PortsladeInfant School Newsletter
October 26th 2012
Dear Parents and Carers,
Staff News
Both Ms Sarah Willets and Mrs Libby Kean have had beautiful baby boys and all are doing well. I know they are eager to visit the school but of course have to wait until the boys are 3 months old.
We say goodbye to Mike Dixon, our community links officer, and thank him for all his hard work in raising funds for the school. Unfortunately, Mrs Furnell, our school secretary, has been ill for the past few weeks. We hope to see her back feeling healthy after our half-term break. She has been missed and I hope you will join us in wishing her a speedy recovery.
Supporting our local library
The school is going to be using our local library as we feel passionately that this is a valued resource in our community that must continue. The reception children will be visiting on 13th and 14th November and then a 3 weekly cycle will continue throughout the year thereby allowing every year group to utilise this local asset on a Wednesday. More information to follow
Jeans for Genes
Congratulations! You raised £214.73for GreatOrmondStreetHospital children’s charities
Tommy Thompson Appeal
One of our parents has asked for our support. On Saturday 6th October the Argus ran an article about a young man at one of our local schools with a life limiting illness called Sanfilippo syndrome. The family need support to raise money so the next stage of the drug trial can go ahead - £600,000 in total. For more details on how you can help please visit
British Legion Poppy Appeal
You may not know but we do have children and staff in school with close family who are serving in Afghanistan and other far away places, and sadly have lost loved ones so it makes your donations even more meaningful. The children will be visiting all the classrooms to see if their classmates would like to buy a poppy. This will be happening on the 8thand 9th of November. If you wish make a donation, please send money in an envelope and label it “Poppy Appeal”.
Thank you too for your donations to our Harvest Festival. These were distributed amongst your friends and family in the local community and to the Basics Bank of Brighton and Hove City Mission for homeless people.
Children In Need
On Friday November 16th be SPOTTY at school – non uniform day!! Wear those spots to school – socks, jumpers, coats, whatever and wherever and bring a donation to support this great charity.
School Lunches
Don’t forget you can join your child for lunch any day. Book in by signing the book in the main reception area. Come to school at 12.05 with a packed lunch and you may eat with your child and his or her friends!
New school menus are available from the school office
Free School Meals
It is so important that you register for Free School Meals if you are entitled to do so. The school receives extra money and also its performance is measured against other schools around the number of FreeSchool Meals we have.If you apply you will be entitled to a FREE Christmas dinner and concession rates at our breakfast club and Class of their own.
The system of applying for free school meals for your child has been greatly simplified so please apply if you are eligible. The school receives extra funding if children are on the confidential Free School Meal Register. Applying only involves collecting an easy to fill in form from the office, completing it and bringing it back to the office where it will be sent by courier to the council, or better still apply online (eligibility confirmed within hours) Your child is eligible to receive free meals if you are in receipt of:
- Income Support
- Income based jobseekers allowance
- Income-related employment and support allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit (provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190 (as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs). Note - from 1 May 2009 where a parent is entitled to Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their employment ceases, or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school lunches
- The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
If you are unsure, Brighton & Hove Council can complete a check for you in complete confidence. Mail the Free School Meals team on or call the Free School Meals team on 01273 293497.
Health and Safety
Head Lice
There have been several outbreaks throughout the school which is not uncommon and can be controlled with regular combing with a “nit” comb or a fine toothed comb. Regular daily combing using conditioner is an easy and inexpensive way to control lice. However, if you or your child has a stubborn infestation and you need to use medication, please follow the instructions carefully so that the whole cycle doesn’t repeat itself again. Remember to check the whole family. Head lice are usually transmitted to children from adults in the community, not the other way round! Leaflets are available in the school office.
Scooters and Bicycles
Please keep these safe by labelling them with your child’s name, locking them and making sure you take the right one home at the end of the day. Bikes and scooters left at school are your responsibility so please leave them in the allocated sheds. Thank you.
Parent and Carer Meeting
PortsladeInfant school and St Nicolas Junior school are holding a joint meeting for Parents/carers that have children with Speech and Language difficulties. This meeting will be lead by a Speech Therapist and held on the 13th November at St Nicolas School. You do not need to book, just arrive on the day.
