Monday, February 13, 2006
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Tempe, AZ 10:00 a.m.
President Rick Simonetta called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
Rick Simonetta
Nate Peterson
Jerry Fay
Steve Brown
Carlos de Leon
Jean Ann Fisher
Jim Dickey
Kurt Weinrich
Larry Miller
Alan Wulkan
David Boggs
Tim Oliver for Mike Sabatini
Ken Driggs
John Anderson
Becky Rutledge
Stuart Goodman - Goodman Schwartz Public Affairs
Eric Anderson – MAG
Stuart Goodman distributed an Arizona Transit Association position paper for SB 1166 – “Stopping Vehicles on Highways”. ADOT did support this bill publicly. DPS did not come out with any traffic concerns and are not opposing this bill.
The Arizona Transit Association position paper on “Local Transportation Assistance Fund (LTAF II)” was also distributed by Stuart Goodman.
The quarterly meeting with Gail Howard, Office of the Governor, went well. There was some discussion about the rail portion of the AzTA Annual Conference. Once the re-election of the Governor takes place this fall, we should see more visible rail support.
A. Meeting Minutes
Motion: Carlos de Leon moved approval of the January 9, 2006 Board meeting minutes.
Second: David Boggs
Action: Approved Unanimously
B. Financial Report a/o January 31, 2006
Motion: Steve Brown moved approval of the January 31, 2006, financial report.
Second: Kurt Weinrich
Action: Approved Unanimously
John Anderson noted the overall revenue is 57% of budget and expenses are 49%. This is a decent position to be in at this juncture.
C. ADOT 2006 Board Meeting calendar
John Anderson distributed an ADOT 2006 board meeting calendar and requested board members indicate what meetings they would be able to attend as AzTA’s representative. Kurt Weinrich encouraged AzTA board members to also attend the Thursday evening social to build relationships.
A. Strategic Planning
Larry Miller stated the last planning session is scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, at 12 p.m. A draft will then be prepared for consideration by the board at the April meeting. It will chart a course for the future that is achievable.
The members of this committee are Rick Simonetta, Jerry Fay, Steve Brown, Kurt Weinrich, Jeff Meilbeck, Ken Driggs and Larry Miller.
B. Pima RTA Plan
Kurt Weinrich distributed a public information brochure published by the RTA staff and board. The RTA board adopted this plan in October 2005. The local governing boards who are members of the RTA and PAG unanimously endorsed the plan. This has never happened in the Pima County history.
There have been well over 300 public presentations and meetings in the past year and two months and $850,000 in cash commitments to date.
There has been a lot of media attention and support with only three organizations who have stated a public opposition to the plan. Those opposed are:
1. Project not in the plan – Snyder Road/Bridge
2. Project in the plan – Owners of business along Grant Road
3. Arizona Taxpayer’s Association
There is a very good balance between highways and transit. The legislation for RTA is very specific and constraining. There is something for everyone in this plan.
The legislation does not require the RTA to have a citizen oversight committee but the RTA has indicated that one would be established if the election is successful. The general election for municipalities is May 16, 2006.
Motion: LarryMiller moved AzTA publicly support RTA in this legislation.
Second: Carlos de Leon
Action: Approved Unanimously
Action Required: Kurt Weinrich will draft the public support letter and get it to AzTA.
Kurt Weinrich also stated the modern street car is included financial in the RTA plan. However, the debate of the preferred alternative is still ongoing.
Motion: Alan Wulkan moved AzTA make a $500 contribution to the Citizens Campaign for the RTA Plan.
Second: Larry Miller
Action: Approved Unanimously
Motion: David Boggs moved AzTA make a $500 contribution to support Flagstaff in its election ($300 to campaign and $200 filing fee).
Second: Jerry Fay
Action: Approved Unanimously
C. ADOT – Rural Transit Study $ Match
Jim Dickey handed out the updated SAFETEA-LU allocations to the State. This information gives a reasonably good picture of amount of money that comes and goes in our state. The 5309 portion does vary from year to year.
A second document, “State of Arizona Rural Transit Needs Study” was then distributed by Jim Dickey. This study would actually be done by ADOT on behalf of COGs and the rural areas that do not have a plan. Jim would like AzTA to get involved with this issue.
Larry Miller stated one of the missing pieces of the strategic plan is a Rural Transit Needs Study.
The proposed study has an estimated budget of $250,000 with an anticipated completion date in this calendar year. ADOT can provide federal funds for 80% of this budget. Jim Dickey requested the AzTA board to provide the local match of twenty percent ($50,000) to complete the study. COGs and MPOs were unable to fund as their money comes from ADOT and federal funds as such does not qualify for local match.
Alan Wulkan stated the Strategic Planning process of this organization should be addressing the issue regarding request for money. The committee should outline local match for any study and what criteria will be used.
Larry Miller stated the Strategic Planning Committee is focused on legislation to attain dedicated money for transit. The only way we can get there is to have documented research that supports our position. We should spend the money for the COGs studies because it is in our best interest in achieving our goals. Larry Miller would like AzTA to own the information to argue our case.
Jean Ann Fisher agreed that this has been an issue for AzTA since she was Board President. She stated we need to say what is lacking before providing the money. We have no way of being intelligent with a figure. We have an obligation to see that this study is done.
Motion: Larry Miller moved AzTA provide the twenty percent local match of $50,000 for the ADOT “State of Arizona Rural Transit Needs Study”.
Second: David Boggs
Action: “Abstaining” – Alan Wulkan/Jim Dickey/Jerry Fay; “No” – Zero, “Aye” – eight remaining board members
Action Required: John Anderson and Jim Dickey will work together to make sure it is legal for AzTA to provide “local match” money.
Jim Dickey will have ADOT draw up a memorandum of understanding that this is a “not to exceed project/budget”. The memorandum will also specify how the project is managed and that AzTA needs to be involved.
It was noted that AzTA now has Directors and Officers insurance in place.
Rick Simonetta stated APTA has received grants from the FTA to do certain projects that benefit the industry.
D. Group Membership/Maricopa County
John Anderson stated we could pick up non-member cities that have difficulty getting budget approval. David Boggs stated this had already been approved with a July funding.
President Rick Simonetta departed for another meeting at 11:27 a.m. Nate Peterson ran the meeting until adjournment.
E. Annual Conference
Carlos de Leon stated the First Annual Rail Symposium would be held on Friday, April 28, at our Annual Conference. The schedule is as outlined:
Tuesday, April 25 - a “Golf with Friends” outing is scheduled at Karsten. This event runs $70 and includes a dinner.
Wednesday, April 26 - general opening session
Thursday, April 27 – all day sessions and ADOT training
Friday, April 28 – rail symposium
VI. Any Other Business
The October 9th AzTA Board Meeting conflicts with APTA and will be moved to October 16, 2006.
Monday, March 13, 2006, at 10:00 a.m., Parsons Brinckerhoff
Treasurer Nate Peterson adjourned the meeting at 11:39 a.m.