Distance Education Information for RN to BSN students
(Beginning in Fall 2018)
Students admitted to the RN-BSN program are required to be in compliance with the guidelines set forth by theAppalachian State University Department of Nursing and the North Carolina Consortium for Clinical Education and Practice (NCCCEP).
These requirementswere developed due to quality and safety initiatives at a vast majority of the North Carolina healthcare facilities.
While RN-BSN students do not participate in traditional clinical hours, they do complete an evidence-based research project in NUR4032 Professional Nursing Synthesis in the final semester of the program. This project is most often completed in the student’s place of employment. We will need to verify affiliation agreements (contracts) status between Appalachian and your facility.
Students are required by their employer to complete documents that will allow them to complete the assignments. This process will “onboard” them in the facility as a student. Appalachian Department of Nursing will work with the clinical education /student programs liaisons at the sites to facilitate the process.
Also, students will receive information at the beginning of the academic year in a MANDATORY ONLINE ORIENTATION session. Information will include a variety of important topics related to the program and compliance requirements. Meeting the Appalachian and NCCCEPcompliance requirements students will require the creation of a CastleBranch™ account for completion and housing of most of the requirements. Students will be given specific information on this process.
The following are currently required:
1. Additional program specific requirements and signature documents for the Appalachian Nursing Department will be provided to the students at the beginning of Fall semester and maintained in the students’ file.
2. Students will provide the Appalachian Department of Nursing RN-BSN program information on their place of employment, unit, manager and contact information by Nov. 1. Should students change employment, they must provide updated information to the program.
Students in the RN-BSN program who are not employed will need to contact Appalachian Undergraduate Programs Director Dr. Jean Bernard byNov. 1.
3. A physical exam and Safety and Technical Standards assessment by healthcare provider.Only Appalachian forms will be accepted. The forms are found in the Student Handbook. These documents are maintained in your Appalachian file, not the CastleBranch system.Submission is required by Nov. 1.
4. ByNov. 1, the student will create a CastleBranch account and submit to their system the documentation of the following Immunizations/TB testing/Titer(s):
- MMR: 2 doses or titers for Rubeola, Mumps, and Rubella
- Rubeola, Rubella, and Mumps: CDC-(MMWR, 2/3/2012, Vol.61/No. 4). Documentation of two doses of MMR unless there is a medical contraindication to the vaccine. The routine second dose of MMR vaccine is administered a minimum of 28 days after the first dose for healthcare workers or documented proof of disease history, serology evidence of immunity
- Varicella: Two doses or titer for Varicella
- Initial TB/PPD: Two-step process within the last 12 months orQuantiFERON TB test
- Annual TB screening once initial two-step process complete:
- Annual TB Skin Test (Mantoux Method)orQuantiFERON TB test
- If the PPD is positive, chest x-ray negative for TB Disease, should be within five years and individual asymptomatic of TB. The TB/PPD positive students will need to completeannual assessment questionnaire) orQuantiFERON TB test.
- Hepatitis B: Three doses or titer for Hepatitis B or formal declination of Hepatitis B
- Tdap: first available in 2005. Required to have a booster Tdap at 10 year date.
● Influenza: Vaccine is required each year and specific information regarding type.
Documentation and accepted date range for administration will be provided by the Appalachian Department of Nursing. The only exceptions are documented exemptions approved according to individual facility guidelines.
5. By Nov. 1, the student will submit the documentation of Basic Life Support/CPR: Maintains and provide proof of American Heart Association CPR certificationto the CastleBranch system.
6. By Nov. 1, the student will submit the documentation The NCAHEC Online Core Orientationto the CastleBranch system. All students and faculty participating in the clinical experience annually must complete this. The URL address for the core orientation for students and faculty will be made available. This orientation is updated by NCAHEC annually.
7. Criminal Background Check (CBC) are required and WILL NOTbe completed by RN-BSN and MSN students until 30 days prior to the beginning of the summer semester. Appalachianis contracted with CastleBranch for the CBC and Drug Screen. Test from other vendors will not be accepted. The CBC will include the following:
Seven-year search based on Social Security number, name and address history to include:
- State and nationwide criminal background record check
- National sex offender registry check
- Office of the Inspector General/Healthcare Fraud and Abuse check
8. Urine Drug Screen (DS). A negative Urine Drug Screen test is required and WILL NOTbe completed by RN-BSN and MSN students until 30 days prior to the beginning of the summer semester. Appalachianis contracted with CastleBranch for the CBC and Drug Screen. Test from other vendors will not be accepted.The DS will include:
- AMP amphetamineBAR barbiturates
- BZP benzodiazepinesCOC cocaine
- MTD methadoneMETH methamphetamines
- MDMA ecstasyOPI opiates
- OXY oxycodonePCP phencyclidine
- PPX propoxypheneTHC marijuana