Background Note:
Advancing the focus on HIV and AIDS
within the EFA-FTI partnership in liaison with the
UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education
In 2004, the EFA-FTI Secretariat commissioned a review of the way in which the HIV and AIDS response of the education sector had been addressed in the 12 FTI country plans that had been endorsed at the time. The report[1] found that only one of the endorsed plans included a substantive response, suggesting that HIV and AIDS was being overlooked by both the countries developing the plans and the development partner teams appraising them. The results and recommendations of the report was considered during the November 2004 FTI Partnership Meeting in Brasilia, and led to changes in the FTI Appraisal and Endorsement Guidelines (2005).
In December 2005 at the EFA-FTI Partnership meeting, Ireland and Canada agreed to take the lead on supporting a greater focus on HIV and AIDS within the Partnership with support from a working group[2] of the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education[3].
Recent Efforts by the IATT
Second Assessment of Endorsed Education Sector Plans
A second study[4] was commissioned in 2006 by the UNAIDS IATT on Education and the EFA-FTI Secretariat of newly endorsed FTI plans to: determine the extent to which the education sector plans of the newly endorsed FTI countries address HIV and AIDS; assess progress since the last review in integrating HIV and AIDS in country plans; and to make recommendations on how the FTI assessment guidelines could be further strengthened to support the mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS into the education sector plans and to support, more generally, the inclusion of HIV and AIDS issues into national plans.
The second assessment concluded that, while the second group of 8 endorsed plans pay greater attention to HIV and AIDS than was the case in the first 12, FTI guidance on HIV and AIDS – as currently structured – is not being translated into coherent and consistent practice across countries. Current FTI processes for education plan preparation, appraisal and endorsement do not yet provide a systematic approach to ensure that the key components of an HIV and AIDS response for the sector are adequately addressed.
The draft findings were presented to the IATT in Amsterdam in November 2006 and again to the FTI Partnership in Cairo (November 2006), with recommendations drafted by the working group in partnership with the FTI Secretariat. The draft report and recommendations were circulated to 8 countries for feedback using FTI architecture. These recommendations were approved by the IATT and presented to the FTI Technical meeting in Bonn earlier this year, identifying priority areas of action. These included steps to:
· strengthen the quality of plan preparation;
· strengthen the appraisal process; and
· further support collaborations between EFA-FTI and the IATT as well as other pertinent groups such as UNGEI.
Development of a Mainstreaming Toolkit
The IATT has developed a Toolkit for Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the Education Sector: Guidelines for Development Cooperation Agencies which aims to help education staff from development cooperation agencies – including both development and humanitarian oriented multilateral and bilateral agencies, as well as NGOs and other civil society organizations – support the process of mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into education sector planning and implementation. It provides resources and support to assess the progress countries have made with respect to HIV and AIDS mainstreaming; to identify entry points and review progress; and to establish priorities for advocacy and action. It is designed to be used as a reference tool or a resource for training and discussion, depending on the local needs and context.
While not designed specifically for the FTI process, it is foreseen that this toolkit will also be useful for the plan preparation process by supporting EFA-FTI partners to
· make a competent and comprehensive assessment of the status of mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into education sector plans;
· identify key areas that are not being addressed and decide on priorities; and
· Develop a strategy for addressing the gaps.
During the IATT meeting in November, members will discuss specific mechanisms to support its use, including opportunities such as workshops at the country level.
Identification of forthcoming countries
To further support the plan preparation process at the country level, the working group is identifying countries in which IATT members could intervene to inquire whether external support was needed to integrate HIV issues into the development of the FTI plan. This technical support would be provided by individual IATT member agencies with presence in the identified countries.
Review of the appraisal guidelines
The FTI Secretariat is in the process of revising the 2006 EFA-FTI Guidelines for the Appraisal of the Primary Education Component of an Education Sector Plan[5] in collaboration with the working group on strengthening country level performance.
The IATT working group is currently reviewing the guidelines to assess the extent to which current references to HIV and AIDS are sufficient and will propose suggestions for further revision, if necessary, to the FTI Secretariat. The IATT is also considering developing a simple checklist that could be used to assist with the strengthening of the appraisal process (see below).
Inclusion of HIV indicators in the country information forms
The FTI has developed a standard country information form for Catalytic Fund proposals that sets out benchmarks on how the country will monitor progress and provides information on financing and updates. These forms are expected to become baseline documents at the time of endorsement. The FTI Secretariat has agreed to consider the inclusion of additional HIV- and AIDS-related indicators in these forms, as suggested by the Working Group.
