Ratified on 20th May 2008 by James D M Robb, Argyll & Bute Council

Argyll & Bute Health & Care Strategic PartnershipCommittee Meeting

23rd April 2008 – 10.30am, Rooms, JO 3,5,7, Mid ArgyllHospital


Present / Designation
Bill Brackenridge / Chairman, Argyll & Bute CHP
Anne Clark / Non Executive Member, NHS Highland
Jan Baird / Director of Community Care, NHS Highland
Josephine Bown / Head of Service Integration, A&B CHP
Susan Dawson / Health Improvement Officer
Dougie Dunlop / Head of Children & Families, A&B Council
Lynn Garrett / Project Manager, Integrated Equipment Service
Sandra Greer / Head of Disaggregation, A&B Council
Derek Leslie / General Manager, AB CHP
Malcolm MacFadyen / Head of Planning & Performance, A&B Council
James McLellan / Chief Executive, A Council
Tricia Morrison / Carers Network, Representative
James Robb / Head of Service, Adult Care, A&B Council
Councillor Elaine Robertson / Argyll and Bute Council / NHS Highland Non-Executive
Susan Spicer / Integration Project Manager
Councillor Dick Walsh (Chairperson) / Leader, Argyll and Bute Council
Clair McCann
(Minutes) / Integration Assistant, Adult Care, Argyll and Bute Council
Apologies / Designation
Dr Mike Hall / Lead GP
Douglas Hendry / Director of Community Services, A&B Council
Councillor Donald McIntosh / Spokesperson for Social Work Services,
A&B Council
Marion Power / Unison
Item. / Action
1. / Apologies & Introductions
Apologies were noted from Marion Power, Dr Mike Hall, Douglas Hendry & Councillor Donald McIntosh.
2. / Matters Arising from Previous Minute of 29th February 2008
Item 3, page 3, OT paper presented to the JIG, there are variations across the patch; a HP lead is in post.
The transport policy regarding shared use of pool cars works both ways for health and local authority staff.
Response to Anne Clarke by Pat Tyrrell should come under one paragraph.
Page 5, 3c, There is no progress with mental health services at present; the partnership awaits progression of the mental health redesign process.
Page 4, b, Resource release currently remains with localities. / CMC
3. / Standing Items:
3a. / Shared Services
Malcolm MacFadyen reported that a date for the next shared services meeting is yet to be arranged; secretaries from the local authority and health service are presently liaising to find a suitable date.
3b. / E-care Update
Progression of shared e-care services is dependent upon a number of factors adaptors being supplied by the Scottish Government, Jan Baird reported.
  • Capito (NHS): available by early summer.
  • Care Assess (Council). Fully operational by 1st June)
  • Adaptors (Scottish Government): No timescale confirmed.
Partnership on course to meet national target of operational electronic SSA by 31st March 2009.
Interim position for ICT’s is a pare system with NHS managers being assisted by council employed administration staff to mange the Care Assess system.
3c / Delayed Discharge
Jim Robb informed that the 0/0 target for April had been met. The system has been worked on over the past 18 months to achieve the target.
Continued Risks:
Available finance to fund care home placements. There will continue to be periods when client turnover is low which results in the budget being fully committed.
3d / Availability of Care Home placements particularly in the Oban and MAKI areas. The closure of Ossians care home in Oban has created capacity problems.
Code 71 xs. Agreed that we require to manage this code with a high level of scrutiny. Agreed that Jim Robb will re-present criteria to next Partnership meeting. The present number of 10 is exceptionally high, average number in previous months being between 3 & 5.
Action: Jim Robb
Bill Brackenridge stated that reaching the target was a success story and that tremendous effort had gone into the closure of Ossians, all those involved were to be congratulated.
How 71x clients are long term under this code?
Derek Leslie noted that NHS Highland was open to discussing the use of vacant ward capacity as alternative social care beds on an interim basis while long term provision is commissioned in order to assist in managing the delayed discharge agenda and overuse of the 71x code. Agreed that Derek would organise a meeting to progress the issue.
Action Derek Leslie
Jim Robb and Elaine Robertson also commended the staff of Ossians for working so hard to meet the closure deadline.
SWIA Improvement Plan
Jim Robb presented an update of the SWIA action plan focussing on the recommendations that required joint council/NHS working to progress.
SWIA will be visiting from 18th to 20th June. A variety of meetings have been set up for both staff and councillors to be in attendance with SWIA. However, SWIA will not be present at the strategic partnership meeting of 20th June. / JR
4. / Outcomes Framework
The Argyll & Bute Single Outcome Agreement document which the Council is leading on is presently being drafted.
