Utterby Parish Council

Minutes from the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held

on Wednesday 1st April2015 at 7.00pm in the Parish Room

15/04-1 Public Session
There were no members of the public present.
15/04-2 Presentation from John Kinch Group Builds - Mr Stuart Kinch who is a director of the company thanked the Council for the opportunity to consult with the Parish Council and present their intention to develop land owned by GBM UK Limited; The Chairman informed Mr Kinch that the Council has agreed to hear the proposal WITHOUT PREJUDICE and that the proposal should be presented to the whole parish at the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 27th May. Mr Kinch outlined their very draft proposal to build on two areas in the village; one site along Church Lane towards the GBM pondof around20 houses and another site behind the Parish Room for social housing. The Council informed Mr Kinch that the current Local Plan has no development plans within the village and he would be best advised to speak to the District Council for any planning matters which have an effect on their proposal. Mr Kinch has agreed to discuss with ELDC Planning Officers and attend the Annual Parish Meeting with firmer proposals.Mr Kinch left at 7:45 pm.
15/04-3 Present/ Apologies
Present: Cllr R Must, (Chairman), Cllr B Frobisher (Vice-Chairman),
Cllr J Woodward, Cllr A Woodward, Cllr N Mackinand Cllr A Van Spall.
Also in attendance: Cllr H Marfleet (LCC Ward Member), Mrs N Must (Acting Clerk)
15/04-4 Declarations of Interest
The Chairman, Cllr J Woodward, Cllr A Woodward and Cllr A van Spall declared pecuniary interests in respect of Agenda Item 15/04-2 and sought dispensation before the presentation. Following the completion of Dispensation Request Forms, the Parish Council granted them dispensation to participatein the discussionas without the dispensation, the number of Councillors unable to participate inthe presentation would be so great as to impede the discussions.
15/04-5Minutes from 4th March 2015
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to agree the minutes of the last meeting as an accurate record and they were duly signed by the Chairman.
15/04-6 Council Matters
a)Chairman’s Remarks – The Chairman reported that Parish Room Committee has not indicated their intentions. Mr H Walpole has communicated that they will wait for the annual financial accounts to be completed before making any decisions.
b)Parish Elections –All nomination papers from current councillors were completed and signed. The Parish Clerk to present to ELDC for submission.
c)Parish ClerkEmployment Contract– The Council confirmed that the report and recommendations submitted by the Clerk including the draft Employment Contract had been proposed, seconded and approved.
15/04-7Actions from Previous Meeting and Communications
a) Clerk’s Report – The actions were either completed or are on the agenda for discussion..
b) CPRE Best Kept Village Competition – It was proposed, seconded and agreed to register for this year’s competition. Cllr A Woodward has volunteered to be the coordinator and was given the documents to complete. Payment of £15 to be approved at the next meeting.
c) Grayscroft letter – The funding request was discussed. However, there is no budget to provide any funding and there was no evidence that residents use the bus services. The Clerk to send a reply.
d) BT Adopt a Kiosk – The Council agreed not to adopt the kiosk and to remain as a public phone for continued use.
e) EL CAB – The Council noted the thank you letter.
f) Wolds News April to October 2015 Newsletter – The Council noted receipt of newsletters
g) CiLCA 2013 Registration – The Council noted receipt of registration payment
h) Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine – The Council noted receipt of March 2015 issue.
15/04-8 Local Policing
The Police update since the last meeting on 4thMarch 2015 was only one suspicious incident reported but it was nothing of any importance. The Clerk attended the Rural South Policing Panel last night (31st March) and reported that rural farm burglaries of quad bikes continues and there are changes of personnel due to retirement.
15/04-9 Report from Outside Bodies – to receive reports from
a)ELDC Ward Member Report– No report provided. Cllr Burnett absent.
b)LCC Ward Member Report –Cllr Marfleet reported that the Care Act 2014 legislation is now in place. Councils have a duty to promote people’s wellbeing, to help prevent or delay needs for care and support and to provide information and advice service about care and support. The library service provision continues until all voluntary groups have been approved. Cllr Marfleet left at 8:50 pm.
c)Northern Area Committee– The Chairman reported that there was no Utterby presence at the last meeting because it was held at the same time and date as the Parish Council. Having read the minutes from that meeting, the only relevant matter was that the Area Committee Working Group had completed their report and their recommendation for further consideration of roles and functions of area committees. This report will be considered by ELDC after the elections in May.
15/04-10Planning Matters
a)Wind Farm Collaboration Group –Chairman attended the meeting on Monday, 9th March. The main issue was the ongoing request for financial assistance from member parish councils. However, MWAG financial accounts have not been available to provide accounting transparency and lack of available resources to manage operations. The Damwells application is on appeal and the next meeting in May is still to be advised.
15/04-10 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a)Bus shelters/timber structures – Demolition of the bench near to the BT phone boxis still work in progress. The Vice-Chairman to inform when this will be done.
b)Village Green Trees – Donation of a tree replacement is still in progress. Cllr Woodward to report back at next meeting.
c)Utterby Voice – The Chairman reported that Mrs W Berry will no longer be delivering the newsletter at Grange Lane properties. There were more complaints on non-delivery of the newsletter on Main Road towards Louth. The Vice Chairman also reported that he will also no longer deliver. The Clerk will revise distribution areas for rest of Parish Councillors.
d)Welcome Pack – No new residents in the village to be provided with a pack.
15/04-12 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a)Public Footpaths Maintenance – The Chairman had been assured by LCC Highways that the work on the A16 footpath will be done but not on the current priority list.
b)Church Lane flooding – The ELDC Drainage Officer is still waiting for Environment Agency and LCC Highways to action.
15/04-13 Finance and Budgets
a)Payments - – It was proposed, seconded and resolved to sign payments for April 2015 as detailed below.
  1. LALC Councillor Training - £7.00
  2. LALC 2015/16 and Local Council Review Subscriptions – £116.77
  3. LALC Training Scheme 2015/16 - £45.00
  4. There were no other orders for payments.
b)Other Payments – under delegated powers through the Council’s Financial Regulations, the Clerk was authorised by the Chairman and Cllr J Woodward on payments of invoices listed below in order to consolidate final payments relating to 2014-15 annual accounts. The Council noted and approved.
  1. Acting Clerk’s March expenses for £57.98
  2. CP Pest Control – for mole problem - £40.00
  3. Utterby Voice printing March 2015 issue - £24.00
  4. Utterby Parish Room – Invoice 66 – hire of village hall November to March - £64.00
  5. Geoff Dales – Invoice 45 for bus shelter cleaning March 2015 - £16.00
c)Financial Monitoring Review – The end of year accounts was approved by Council.
d)Assets Register – The Council noted that the Village Sign was added at cost and insurance value of £2,000 and removal of two benches with insurance values of £700 for both. The amended Assets Register was approved by Council. The Council asked for guidance on
e)Notice of Audit of Accounts for year ended 31st March 2015 – This was noted.
15/04-14Date and time of Next Meeting–Annual General Meeting, Wednesday, 13th May 2015 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 9:20 pm.
Signed: Date: / Acting Clerk
Acting Clerk
Acting Clerk
Cllr A Woodward
Acting Clerk

Minutes from the Meeting held 1st April2015Page 1 of 3