Overall our school this year has achieved 95.6% attendance so far!! R5 achieved 97.6% and R7 achieved 97.2% so well done to you! Let’s keep up the good work.Our school is judged in this area and last year we only achieved 94.5%. Our Target is 95% which will be judged as requires improvement. You, as Parents and Carers are responsible for this area!
Achievement Assemblies
After a truly inspiring ‘goodbye’ assembly with last year’s Year 2 children, we have decided that we are going to celebrate our learning through class assemblies. As Parents/Carers you will be invited when your child’s class are sharing their learning. This is on the Events calendar for next half term.
School Visitors and Trips
Thank you to everyone who has helped on our educational visits. Our Reception children have been to the Bear Factory this half term as part of their learning experience Ready Teddy Go! and now have their own personalised class bear. Our Year 2 children have had a visit from Amazing Animals and also visited Drussilla for their Rainforest learning experience! Yr 1 have just gone on a trip to the Weald and DownlandOpenAirMuseum to support their learning next half term.
As we mentioned in a previous letter, we really do understand how difficult it can be when you are asked for contributions for educational trips but the children love these as it brings their learning alive! The current shortfall stands at this for each year group - Reception - £698.48, Year 1- £978.06, Year2 £1405.23. Please remember that if you can make a contribution, arrangements can be made to pay a little each week. You can use Parent pay or bring the cash into the office and this will go onto your account. If these shortfalls continue the children will not be able to have any trips or visitors next term.
JuniorSchool Preference Forms
All forms and online applications are due in on January 15that 3p.m. for children due to start JuniorSchool in September 2013. Please apply online for Year 3 places if possible and return any forms to this school rather than the JuniorSchool if you are using the hard copy.
YEAR 2 PARENTS/CARERS Becoming a Primary school - I realise that many of you would like to have another meeting with me round what our curriculum will be like for our Year 3 children/ Are you ready to be WOWED? Then please attend our meeting on 13th December at 9.30am or 7pm.
Reception Classes 2013
If you have a child who will be 5 between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014, he/she is eligible to start school next September. Please contact Brighton and Hove School Admissions Department onlinepreferably or enquire at the office if you have not yet received your preference form or advice on how to apply online. Applications must be in by 15th January at 3pm.
Parent Tourswill start on the 8th November so if you’re interested, please contact the office or submit a request through the website to make an appointment.
A Class of their Own
If in doubt, ask the club or your child if there are letters today. They are now open until 6pm! The After School Club is open every day that the school is open and children are welcome to attend regular or one off sessions. Presently the club is offering concessions to those families in receipt of Free School Meals. A letter is being sent out this week. If you would like more information, please ring them on 01273 733337, pop into school to see them or visit them on
Schools2Parents Texting
This system is working well and has proved to be a popular means of communicating reminders and contacting parents and carers who have not rung into school when their child is absent. If the school does not yet have your mobile number(s), or if you have changed your number(s) recently, please keep us up to date so that we can text you if needed. Don’t worry, you won’t be inundated with useless information!
Data Collection Sheets
Please return if you have not yet done so. These are our main means of keeping your information accurate and contacting you if there is an emergency.
If you wish to report a child absent or leave a non urgent message for the office, please ring 01273 418850 and select Option 1.
Parent/Carer Questionnaires
Thank you for returning your questionnaires. One of our School Governors is presently analysing these and will inform you of our findings. We had a return of 32%, which I know Ofsted view as good.
Important Reminders
- Saying goodbye to your child at the school gate is a good way to allow them to develop their independence.
- Year 1 children are being asked to stay in the playground if they wish to play in the playground until 9am. THEY ARE NOT TO GO INTO SCHOOL, DROP OFF BELONGINGS AND COME BACK OUT TO PLAYGROUND. THIS IS A SAFETY ISSUE!
- Please, please, please place your money in a clearly labelled envelope and exact change if possible!! Recycled or home made envelopes are just fine. This is a large school and this one small act can save hours of office time. Thank you.Don’t forget we have a secure letterbox in the alcove adjoining the school office. Reply slips and envelopes can be placed in the letterbox, thus avoiding long queues.
- Christmas Dinner will be available to all children in school. Please look out for further details in a couple of weeks.
Have a happy and safe half-term and we look forward to seeing you on the 5th November.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Dawn Oliver - Headteacher