- Social & Emotional Learning(SEL)
teachers / *Keeping Safe-Child Protection Curriculum (CPC)
*National Safe Schools Framework (NSSF) – revisit focus areas with staff during staff meetings / Over the year
Over the year / Students are active participants in SEL programs such as Play is the way, Bounce Back. Choice theory, Friendly Kids Friendly Classrooms etc.
The beginning of the year program emphasises positive interactions and healthy relationships.
Students participate in the 4 focus areas of the CPC (The Right to be Safe; Relationships; Recognising and Reporting Abuse; Protective Strategies) – staff include evidence to demonstrate they have incorporated the CPC in their teaching programs during Professional Dialogue/Performance Development meetings with their line managers
Students have explicit lessons delivered on bullying/bystander behaviours, drug and alcohol awareness, growth and development augmented by the Brainstorm performance/anti-bullying poster competition/National Day of Action Against Bullying and Harmony Day activities
There is a 5% reduction in Suspensions and Exclusions / Wellbeing Committee looks at current CPC scope and sequence and updates it to align with latest ‘Keeping Safe’ Child protection Curriculum
- Create safe conditions for students to learn
- Revisit school’s attendance improvement pla
- Provision of special programs/social skills lessons to support engagement and participation for priority groups e.g :
-Disengaged JP
-Disengaged Girls
-Aboriginal Students
-Case management of GOM students
-High achieving students
- / All teaching staff
School Counsellor
Classroom teachers
SSO (drives bus)
Counsellor, SSO, chaplains, PE teacher
SSO/Sp. Needs staff
Chaplain / counsellor / Social Work student/Fleurieu Families
Class teachers/counsellor
class teachers
South Coast health/ACEO
FSA /class teachers/
Staff/parents / *SA TfEL/TfEL Teachers’ Companion/Element cards
*Strategies for Managing Abuse Related Trauma (SMART)
Exceptional Circumstances Grant to fund attendance improvement –school bus picks up targeted, priority groups of students from their homes
*RAAP funding for Boys’ Group conducted 4 afternoons/week
*JP Social Skills groups
*Girls’ groups - Friendship circle (single gender groups) in conjunction with Uniting Communities
*Choice Theory (Behaviour car); The Tree of Life/anti-bullying /positive relationships /- strengths/resiliency programs
*Bounce Back; Program Achieve; Friendly Kids; Play is the Way; Lunch activities etc.
Specialised Nunga language/ culture/literacy/numeracy lessons
Surf and lifesaving lessons after school
SMART pedagogy
Robotics extension group/differentiated curriculum / Over the year
Over the year
Over the year
Over the year
Term 2
Over the year
In Term 1 and reviewed
over the year
Over the year / Increase in student agency/decison making/ negotiation/ creative thinking/problem solving
teachers’ dialogue/practice/differentiation strategies and classroom environment reflects SMART understanding/ strategies which result in:
-increased attendance with aim to attain 90%
-improved behaviour (5% compared to 2015)
*Class teachers make contact with parents/caregivers of absent students on a regular basis and enter this into roll books. Counsellor follows up after ongoing absence.
*Targeted students supported to attend school via bus pick up from their homes and attain attendance rates commensurate with their peers
*Communication with targeted families about benefits of attendance – those families who achieve 95% attendance to be in the draw to win a tablet ; those families of non-targeted students whose children achieve 100% attendance to be in the draw to win an tablet
Targeted students have 5% reduced behaviour incidents compared to 2015 /improved relationships with peers and staff as reflected in EDAS data
Students pre and post social skills surveys indicate improved social/peer/learning connections
Anecdotal information from girls and staff about improved relationships with peers
Aboriginal students have improved NAPLAN results (see Literacy /Numeracy operational plans) / improved attendance
ILPs set up and reviewed regularly
NEPs/IEPs/ILPs set up in Term 1 and reviewed regularly with emphasis on improved learning outcomes –reflected in attendance, behaviour and NAPLAN data so that social/emotional and academic growth is at an appropriate progress as set out in individual plans
Targeted/priority students engage in extra curricula activities/ respond to amended curricula and NAPLAN results as well as student feedback reflect motivation and participation at a high level / Re-do student survey to determine growth/improvement mid 2016
Track attendance trends; collect data on the whole school/Aboriginal students/those using the attendance bus – write up reports to inform stakeholders and governing council
Track behaviour / attendance of targeted students to inform stakeholders
- Building wellbeing capacity
Counsellor/ All staff
Counsellor/ All staff
Counsellor / Conference- The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People
