Evans, HPC 5310-101 1
Introduction to Professional School Counseling HPC 5310-101
Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling
Appalachian State University
Fall, 2009 – Tuesday, 5:30pm-8:20pm
Edwin Duncan 224
Instructor: Dr. Renee’ Evans
Contact Information:
HPC Department
100 E Edwin Duncan Hall
828-262-2055 (HPC dept.)
828-262-6052 (office)
Office Hours:
Monday 3:00-5:00
Tuesdays 3:00-5:00pm
Also by appointment
You may also contact the instructor via email. Please allow 24 hours for an email response.
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students to the various tenets of the professional school counseling field. Specifically students will learn about ways to develop and implement developmental, comprehensive school counseling programs in schools at all grade levels. Students will learn about the primary domains from which all professional school counselors operate in order to meet the academic achievement of all students. A historical context will be reviewed as well as various reform efforts that have shaped the school counseling field will be discussed.
Course Objectives:
1. Gain an understanding about the historical context of the school counseling field and ways in which key historical events shaped the progression of the field.
2. Learn about the various educational reforms that have shaped the field.
3. Be able to define and explain developmental, comprehensive school counseling programs.
4. Learn about ways in which to meet students’ needs based on the academic, career, and personal/social domains.
5. Understand the ASCA National Model and its various tenets in order to effectively implement a developmental, comprehensive school counseling program.
6. Be able to explain the role of professional school counselors based on the NC School Counselor Job Description and based on individual interpretation.
7. Gain an understanding about various multicultural considerations when working with students and their families, colleagues, and community stakeholders.
8. Understand ways to integrate data in order to explain the impact of one’s developmental, comprehensive school counseling program.
9. Learn about professional associations/resources and legal/ethical standards for the field.
10.Expand knowledge and skills through various experiential activities required for the course.
11. Integrate various technological tools and resources throughout the process of learning about professional school counseling.
Required Texts:
American School Counselor Association (2003). The ASCA national model: A framework
for school counseling programs. Alexandria, VA: Author.
Erford, B. T. (2007). Transforming the school counseling profession (2nd ed.). New Jersey:
Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. (1995). On our way to becoming school
Counseling: Raleigh, NC : Author.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. (1995). School counselor resource manual.
Raleigh, NC: Author.
Course Evaluation Criteria:
Participation 20points
Classroom Presentations 20 points
Developmental SC Programs/
Final 40 points
Quizzes 20 points
Total Possible Points 100 points
Late work will not be accepted.
Absence from more than 1 class may result in a failing grade. There will be 10 points taken off the final grade.
Important Dates:
Last Day to Add…………….August 31, 2009
State Holiday………………. September , 2009
Convocation……………….. September 10, 2009
University Break……...... October 15-16, 2009
University Break/State
Holidays………...... November 25-27, 2009
Last Day of Class…………...December 7, 2009
Last Day to
Submit Grades………………December 18, 2009
Academic Integrity Code:
All students are expected to adhere to the academic integrity code that is outlined in the Appalachian State University Code of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity manual.
As a community of learners at Appalachian State University, we must create an atmosphere of honesty, fairness, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of each other. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of an Appalachian degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form and will oppose any instance of academic dishonesty. This course will follow the provisions of the Academic Integrity Code, which can be found on the Office of Student Conduct Web Site: www.studentconduct.appstate.edu.
Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at http://www.ods.appstate.edu/ or 828-262-3056. Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations.
Inclement Weather:
Students should refer to local news stations regarding class cancellations and/or university closings in the event of inclement weather. A phone tree will be distributed in the event class is postponed due to inclement weather. The instructor will call the first student on the list. The first student on the list will call the second student and on and on. Students are not expected to risk life and limb. So, please use your own discretion in the event of inclement weather.
Tentative Course Schedule
Chapters should have been read by the date class meets.
