28 Sep 13
400. Purpose. This section will give general guidelines on general correspondence within THS.
401. Correspondence Routing. The THS Form 105 (Rev 11/13) will outline the routing of correspondence within THS and the approval for each action item.
402. Memorandums. A memorandum provides a less formal way to correspond within an activity/command. Subordinates within that activity or command may use a memorandum to correspond directly with each other on routine official business or as an informal means of communication.
a. Plain-Paper Memorandum. THS will use this format of memorandum, it is more flexible when there are multiple addressees, via addressees, or both.
(1) Identification Symbols. The only identification symbol needed is the date unless more is required.
(2) Format. Prepare on white bond paper. Type the date on the sixth line so it ends flush with the right margin unless it is used as part of the sender’s symbol.
b. Decision Memorandum. When only requesting an approval/disapproval decision from the commanding officer, it is appropriate to type a decision block at the left margin, two lines below the signature line in the following format:
_____________________ Approved
_____________________ Disapproved
_____________________ Other
403. Purpose. This section will give general guidelines on awards and approval of awards within THS.
404. Policy
a. Ribbon awards were established as a means to recognize meritorious performance, to provide incentive for greater effort, and to enhance morale.
b. Commanding Officers must ensure that each award made or recommended to the proper approval authority meets established criteria.
c. Two ribbon awards cannot be earned for the same event, events, or same time period. Moreover, a junior ribbon earned cannot be cited as justification for a more senior ribbon.
405. Eligibility
a. Only those NSCC officers, midshipmen, instructors, and cadets who are currently enrolled in either a NSCC or NLCC unit, or who are assigned to a regional staff or assigned to a training contingent are eligible to receive ribbon awards. Personnel in retired status who perform escort evolutions are eligible for awards associated with duty performed.
b. Midshipmen are considered to be officers for ribbon award purposes.
c. Instructors are eligible to receive officer ribbon awards.
d. Presentation of awards to individuals who have left the NSCC/NLCC programs is not authorized.
406. Recommendation Procedures
a. Any NSCC officer having knowledge of the act achievement, or service, which may establish eligibility, may make recommendations for ribbon awards.
b. All recommendations shall include supporting information as necessary to show justification for the award. Full names and NSCC/NLCC identification numbers of personnel for whom the award is proposed will be included.
c. Recommendations for the Honor Ribbon and Distinguished Service Ribbon will be submitted in letter form via the chain of command to the executive director, normally over the signature of the unit commanding officer. Meritorious Recognition Ribbon and below unless noted otherwise, shall be submitted to the NHQ Representative via the chain of command. Recommendations will be accompanied by a citation on the individual's behalf.
d. The NSCC/NLCC Unit Commendation is a group award; therefore, names and NSCC/NLCC identification numbers of all officers and cadets who participated in the activity for which the award is recommended must be listed in the letter of recommendation.
407. Cadet/Officer Recognition Programs. All program guidelines for such programs will be found in TOPHATTERSRONINST 1700.1.
408. Required Reports. Unit reports are an essential part of the communications process between the unit and NHQ. If reports are to serve their intended purpose, the must be properly completed, promptly submitted and copies provided to all that have a need to know.
a. Monthly Activity Report (NSCADM 015). The report provides an overview of unit activities and provides an opportunity for the unit CO to comment on unit activities that are noteworthy and of general interest. NOTE: This report is a graded item on the Annual Inspection Report. The report is:
(1) Prepared on the last drill day of each month.
(2) The original is forwarded to NHQ no later than the 15th of the month following the last drill day. It is the responsibility of the unit commanding officer or designated person to ensure this occurs.
(3) Subsequent copies are forwarded to the Regional Director, Field Representative or as directed by the Regional Director.
b. Membership Activity Reporting System (MARS). The purpose of the MARS Report is to improve the accuracy of personnel records (cadet and adult) at the unit level and at NHQ. The report is also a way for the unit to monitor ID card expiration dates, Officer Evaluation Dates and Officer Courses completed, (101, 201, 301). This report also aides the unit in ensuring continuous insurance coverage for cadets and adults. The report will be provided QUARTERLY and is divided into two (2) sections, Active and Inactive. The Active Section includes all personnel cadet and adult who have a current enrollment. The Inactive Section includes all personnel cadet and adult whose enrollment has expired. Personnel on the Inactive Section are an indication to the unit CO cadets and adults should renew their enrollments or be dropped from unit rolls. Units will:
(1) Upon receipt review the report for accuracy.
