The Holdings Information Spreadsheet
The holdings information spreadsheet shows all the recorded holdings relating to your institution on the system at Oxford Journals.
One of the reasons for sharing this information with you is that there may be some scope to rationalise the number of subscription numbers that you have with Oxford Journals. In some cases institutions have extraneous subscription numbers that could be reduced. The rule is that every delivery address in use needs a different subscription number. If there is currently an address at your institution with more than one subscription number attached to it, we should be able to merge them.
A second reason for sharing the information is so that there is transparency about what we base the quotation prices on. If a subscription is included in the quotation then it is because of one of two reasons. Either it is from this record on our system or you have told us about it.
-A significant portion of the subscription data in these records is duplicated. Duplicated subscriptions will not be included in the quotation.
-Existing participants in 2005 – Please be aware that agreement reached last year over holdings will be take precedent over any contradictory historical information that appears on the system records. That is to say, for existing members the only changes to your holdings records for the 2006 quotation would be a) if new subscriptions were taken out in 2005, and/ or b) if as a maintain print participant you did not renew all the journals you subscribed to in 2004.
-Non-participants in 2005 – Please be aware that the data detailed here will be the basis of the 2006 quotation price. Please let know if there are any errors in this information (duplicates aside).
Guide to understanding the holdings information.
The various column headers of the holdings spreadsheets may well read like meaningless gibberish. Many of them are for internal use and of little significance to anyone outside of Oxford Journals. The meaning of the column headers are as follows:
End User Nbr: Subscription Number denoting end user.
Code: Journal Code – internal reference
Pub Title: Name of the Journal title
Bill-to Nbr: Identifies the party paying for the order.
Bill-to Name: Name of the party paying for the order.
Agent PO#: Identifies Purchase Order reference of paying party.
Level 1: For internal auditing purposes there are 2 Levels at which orders are classified. The Level 1 codes are:
U:Not classifiable
Circ Status: This important column signifies whether this order is current or expired. The different codes are:
B = suspended due to underpayment
C = customer cancelled
E = expired
F = proforma
R = regular
S = indefinite suspension
T = temporary suspension
U = undeliverable as addressed
W = future start [e.g. 2004 sub]
The two common ones that we use most often when calculating consortia prices are E = expired, and R = regular.
Subscription Type: This will be INSTIT for institutional subscriptions or PERSON for personal subscriptions. There should only be institutional subscriptions included in the data here.
Rate Code:
The majority of rate codes on the system follow a standard pattern:-
Institutional Print Only or Online Only = INSTIT
Institutional Print & Online Combined = IPK (or contains the letters PK)
Personal = PERSON
Combined Subscriptions = ICOMB (or contains the letters COM)
There are slight variations to this rule that are not relevant here.
Curr: Indicates the currency used to pay.
Rate: Amount paid for subscription.
Copies: This indicates how many copies of a title are included in the subscription order.
Term: This indicates the number of years the subscription has been active. For instance, if the term is 1 then the subscription is new in the 2005 subscription year. Please note that if in previous subscription years the subscription was a combined print and online subscription and in 2005 is now a print only subscription the term will show as 1. In terms of the pricing of the consortium deal we would recognise this as a renewed subscription.
Expires: This figure indicates the last month of the subscription period covered by the subscription. The majority of subscriptions end in December so most subscriptions with the Circ Status R will show an expiry date of 01/12/2005.
Title - Email Address: Name address details of end user.
Level 2: Second level of classification codes for internal auditing process.
ACP Code: This code normally relates any special discounts that might be available – for instance if an agreement had been reached with a customer for deeply discounted print. In the case of CAUL this field has been used in the past to identify potential members of the consortium. Please ignore this field.
Relationship: It is sometimes the case that departmental subscriptions or branch library subscriptions are difficult to associate with the subscriptions of the parent institution. As a result where we know about relationships between institutions we include them on the system. For instance we know that Wadham College is part of the University of Oxford and we would therefore class Wadham College as Child of the University of Oxford and list the main subscription number of the University and the name in the following columns.
To: Indicates the main subscription number of the parent institution.
Parent Name: Shows the name of the parent institution. If any of the parent-child relationships detailed in the spreadsheet are incorrect, please let us know.
In summary, only some of the information listed will be of interest. Insofar as reducing the numbers of subscription numbers your institution has, please let me know of any that could be merged.
With regards to the information that will be used for the consortium pricing it seems worth reiterating:
Existing participants -
- E-only model participants; the only instances that subscription information relating to pricing may differ from last year would be in the case of new print subscriptions being taken out in 2005.
- Maintain print participants- the only instances where subscription information relating to pricing may differ from last year would be in the following cases;
new subscription(s) being evident for 2005;
subscriptions from 2004 that have not been renewed for 2005 i.e. any new cancellation(s).
2005 Non-participants –
- The data here will form the basis of the price quotation. Duplicate subscriptions will not be included.
Thanks for you co-operation in this process. Please contact me if you have any questions.
James Mercer
Consortia Sales Manager
Asia Pacific
Oxford Journals
tel - +44 (0) 1865 354 4862