to that extent your duty of care is more onerous than that of a coach to an adult team.
2.2 - Remember that young people need a coach whom they can respect. Lead by example.
2.3 - Be generous with your praise when it is deserved.
2.4 - Never ridicule or shout at players for making mistakes or loosing a match.
2.5 - Teach your players that the laws of the game are mutual agreements which no one should evade or break.
2.6 - Be reasonable in your demands on the players' time energy and enthusiasm. Remember that they have other interests and demands on their time.
2.7 - Ensure that all players participate in matches. The "average" players require and deserve equal time.
2.8 - Remember that young players play for fun and enjoyment and that skill learning and playing for fun have priority over highly structured competitions. WINNING IS NOT THE ONLY OBJECTIVE.
2.9 - Develop player and team respect for the ability of opponents, as well as for the judgment of referees and opposing coaches.
2.10 - Insist on fair play and disciplined play. Do not tolerate foul play, fighting or foul language. Be prepared to take off an offending player.
2.11 - Set realistic goals for the team and individual players and do not push young players into adult - like competitions.
2.12 - Encourage young players to develop basic skills and sportsmanship. Avoid over specialisation in positional play during their formative years.
2.13 - Create a safe and enjoyable environment in which to train and play.
2.14 - Do not overburden young players with too much information.
2.15 - Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed on sound coaching principles and methods, and on the principles of growth and development of young people.
2.16 - Be aware of the effect you have on growing children.
2.17 - Never criticize the referee or assistant referee during or after a match in front of players or spectators.
2.18 - Always thank the match officials and if they have made decisions which require clarification, discuss the problems after everyone has changed.
2.19 - Ensure that proper equipment and facilities are available at all times.
2.20 - Seek and follow the advice of a doctor in determining when an injured player is ready to play again.
2.21 - Ensure that all your players know that bullying whether verbal or physical will not be tolerated.
Parents’ Code of Ethics
· Encourage but not force an unwilling child to participate in sport or in the Club.
. Recognize that children's enjoyment in sport and as a member of this Club is paramount.
. Emphasize enjoyment and fun, praising and reinforcing effort and improvement.
. Promote and teach fair play by setting a good example.
. Help your child to set realistic goals, improve their skills and develop a positive sporting attitude.
. Never ridicule or shout at any child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
. Acknowledge and applaud good play by all players including opposing players. Parents / Guardians should set an example by being friendly towards the opposing team, its supporters and parents.
. Publicly accept an official's judgment and never question their honesty.
. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children's sporting activities.
. Express any concerns about their child or the Club to the nominated officer.
. Recognize the importance and value of coaches and others within the Club who give their time, expertise and resources to provide opportunities for young people.