Application Format (D) for Partnership Activities
January 2018
This application format can be used for the following project types:
-D: Partnership activity (maximum 100.000 DKK).
This support opportunity aims to strengthen the overall partnership cooperation between the Danish partner organization and the partner organization through e.g. visits and workshops, where the content of the partnership framework,such as values and goals,can be discussed.
This Application Format includes:
- Front-page with basic information
Applicant (DMCDD Member organization and partner organisation), title, country of implementation, financing and summary (in Danish) and signatures.
- Application Text
Description of the proposed activity.
- Budget Summery
The main items of the budget drawn up for the project in DKK. A separate detailed budget (local currency) should be attached to the application as an Annex A. Kindly note that separate budget guidelines are available to provide assistance to the budget formulation.
- List of Annexes
At the end of the application format a list of submitted annexes should be provided.
Please note:
-The application text should not exceed 10 pages (excluding front page and annexes). Applications exceeding 10 pages will not be accepted.
-The activity description should be drawn up between the Danish partner organisation and the partner organisation. Consequently, the proposal is to be submitted in English.
-Obligatory annexes include Annex A: Budget for activities.In addition, relevant annexes could refer to partnership agreements, programs etc.
-DMCDD has worked out a Partnership Policy for inspiration. The policy can be downloaded from our website at
The application and annexes are submitted electronically to the handling project consultant.
Front page with basic information
Reg. no. (To be filled by DMCDD)DMCDD-
Project Title
Country(ies) of activity:
DMCDD member Organisation
partner organisation
Total project cost (DKK)
(incl. own contributions (min 10%) / DKK / (local currency)
Amount requested
from DMCDD : / DKK / (local currency)
Expected date of start: / Expected date of completion:
Summary (maximum 10 lines in Danish including brief introduction to the purpose of the activity, participants and main activities/ expected outputs)
Date (stamp) Name DMCDD member organisation
Date Name partner organisation
A. Application Text
A.1 Partnership capacity and cooperation
Profile and Capacity of the partner organisation
- Indicate briefly history, mission and main activities of the partner organisation.
- How is the organisation governed, structured and run? (board, staff, volunteers, members etc.)
- How is the organisation rooted in the local society?
- Who are the main stakeholders/ partners of the organisation– locally, nationally and internationally?
- What experiences (areas of work/ themes and project management) do the organisation have with development projects in general?
Profile and Capacity of the Danish partner organisation
- Indicate briefly history, mission and main activities of the Danish partner organisation.
- How is international development work part of the organisation’s mission, and how is it integrated and balanced into the overall work?
- What experiences (areas of work/ themes and project management) do the organisation have with international development projects in general?
- What insight do the organisation have in regard to this partner’s country and area of work?
- How will a possible future project be rooted in theorganisation?
Partnership frame and history
- How and when was the contact established between the two partners?
- What type of cooperation has taken place between the partners so far?
A.2 Description of the activity
- How has the idea of working out a Partnership Programme or Agreement come up and who has been involved in the preparation?
Purpose, activities and outputs
- What is the overall purpose (objective) of the Partnership activity?
- How will the activity contribute to strengthen the partnership between the two partners?
- Describe in details the planned activities and the time line (Please enclose descriptions and program for visits, meetings etc. )
- Describe the expected outputs/ outcome of the activities planned.
- If a consultant from either DMCDD or elsewhere is expected to facilitate the activity, kindly explain the role of facilitator and their qualifications (possible attach CV).
A.3 Participants
- Who will take part in the planned activities? Describe in details how all levels of people in the organisations have been/ will be involved in the process and their responsibilities.
- How has the participant(s) been selected considering gender and other relevant aspects like their strategic position in the organisation, skills etc.? Please supply job profile or work description of the persons to be part in the activities.
A.4 Follow-up
Follow-up from the partnership activity
- How will the plans agreed upon and other outcome of the activity be followed up? What will be the role of the Danish partner organisation and what will be the role of the partner organisation?
- Who will be responsible for the follow up of the partner activity and the continuous cooperation from each of the organisations?
A.5 Other relevant information concerning the planned activities (maximum 1 page)
B. Budget Summary
Budget summary / CurrencyIndicate the total cost (i.e. including contributions from the DMCDD Fund, other sources of finance including own contribution) / DKK
Of this, the DMCDD Fund is to contribute / DKK
Specify the amount to be contributed by other sources of finance. List each source:______/ DKK
Indicate total cost in local currency
Indicate exchange rate applied
Main budget items: / Financing plan
Total budget in DKK / Of this, from DMCDD Fund / Of this, from other sources
- Activities (workshops, meetings, fees etc.)
- International travel cost
- Vaccination and insurance
- Food and accommodation
- Local transport
- Other costs
- Budget margin (6 - 10% of 1-6)
- Project expenses in total (1-7)
C. List of Annexes
Obligatory Annexes:
Annex A: Budget for activities
Other relevant annexes for the application:
Annex no. / Annex title1