(2) Mark any corrections in Red.
(3) Maintain a copy and return the original to NHQ NLT 60 days after receipt of the report even if there are NO corrections.
c. Annual Inspection Report. All NSCC and NLCC units are required to undergo an Annual Inspection. Newly formed units should undergo a Courtesy/Admin Inspection to assist in evaluating the unit's progress. The inspection process and reporting procedure is as follows:
(1) The inspection process/ guidelines are forwarded to the unit's by Action Letter and by posting the material to the Sea Cadet Resource Page by the end of November.
(2) The inspection period should begin on or about 1 January and WILL be completed NO LATER THAN 31 MARCH.
(3) The Inspection Report (Results) will be forwarded to NHQ to be received NLT 30 APRIL. Reports received after 30 April will not be considered for National Awards.
d. Budget/Audit Report (NSCADM 018). This report is completed and forwarded in conjunction with the Annual Inspection Report. Unit's failing to submit this report WILL NOT be eligible for National Awards. Regardless, an Annual Audit is required of ALL units, whether inspected or not.
e. Accident/Illness Report NSCADM 022. This form MUST be completed on all injuries/accidents/illnesses regardless if immediate medical care is sought or obtained. No claims will be filed without the original form being received by NHQ.
(1) Processing Claims (CIGNA Accident Insurance Policy). More information can be found regarding this topic in NSCC/NLCC Administration Manual Chapter 3 para 5(a).
(2) Processing Claims (Nationwide Insurance Policy). More information can be found regarding this topic in NSCC/NLCC Administration Manual Chapter 3 para 5(b).
f. NSCC/NLCC Personal Injury/Property Damage Report. A general comprehensive liability policy protects the NSCC, providing coverage for all adult leaders, sponsoring organizations, and volunteers who may be assisting in NSCC activities. There is no standard report for incidents, however CO's must report, either by phone or letter any incident that might have liability implications. If the sponsoring organization requires proof of insurance please contact NHQ. NHQ will obtain a "Certificate of Insurance" to present to the sponsoring organization. Generally, all sites where the NSCC drills locally are covered by liability insurance.
409. Purpose. The purpose of this section provides guidelines for the administration of Cadet and Adult records per NSCC Administrative Manual.
410. Cadet Service Record Administration
a. Establishment of the Service Record. A service record will be established for each cadet. NHQ does not maintain cadet records. It will contain all documents concerning enrollment, training, advancement, and other information considered significant which should be a matter of record. The information should be maintained in a U.S. Navy service record (NAVPERS 1070/600), appropriately stamped in RED on the front and back: "U.S. NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS". If no service records are available, a standard manila folder can be used. If DOD/DOT forms are used they must also be STAMPED IN RED. Information contained in this record is considered "Privileged Information" and measures to appropriately safe guard the record should be taken. Access is limited to the person to whom the record belongs, designated unit officers, the unit committee chairperson, and the Executive Director or his designated representative. The service record should be set up accordingly using THS FORM 06 (REV 05/13) and THS FORM 06A (05/13) as cover sheets for the right and left sides of the record.
b. Right Side (Top to Bottom)
(1) Copy of Cadets ID Card front and back
(2) Record of Cadet Advancement (NSCADM 009)
(3) Record of Cadet Awards (NSCADM 010)
(4) Cadet Application and Agreement Packet (NSCADM 001)
(a) Member Information and Release (Page 1/2)
(b) Report of Medical History (Page 3/4)
(c) Report of Medical Exam (Page 5/6)
(d) Medical History Supplemental (Page 7/8) (If required)
(e) Request for Accommodation (Page 9/10) (If required)
(9) All other medical forms in reverse chronological order
c. Left Side (Top to Bottom)
(1) Administrative Remarks (Blank) (NSCADM 008)
(2) Records of Advancement Exams
(3) Records of Correspondence Course Completions
(4) Training Authorizations (NSCTNG 003/005) (Completed)
(5) Awards and Letters of Commendation
(6) Other documents as required by Top Hatters Squadron.
