Legislative Branch Project
The following project will be completed in the form of a research paper and visual aid.
- The paper should be a minimum of three pages. Each person must be responsible for at least one page of the paper.
- You will need at least three sources, included in a bibliography.
- One may include a book of some type
- One may include the internet
- One may include an almanac, encyclopedia, etc…
- Each group will present their information to the class on the assigned date.
- The project will include a visual presentation (poster) highlighting the most important information to be given to the class.
The topics to be covered:
- Explain the membership qualifications for both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Include the number of members, and summarize a description of the current Congress (gender, age, ethnic background). Also include why Congress was originally set up the way it is as a bicameral legislature.
- Explain how the Senate is organized. Describe the committee system, including the number of committees, their responsibilities and the rules that govern them. Also name the leaders of the Senate and describe their jobs that govern the Senate.
- Explain how the House of Representatives is organized. Describe the committee system, including the number of committees, their responsibilities, and the rules that govern them. Also name the leaders of the House and describe their jobs that govern the House.
- Explain the powers of Congress. Identify both the implied and the delegated powers. Include the special powers that are specifically given to the Senate and the House. Research examples of how the Senate and/or the House used these powers in the past.
- Two parts:
- Research the benefits of a Congress person. Include salary, benefits, staff workers, privileges. Include terms such as log rolling, franking privilege, lobbyist, and junkets.
- Write about the following controversial issues that face our Congress. Explain the problem, and then write how you would deal with it.
- Seniority system
- Term limits
- Apportionment (gerrymandering)
You will have 3 days for research time, and preparing your visual aid.
We will present these to the class on May 5-6
Which means these are due on May 6
Here is what you are being graded on:
1. Written paper: 3 pages covering all parts of the topic40 points
*clearly separate out the parts of the paper
2. Visual aidenhances the project/creativity20 points
3. Oral presentation (all members involved), quality25 points
4. Use of class time for three research days25 points
5. Bibliography (use of at least three different sources10 points
from the list above)