The Rotary Club of Doylestown, PA
2013 Community Grant Program
January 22, 2013
The Doylestown Rotary Club has served the community for over 85 years. Its 50 members meet weekly and practice “Service above self”. The Doylestown Rotary sponsors scholarships for local high school students, coordinates international exchange programs, provides volunteers for charitable events, and funds worthy community projects. The vision of the Doylestown Rotary is to be a recognized leader in encouraging and fostering service as a basis of worthy enterprise.
Purpose of this Request for Proposal
The Doylestown Rotary seeks funding proposals from local organizations providing services to the citizens of Doylestown and BucksCounty. The grant funding should meet an outstanding need in a nonprofit organization; it should not support ongoing requirements and may not supplement payroll for existing staff. The Doylestown Rotary will evaluate all requests and make grants ranging up to $3,000. Each organization may submit one request.
Proposal Guidelines
Grants are awarded based on adherence to these guidelines, feasibility, soundness, cost efficiency, and contribution to the mission of the community organization. A concise, one page proposal is requested, in no case should the proposal extend beyond two typewritten pages.
Prepare proposals using MS Word with the following information:
1. Executive Summary – Aone-paragraphsummary of the project and cost.
2. Description of Your Organization–A one-paragraph summary of the organization.
3. Background Information – One or two paragraphs describing the need that will beaddressed, the target group receiving benefits and the planned project location.
4. Program/Project Description– One to three paragraphs describing the project, its goals and objectives. Useful information includes timelines, benchmarks, and the desired outcome.
5. Budget Narrative – One paragraph with overall costs of the project; total funding needed, and expected contributions. Specify non-cash resources (volunteers, materials, etc).
Submission DEADLINE is February 28,2013
Submit proposals by email (PDF or Microsoft Word) to of the Doylestown Rotary Clubno later than February 28, 2013. Grant recipients are announced at the end of March 2013, and grants are awarded at the Rotary Four Way Test Awards Breakfast on April 24, 2013.
We request notification of completion of funded projects. In addition, we may request a speaker from organizations receiving grantsat a mutually acceptable time for a presentation to the Rotary Club.