We never pay for our books upfront. Pay after you have received your order. Check your order before you pay.

If you have any questions about the vendors, websites, how to pay, etc., please call the vendor for details.

Our RIF pin number is CO0082. This pin number is for RIF only.

Contact the vendor for catalogs.

Oftentimes there is greater selection via online ordering than in vendor catalogs.

When informing a vendor on how to handle substitutions you can indicate “choose substitutions from titles ordered” otherwise the vendor will make the selection.

Scholastic – order by phone, email, or order through their website

1.800.724.2222, Option 2

To pay Scholastic with a credit card call their Credit Office 1.800.225.1761.

You will usually receive an invoice 30 days after you receive your order. You can pay with a check or you can call and pay with your credit card. If you want the electronic order form emailed to you contact Deb Romero and she will email it to you. The order form corresponds with the catalog. You can also work with our RIF Scholastic representative, Linda Edwards, to order books:, 1.800.387.1437 x6240.

Books4School – order by phone, email, or order through their website


in Chrome not Explorer)

Choose Option 5 for orders and to pay with your credit card.

You can download their self-calculating Excel order form:

The invoice will be in a box along with your books. You can pay with a check or you can call and pay with your credit card.

Note that there is much greater selection via online ordering than in the catalog.

AKJ Books / Literacy for Less

Cindy Bruce


Contact Cindy for orders and to pay with your credit card.

If you want the Literacy for Less electronic order form, contact Deb Romero and she will email it to you. The order form corresponds with the catalog.

The invoice will be in a box along with your books. You can pay with a check or you can call and pay with your credit card.

Barnes & Noble – 20% Discount

Please contact the district RIF Coordinator about purchasing books from Barnes & Noble.

Debra Romero, RIF Coordinator, 720.423.1838,