Derb Merrett to conduct T&D around positive growth mindset at selected staff meetings
Belinda Ryan to conduct staff meeting with an Art Therapy approach to support staff wellbeing (HSW)
Policies/Induction folder/buddy teacher/social committee / July14th
Term 3/4
Term 2
ongoing / Wellbeing committee have increased capacity to support their colleagues
All staff utilise positive principles and report anecdotally about improved resiliency
Staff increase personal resilience/wellbeing and can transfer these strategies to support enhanced resilience in students
New staff provide anecdotal reports and feedback in eDIAF that they feel supported in getting to know their colleagues, the VHR-7 school, its policies, procedures and processes
- Parent participation
- Referral processes
- Communication
- Networks
- Transitions
-Students with special needs
-Kindy children moving into Reception/ new enrolments
- School support
- Carer support
Donna Turner
All staff
Staff/parents and carers
Year 7 teachers/
Unit staff, PSW, Year 7 staff, Sp Needs teacher, Counsellor
Reception and kindy staff/ DP/ chaplains/
office staff
Social Work students / Parents form an authentic partnership with the school to enhance students’ wellbeing
DECD service providers/
Community service providers
Newsletters/Annual report
Fleurieu Families/local service providers/Youth Mental Health Group/Grandparents as carers group; Music performances/psychologists in school
The River of Life program
The Odyssey program/Inspire for Girls
VHHS Counsellor/Sp. Needs/FLO staff
Seminar room
Flinders Uni and Uni SA Social Work depts./James Cook Uni
FSA/Fleurieu Families/community services/Counsellor / Over the year
Over the year
Over the year
Term 4 preceding start of high school;
Term 1
Across the year
Term 2 and ongoing / Parents involved as volunteers/mentors/support with camps and excursions/reading/ school committee members etc. and are kept informed via newsletters (class and school), SMS, Email, phone about school happenings. Parents form an integral part of students’ wellbeing issues via referrals to mental health providers/ re-entry processes after suspensions/ discussions about behavioural or social/emotional issues
Parents informed about local workshops re resiliency/ behaviour management etc. and verbalise that strategies offered were supportive and helpful
Staff work with community service providers to deliver programs for parents
Referrals made to appropriate service providers for students at risk- support given with needs/presenting behaviours of students/families clearly communicated to service providers
*Clear communication re wellbeing initiatives in the school
*Behaviour data reported to Gov. council and in annual
*Class newsletters sent each term.
*Staff attend/connect with/lead/guest speakers at local networks / committees/groups etc. to form community ties connected to students’ wellbeing and sense of identity
*Flinders Uni work with Year 6/7s to look at positive future pathways
The Odyssey program looks at issues of wellbeing pertinent to youth – Year 7s work in gender specific groups to develop positive approaches to self, others and to utilise a strength based approach to situations. Post workshop feedback from students reflects positive goal setting for future pathways
*Year 7 students access familiarising days at their secondary school – high school staff provide anecdotal feedback re Year 8 students – High school teachers liaise with counsellor, special needs staff, year 7 staff.
*Pre-school/Kindy visits occur for students; parents of Kindy children meet with staff; school tours for new enrolees; new parent connections formed with special morning teas
*Smooth transitions into school with settled students and minimal behaviour/emotional issues as recorded in EDSAS
*Classes work with buddy classes on a regular basis
Social Work students work with individuals and groups of students
Students engage in and are challenged to participate in wellbeing activities such as Sports’ Day, SRC, Student Wellbeing Action team, Mad Hair day, Pyjama day, grandparent days part of student agency
Carers who are not parents attend community support groups run by FSA, Fleurieu Families; Disability Services SA; Grandparents as carers; and work with the school counsellor / Involve service providers in a wrap around approach – work in conjunction with the Student Review Team
Future directions for parents - programs/presentation around positive growth mindsets/strength based approaches
IMPROVEMENT AGENDA / Counsellor/DP/Principal / EDSAS Data
RAAP reporting processes
EC reporting processes
DECD Integrated Services e.g.
Attendance Counsellor
Behaviour Coach / Ongoing / Data is analysed, communicated to relevant stakeholders showing how the interventions/programs listed above have made a positive difference to behaviour /attendance / participation /engagement for priority students
Target of 90% reached for attendance; 5 % improvement for behaviour / Grants for the continuation of the attendance bus and for RAAP support for the disengaged boys’ group to be applied for late 2016 in readiness for 2017