Regulations for the Honours Degree Programmes in
(for students entering in 2008)
These Programme Regulations apply to the conduct of the programme in the 2011-12 session and should be read in conjunction with University Regulation XX and the relevant Module Specifications. These Programme Regulations may be subject to change from time to time. Notice of change will be given by the School responsible for the programme.
1.1Administrative responsibility for the programmes rests with the BusinessSchool.
1.2The programmes lead to the Degree of BSc.
1.3The duration of the programmes is six semesters, plus one academic year, and has three streams. Candidates following the Placement Stream are required to spend the third academic year undertaking professional training leading to the Diploma in Professional Studies, in accordance with Senate Regulation XI. Candidates following the Study Abroad Stream are required to spend the third academic year studying at an approved academic institution. Candidates following the Split Stream are required to spend six months of the third academic year undertaking professional training, and the other half of the third academic year studying at an approved academic institution. Both the Study Abroad and Split Streams lead to the Diploma in International Studies (DIntS) in accordance with Senate Regulation XI. The third academic year (Part I) occurs between Part B and Part C.
2.1Part A - Introductory Modules
Semester 1
i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 50)
Code / Title / Modular WeightBSA005 / Organisational Behaviour / 10
BSA055 / Principles of Marketing / 10
BSA060 / Microeconomics for Business / 10
BSA075 / Introduction to Retail Management / 10
BSA100 / IT for Professional Development / 10
ii)OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 10)
One module from the BusinessSchool’s catalogue of Part A optional modules for this programme, or any University-Wide Language module at the appropriate level.
Semester 2
i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 50)
Code / Title / Modular WeightBSA006 / Personal Effectiveness / 10
BSA057 / The Marketing Mix / 10
BSA070 / Financial Framework / 10
BSA077 / Retailing Environment / 10
BSA090 / Quantitative Approaches for Retailing / 10
ii)OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 10)
One module from the BusinessSchool’s catalogue of Part A optional modules for this programme, or any University-Wide Language module at the appropriate level.
2.2Part B - Degree Modules
Semester 1
i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 50)
Code / Title / Modular WeightBSB010 / Business Information Management / 10
BSB040 / Human Resource Management / 10
BSB125 / Retail Operations / 20
BSB137 / Data Analysis for Marketing Decisions / 10
ii)OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 10)
One module from the BusinessSchool’s catalogue of Part B optional modules for this programme, or any University-Wide Language module at the appropriate level.
Semester 2
i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 50)
Code / Title / Modular WeightBSB070 / Accounting for Management Decisions / 10
BSB105 / Brand Management / 10
BSB130 / Merchandising / 20
BSB135 / Consumer Behaviour / 10
ii)OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 10)
One module from the BusinessSchool’s catalogue of Part B optional modules for this programme, or any University-Wide Language module at the appropriate level.
2.3Part I
Candidates pursue one of the following streams:
i)Placement Stream
Candidates will undertake industrial or professional training.
ii)Study Abroad Stream
Candidates will study at one of the BusinessSchool’s approved academic institutions.
iii)Split Stream
Candidates will undertake industrial or professional training for half the year and will study at one of the BusinessSchool’s approved academic institutions for the other half of the academic year.
2.4Part C - Degree Modules
Semester 1
i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 30)
Code / Title / Modular WeightBSC115 / International Marketing / 10
BSC180 / Retailing Logistics / 20
ii)OPTIONAL MODULES (total credit weight 30)
Modules with a total modular weight of 30 from the BusinessSchool’s catalogue of Part C optional modules for this programme.
Semester 2
i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 30)
Code / Title / Modular WeightBSC170 / Retailing Strategy / 20
BSC175 / Retail Location Studies / 10
ii)OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 30)
Modules with a total modular weight of 30 from the BusinessSchool’s catalogue of Part C optional modules for this programme.
3.1Criteria for Progression and Degree Award
3.1.1To progress from Part A to Part B, candidates must accumulate at least 100 credits in Part A as well as achieving at least 30% in all modules taken in part A.
3.1.2To progress from Part B to the period of professional training or study at an approved institution abroad, candidates must accumulate at least 100 credits in Part B as well as achieving at least 30% in all modules taken in Part B.
3.1.3To qualify for the award of a degree, candidates must accumulate at least 100 credits in Part C as well as achieving at least 30% in all modules taken in Part C.
3.2Relative weightings of Parts of the Programme for the purposes of Final Degree Classification.
Candidates’ final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B and C, in accordance with the scheme set out in regulation XX. The average percentage marks for each Part will be combined in the ratio Part B 25: Part C 75, to determine the final overall percentage mark for the Programme (the Programme Mark).
Provision will be made in accordance with regulation XX for candidates who have the right of re-assessment in Part A or Part B of the programme to undergo re-assessment in the University’s special assessment period.
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