The health element embodies a plan to meet the HEAT targets and the JPIAF outcomes framework and requires joint working if the outcomes are to be achieved.
James McLellan reported that the final draft had not been completed but may be available for 20th June meeting.
5. / Integration of Learning Disability
Susan Spicer presented a paper recommending the creation of an Integrated Learning Disability Service hosted by the council on behalf of the Partnership.
At this stage, the paper relates to adult care services only. Children’s services will continue to be managed separately by the two partners
Paper approved.
Susan Spicer to report to the June meeting on the progress of the integration. Action: Susan Spicer / SP
6. / Integration Agenda Progress
Susan supplied the last report to the Strategic Partnership because the paper will become part of the joint performance reporting systems paperwork/group.
The implementation of the ICT’s are progressing to timescale although there continues to be issues in:
MAKI: Recruitment
Bute: Final financial framework
O.T. Services:
This matter will be progressed by the new CHP Occupational Therapy lead is in post. Derek Leslie to confirm timescale
Action: Derek Leslie / DL
7. / Integrated Equipment Service / Telecare
Lynn Garrett explained that in 2005 a feasibility study had shown that there were 3 high risk areas regarding equipments.
Cleaning and contamination
Core Stock List
A hub and spoke model has been developed to manage these risks:
Cleaning & Contamination:
Store persons are being actively recruited to the spokes. The temporary hub is currently located in Oban where the machine is located which autoclaves the equipment.
Core Stock List:
In order to meet best value, a core stock list has been drawn up, all budgets have been aligned.
A tendering process is being considered for adaptations too.
There are budgets for maintenance of equipment and owners of equipment therefore have to take responsibility and ownership.
Referral forms have been designed and joint training carried out. There has been an increase in referrals for people wanting to use telecare.
People with long term conditions have been monitored to prevent admission to hospital. There will be two pilot telehealth sites for Argyll & Bute.
There have been discussions with various care homes, housing associations, children’s services/education. The hub will expand to include sensory impairment.
Lynn Garrett, Project Manager, is in post until 31st March 2009 and would like to attend the meeting again next year to report on progress.
Lynn was congratulated on her paper, it has been one of the most popular initiatives for staff, reported Jo Bown.
Both Susan Spicer and Councillor Robertson welcomed the telecare and joint approach to help keep people cared for at home.
8. / Mental Health Redesign
RDMH is a consultancy firm based in the South of England; they base their research/advice on the Sainsbury foundation. There are three phases to the mental health redesign process:
Information Gathering
There will be launch events, one to one sessions with users and carers, including professional staff.
Key Stakeholders
Looking at the various options for inpatients.
Public Consultation
This will take place in August. A project board has been set up. The focus in on peoples lives and in addition to mental illness, work, leisure activities, health, Allen Stevenson, Service Manager from Social Work will be leading on this.
Services in the Vale of Leven, Christie Ward and Fruin Ward, will be transferred to GartnavelHospital; Councillors and senior members require to be briefed on this. / JB
9. / Governance Arrangements in Connection with Childrens Services
Dougie Dunlop reported further proposals being brought to the partnership at a later date.
There is a small core working group which includes Jim Robb, Jo Bown, Pat Tyrrell and Dougie Dunlop. A paper will be ready for the strategic meeting in August. / DD
10. / Finance : Summary for 2007/08
Paper presented summarising the Delayed Discharge and Resource Release funds.
All budgets fully committed and within allocation.
Delayed discharge slippage monies were targeted at OT equipment.
DD revenue is now funded via the council and is no longer “ring fenced”. Jim Robb confirmed the full amount has been allocated to delayed discharge for 2008/09.
Agreed that the summary will be presented to the strategic group at the October meeting and again to the June 2009 meeting.
Action: Allan MacDonald ( Finance) / AMD
11. / Any Other Current Business?
Agenda Items for the next meeting to include:
Joint Health Improvement Plan – Susan Dawson
Chief Execs letter on continuing NHS care – Jan Baird
Childrens Champions – Dougie Dunlop
Please note that the future start times for the remaining strategic partnership meetings will now be 10am, not 10.30am.