Checklist to assess the integration of HIV
The IATT Working Group has begun discussions with UNGEI to identify lessons learned and experience with assessing the integration of gender and HIV in 3 FTI education sector plans. This includes:
· Reviewing the assessments undertaken to date on the integration of these two issues in FTI education sector plans;[6]
· Examining the methodology/tools used for the respective reviews;
· Developing a tool that would enable an analysis of the integration of these issues in the assessment of FTI education sector plans
Annex: Recommendations from the 2006 Clarke and Bundy review that are informing the workplan of the IATT Working Group
Objective / Actions / ActorsActions at the Country Level
Preparation of Education Plan / Strengthen the capacity of relevant section in ministries of education / Provide funding for technical support for the preparation of policies and strategies to address HIV and AIDS specifically within National Education Sector Plans / Local donors
Appraisal/Endorsement Process / Strengthen the capacity of the donor group to appraise the plan from the perspective of HIV and AIDS / Support the overall FTI endorsement and reappraisal process through assessment and planning exercises including training around the IATT Toolkit for Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the Education Sector (2007) / IATT on Education, FTI, development partners at local and central levels
Resources and Technical Assistance / Ensure access and availability of local, regional and international technical service providers to countries / Identify and make available list of local, regional and international technical service providers for reference / National AIDS authorities, local donors, IATT on Education, UNAIDS (through Technical Support Facilities (TSFs)
Inclusion of Relevant Stakeholders / Ensure inclusion of the National AIDS Authorities in the appraisal process / Engage National AIDS Authorities in the appraisal process / Lead donor agency facilitate the engagement of the National AIDS Authorities
Toolkit / Support the overall FTI endorsement and reappraisal process through assessment and planning exercises including training around the IATT Toolkit / Offer workshops using the IATT Toolkit for Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the Education Sector to support a comprehensive approach to the integration of HIV & AIDS in the education sector plans / IATT on Education, local donors
Make available a set of best practices for the integration of HIV & AIDS in education plans that can be used as reference guides for countries currently developing plans / IATT on Education
Actions to be led by FTI Secretariat
FTI Guidelines and Process for Quality Assurance / Ensure ongoing support and access to the FTI appraisal process for Partner countries and countries working towards endorsed education sector plans / Provide countries and donor groups additional user-friendly guidance on the key components of an education policy framework and education sector strategy on HIV and AIDS; Review guidelines to assess extent to which current references to HIV and AIDS are sufficient and revise if necessary; Strengthen reference to inclusion of civil society, PLHAs, consultation with National AIDS Authorities, etc / IATT and FTI
External Financial Support of the Appraisal Process : Catalytic Fund/Expanded Catalytic Fund / Support access to available donor resources / Revise Catalytic Fund (CF)/ Expanded Catalytic Fund (ECF) country information template to include reference to HIV and AIDS / FTI Secretariat with support from IATT on Education
Integrate a review of the education sector response to HIV and AIDS within the appraisal process for the second round funding within ECF; Proposals for renewed funding should demonstrate progress towards established benchmarks in order to qualify for financing / Local donors with support from central level donors and FTI
Develop benchmarks for institutional capacity, HIV and AIDS Policy, HIV and AIDS strategy in education sector plan to support the FTI appraisal process; proposed benchmarks should be consistent with and complementary to the revised guidelines / IATT on Education, FTI Secretariat
External Financial Support of the Appraisal Process: EPDF / Support access to available donor resources / Revise regional guidelines and proposals for funding through the EPDF to ensure that the issues of HIV and AIDS (and gender) are appropriately mainstreamed in all proposals for analysis, planning and capacity building; Sector Managers should include HIV/AIDS in the list of areas that could potentially receive EPDF funding on standard documents used by Technical Team Leaders (TTLs) / World Bank with support from IATT or consultant
Revise EPDF guidelines to facilitate access to funds to address capacity development needs in the area of HIV and AIDS / EPDF
Develop a communication strategy to heighten awareness of the EPDF within the Partnership with specific reference to financing for technical assistance in the area of HIV and AIDS in the Education sector / EPDF
Follow up and Monitoring / Support successful implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes / Continue current process of audit and review of endorsed sector plans on a bi-annual basis. Selection should include sector plans endorsed in the early years and newly endorsed plans. A joint working group to lead the audit/review process should include representatives from the United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI), IATT, the FTI Secretariat and an appropriate FTI Partner country / FTI Secretariat
Incorporate education strategies and plans for HIV and AIDS as a standing component of the FTI Status Report presented at the bi-annual FTI Partnership meetings and reported at the EFA High Level Group Meeting / FTI
Discuss planning for HIV and AIDS at annual regional FTI meetings; share best practices, address common challenges, report on progress / FTI regional groups with support from FTI Secretariat
FTI/IATT collaboration / Implement mechanisms to support actualisation of recommendations included in the FTI/IATT draft report to countries / Further develop and maintain the partnership between IATT and FTI
Invite the FTI Secretariat to nominate a staff member to participate in a joint IATT/FTI working group / IATT
Establish clear TORs and an action plan based on the recommendations expressed here, including the development of user friendly guidelines/checklist for countries/information on sources and types of technical assistance for both ministries and in country donor groups
Cost action plan and explore possible financing options
[1] Clarke, D. and Bundy, D. 2004. The EFA Fast Track Initiative: Responding to the Challenge of HIV and AIDS to the Education Sector. Washington, DFID and World Bank
[2] Working Group members include: Christopher Castle (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization – UNESCO), Nora Fyles (Canadian International Development Agency – CIDA), Máire Matthews (Irish Aid), Kara Mitchell (CIDA), Justine Sass (UNESCO), and Joris Van Bommel (Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Deidre Watson (UK Department for International Development (DFID).
[3] The IATT on Education is convened by UNESCO and brings together UNAIDS Cosponsors, bilateral agencies and civil society organizations with the purpose of accelerating and improving a coordinated and harmonised education sector response to HIV and AIDS. For more information on the IATT, please visit
[4] Clarke, D. and Bundy, D. 2007. The EFA Fast Track Initiative: An Assessment of the Responsiveness of Endorsed Education Sector Plans to HIV and AIDS. Washington, World Bank.
[5] Available online at:
[6] This includes the 2004 and 2006 reviews mentioned above as well as: Seel D, Clarke D. 2005. Integrating Gender into Education for All Fast Track Initiative Processes and National Education Plans. New York, UNICEF;