August 25…………………..Welcome Orientation for 1st Year PSC Students
Course Introduction/Review of Syllabus
September 1………………...Historical Context of PSC/Educational Reform & Other Efforts
That Impact PSC-Review Websites of Some of These Efforts
Erford: Chapter 1Transforming the School Counseling Profession
& 2 Historical Roots and Future Issues
September 8………………...Role of the Professional School Counselor – NC Job Description
Introduction to Legal & Ethical Codes
Developmental, Comprehensive School Counseling Programs -
Elementary, Middle, High, Charter/Private Schools
Erford: Ch. 2( pgs. 29-37), 6, Achievement Advocacy- Continue
& 8 Developmental Classroom Guidance
NC School Counselor Job Description
NC DPI On Our Way to Becoming School Counseling
Erford: ASCA Ethical Codes p. 413 or Regular Ethical Standards
September 15……………… Role of the Professional School Counselor – NC Job Description
Introduction to Legal & Ethical Codes
Developmental, Comprehensive School Counseling Programs -
Elementary, Middle, High, Charter/Private School
Erford: Ch. 8 Classroom Guidance
9, Counseling Ind. & Groups
10 Educational & Career Planning
September 22……………Developmental, Comprehensive School Counseling Programs -
Elementary, Middle, High, Charter/Private Schools
Group & Individual Practical Experience
Erford: Ch. 8, Classroom Guidance
& 13 Counseling Youth at Risk
ASCA Ethical Standards
September 29…………… Developmental, Comprehensive School Counseling Programs -
Elementary, Middle, High, Charter/Private Schools
Erford: Ch.5,Multicultural Competent School Counselors
11, Consultation, Collaboration, & Parental Involv.
14, Conflict Resolution
15, PSC and Students with Disabilities
October 6………………….. Review of New NC Standards & ASCA Standards
Introduction of Theoretical Perspectives to Integrate in Your Work
as a School Counselor
ASCA National Model/Getting Started!!!/Implementing Your
Developmental Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Erford: Ch.7pgs. 131-132 Theoretical Foundations;
& Ch.4 pgs. 51-55 Professional Associations and Credentialing
National Model Bk. pgs. 1-38
October 13………………....ASCA National Model/Implementing Your Developmental
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Role of Professional School Counselor Practical Experience
National Model Bk. pgs. 38-66
Erford: Ch. 3, Outcome Research
7, Creating Systemic, Data-Driven SC Program
& 12 Accountability
October 20.………………..ASCA National Model/Implementing Your Developmental
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Legal & Ethical Considerations
Role of Professional School Counselor Practical Experience
National Model Bk.: p. 67-120, & Ch. 4,Ethical, Legal, & Prof. Issues
October 27 ………………..Project Workday/Professional Development
November 3……………….Professional Development: NCSCA Conference: Look forward to
seeing you there!
November 10……………...Classroom Presentations DUE
November 17……………...Comprehensive School Counseling Program Presentations DUE
November 24………………University Break: Enjoy! Take Time Out for Self-Care!!!!
December 1………………..Last Day of Class!!! Yeepeeee!!!!! Have a Great Break!!!
Course Requirements
All Typed Assignments;
Should be turned using Times New Roman, 12font. It is okay to single-space outlines with double-spacing between each section. Use standard margins. Remember to include your name and appropriate title information on all assignments.
Required Readings– A large portion of the class and your success in this class will be dependent on the readings and class discussions. There is a good amount of reading to complete in a short amount of time. It will be essential for students to read all assigned materials. QUIZZES may be given at any time to ensure that students have read and understand the material.
Ethical Standards
Students will obtain a copy of the ethical standards as part of preparation during class discussions by the 2nd class meeting.
Professional Associations and Resources
Students are strongly encouraged to become members of their state and national professional school counselor associations.
Attendance at Conference:
Attend NCSCA Conference: Because professional development is such a key part of school counselors’ continuing education, all students are strongly expected to attend the North Carolina School Counselor Association Conference. Our class meeting will be moved to conference. Conference Registration will be posted on ncschoolcounselor.org
There will be opportunities for students to volunteer if they like. There is also a discounted rate for students’ conference registration. Keep checking the website for registeration.
