Homework File
Guidelines for Parents
- Your child will receive at least 3 pieces of homework each week.
- These will be given out subject by subject on the same day each week and collected in on the same day each week.
- Give your child help if they require it, but be careful not to do the work for them.
- The school makes available a homework club every Wednesday lunchtime providing tuition.
- If your child cannot complete the homework for any reason please inform the teacher by way of a note.
Please remember we are very understanding and like you, want only the best for your child.
Good luck!
Year 3OutIn
Spellings Tuesday Monday
12th September 2017
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Year 3: Homework
We are once again setting homework for all the Junior Years (3-6) from the week beginning Monday 18th September 2017. Homework is provided for the following reasons:
- for practice and reinforcement
- to support work taking place in the classroom e.g. the learning of spellings
- to establish pupil’s responsibility for organizing their work, and to develop good study habits and skills which are so vital at secondary level
Homework Book
Your child will be provided with a Homework book and a spelling book.
Pupils will have one week to complete the homework, however it may be handed in anytime up to the due date.
We are very understanding and, like you, want only what is best for your child. As part of the home/school partnership it is your important responsibility to support our expectations; establishing a homework pattern now will make everyone’s life, pupils, parents and teachers, much happier.
Homework sessions should range from 20-30 minutes each and they should be uninterrupted. If, overall, it is taking an undue amount of time there may be a problem for a variety of reasons, please stop and contact the teacher.
Your child will receive four pieces of homework a week, one each of Spellings, English, Mathletics and Science.
Year 3 – Homework
MathsAll homework is handed out on a WEDNESDAY
Scienceand expected back the following TUESDAY
Spelling except for spelling which is due in on MONDAY
Helping your child to understand is fine but please don’t do it all for them. If they are genuinely stuck and you are unable to help, please write a brief note on a piece of paper and put it in the file. Be aware that, as parents, you are not always the best person to help your children especially when tired and patience is wearing thin. We run a homework club on Wednesday lunchtime where members of staff are available to provide expert tuition.
Finally, we are very disciplined on the handing in of homework; it is totally disruptive to everyone including the rest of the class if one or two fail on a regular basis to conform.
Please note that we will not be using an online mathematics programme this year. If you are keen for your child to use a programme we can recommend IXL Mathematics.
I hope this is helpful. If there are any problems please contact the class teacher or me.
Yours sincerely,
Bill James