(7) Commanding Officer's Annual Review. (THSFORM 104 REV 09/13)
d. Documents Required by Top Hatters Squadron. The following documents shall be retained in this section of the service record from top to bottom:
(1) THSFORM 100 (REV 09/13) Contract of Understanding
(2) THSFORM 101 (REV 09/13) Statement of Agreement
(3) Completed "Final Qualification" section of Indoctrination Division Cadet Qualification Standard. (NSCC Cadets Only)
(4) Evaluations from Summer Training Evolutions.
(5) THSFORM 104 (Rev 09/13) Service Record Annual Review.
e. Record Verification. Service records should be reviewed annually on or about 1 January to ensure that they contain all required documents. The unit commanding officer or his designated representative will certify that this review has been completed and that all discrepancies have been corrected by signing THS From 10 (Rev 05/13).
f. Cadet Record Disposition. When cadets leave the program for any reason except disciplinary, the unit commanding officer will follow these procedures.
(1) Verify the record and give it to the cadet. NHQ does not maintain cadet records.
(2) The Record of Cadet Advancement (NSCADM 009) is the most important form in the cadet service jacket. It certifies qualifications for enlistment in the military services at advanced pay grades should the cadets elect to do so. When NSCC cadets (ONLY) leave the program the commanding officer must:
(3) Forward a copy of the NSCADM 009 to NHQ so that the staff can certify training and advancement in response to inquiries from Armed Forces Recruiters.
(4) Provide the original NSCADM 009 to the cadet with the service record.
(5) Retain a copy in unit files for eventual inquiries from recruiters until the cadet reaches the age of 24.
g. Retain the record of disciplinary actions for one year, and then destroy them by burning or shredding.
h. If the commanding officer feels the disciplinary problem should prohibit the cadet from joining the military service, this information will be recorded on the Administrative Remarks (NSCADM 008) and forwarded to NHQ along with the NSCADM 009
411. Adult Service Record Administration
a. Establishment of the Service Record. A service record will be established for each adult. The record will contain documents relating to appointment, promotion, billet assignment, and any information that should be a matter of record. The information should be maintained in a U.S. Navy service record (NAVPERS 1070/600), appropriately stamped in RED on the front and back: "U.S. NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS". If no service records are available, a standard manila folder can be used. If DOD/DOT forms are used they must also be STAMPED IN RED. Information contained in this record is considered "Privileged Information" and measures to appropriately safe guard the record should be taken. Access is limited to the person to whom the record belongs, designated unit officers, the unit committee chairperson, and the Executive Director or his designated representative. The service record should be set up accordingly using THSFORM 05 (REV (05/13) and THSFORM 05A (05/13) as cover sheets for the right and left sides of the record.
b. Right Side (Top to Bottom):
(1) Copy of ID Card Front and Back.
(2) Appointment/Promotion Letters.
(3) Record of Awards (NSCADM 010).
(3) Evaluation/Promotion Recommendation (NSCADM 017).
(5) Copy of NSCC Officer/Midshipman/Instructor Application (NSCADM 002).
(a) Member Information Sheet (Page 1/2)
(b) Declarations (Page 3)
(c) Request for Reference (Page 4) – Three references
(d) Report of Medical History (Page 5/6)
(6) All other medical forms, such as immunization records, in reverse chronological order.
c. Left Side (Top to Bottom):
(1) Billet Assignment Letters.
(2) Study Guide Completion Letter.
(3) Correspondence Course/OPD Course Completion Letters.
(4) Escort Officer Authorization Orders (Completed).
(5) Awards and Letters of Commendation.
(5) Other information considered significant.
(7) Commanding Officer's Annual Review.
d. Record Verification. Service records should be reviewed annually on or about 1 January to ensure that they contain all required documents. The unit commanding officer or his designated representative will certify that this review has been completed and that all discrepancies have been corrected by signing THSFORM 104 (Rev 09/13).
e. Disposition of Adult Service Record. Officers, Midshipman and Instructor's who resign or leave the program for any reason may/shall retain their service records. Records not returned to the adult should be destroyed by burning or shredding.
412. Purpose. This section will give a brief description of administrative procedures.