Hotel information is already online. Make arrangements early to ensure that you are able to attend. Other hotels nearby: Drury Inn, & Doubletree. Check with your instructor for additional details.
Alternate Assignment in Lieu of Conference Attendance:
Students will be expected to write a 20-page minimum literature review that chronicles the of professional school counseling field from 1920s to present day. Students should conduct an exhaustive literature review that includes references. Papers should follow the APA format. All reviews should be sure to include the 3 domains, the 6 key roles, and present day systemic change, advocacy, leadership and systemic change tenets. Additional details may follow. Be sure to check with instructor prior to starting this assignment.
Role of the Professional School Counselor
Students will be asked to articulate their role as Professional School Counselors. They will be asked to consider the following as they articulate their role: The 3 domains; Developmental Comprehensive School Counseling Programs; Based on appropriate grade level; Multicultural considerations. Other considerations may be included as students articulate this role.
Classroom Presentations Assignment
Students will be assigned to groups. Each group will identify a topic specific to their assigned Elementary, Middle, High, or Alternative School grade level. After researching their topic, each group will present their topic to the audience. Each group is to treat the audience as if they are in a class in their particular grade level at their particular school. Handouts may be provided if appropriate. Students may use any resources and visual aids to support their presentation to their class. Examples of topics: ADHD; Grief; Divorce; Transitioning from elementary to middle school or from middle school to high school or high school to college; Responsibility; Being a Good Citizen; Conflict Resolution; Bullying; Managing Anger; Gang Activity Behavior; Peer Pressure; Embracing Diversity; Topics Related to Parents; Cyberbullying, Job Choices; Planning for College; Communications Skills; Study Skills; Being a Good Friend, etc.
Each of the following areas should be identified prior to each group’s presentation: The topic area; Grade Level presentation intended for; Objectives of the presentation;
List the domain(s) that your topic area relates to; How presenters plan to evaluate their effectiveness with the class; Resources will need to successfully complete your presentation.
This information should be TURNED IN. Should be MAX. 2 pages.
Developmental, Comprehensive School Counseling Programs Assignment - FINAL EXAM
Your program information should be written in outlined form and not in research paper form. Be sure to clearly label each section in order to allow for an easy read. The instructor will not look for information. It should be clearly identified. Your outline should be organized in a way that allows for an easy read and easy understanding about the way in which you plan to develop your comprehensive school counseling program.
Students will be divided into groups based on: Elementary, Middle, High School, and Alternative
Prior to developing your comprehensive school counseling programs, student groups should initially address the following: Remember to label your sections.
1. School Name: Identify a school name for your school.
2. Grade Level: Share whether your school is an elementary, middle, high, or alternative school and the grade levels that your school includes.
3. Demographic Information: Include information about your school: demographics (race/ethnicity, sex, local/community culture), parental involvement; student climate, staff climate, and if school includes a focus on a particular population of individuals.
4. Counseling Department: Share whether you are the only school counselor or if you have an actual school counseling department.
All programs should be inclusive of the following: Remember to label your sections.
A. Prevention and Intervention efforts. Share specific topic areas you plan to focus on to address these efforts AND the reasons for choosing these topic areas.
B. The 3 domains
C. Specific ways you plan to carry out the following responsibilities:
a) Counseling (individual and groups)
b) Consulting
c) Coordinating
d) Program Planning
e) Professional Development
f) Appraisal
D. Your Needs Assessment and how you plan to use that needs assessment to assist you with the development of your program for the upcoming school year. May include questions plan to ask or areas want to know about. Does not have to be a formal assessment. If you have found a copy of an assessment that you like, you may include it or reference it. Other ways plan to use data in your work.
E. Include ways to address systemic change and advocacy efforts.
F. Include any additional information that you would like to share about your comprehensive school counseling program.
Your program information should be written in outlined form and not in research paper form. Be sure to clearly label each section in your outlined.