Student Learning Outcomes and Methods of Assessment – T3 Pilots 2007/2008

1. ACCT205, Principles of Financial Accounting – Beth Lasky

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Record business transactions using accrual method double-entry “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” / Graded Algorithmic Homework problems via internet
Observation of discussion, Socratic Method
Take home practice tests gone over in class
Problem oriented tests
Prepare and interpret basic financial statements for businesses / Graded Algorithmic Homework problems via internet
Observation of discussion, Socratic Method
Take home practice tests gone over in class
Problem oriented tests
Use accounting information to identify organization’s goals, problems, and opportunities, and make rational business decisions / Graded Algorithmic Homework problems via internet
Observation of discussion, Socratic Method
Take home practice tests gone over in class
Problem oriented tests
Have an increased awareness of proper ethical business conduct / Discussion of presentation on accounting fraud
Homework and test problems on internal control methods
Extra credit paper on accounting fraud

2. ACCT218, Payroll Accounting – Kim Gatzke

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Understand what is involved in payroll accounting / Review and discuss the various laws governing payroll responsibilities
Assessments, continuation problem, payroll project
Compute Gross Pay for Employees / Prepare problems and exercises that demonstrate how to compute regular pay and overtime pay in accordance with the laws and regulations
Compute deductions from gross pay / Prepare problems and exercises that demonstrate mandatory and voluntary deductions
Compute federal and state payroll forms / Complete accurate federal and state payroll tax forms based on reporting requirements

3. ADOT101, Keyboarding – Elaine Tolliver

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Utilize proficiently the keyboard / Complete daily warm-ups
Demonstrate their understanding of proper keyboarding techniques independently / Develop techniques for counting errors
Continue to build speed and accuracy with the use of timed writings provided by the textbook / Keep speed charts
Use Microsoft Word efficiently in creating and formatting most frequently used business documents such as letters, tables, memos and reports / Format business documents

4. ADOT105, Survey of Computer Applications – Krista Lawrence

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Use discipline-related terminology appropriately / Creation of a portfolio, review questions, exams, tests
Collaboration in groups to present the definitions and use
Develop skills with the applications in specific circumstances / Tutorials, projects, exams, tests
Assignments with guided direction
Organize and present information orally and in writing with the use of visual aids / Oral presentations, exams, tests

5. ADOT106-1W1, Word Processing – Ruby Holliday

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Define word processing terms / Type the exercises from each chapter and be graded on selected ones.
Unit tests composed of exercises from the chapters will be given along with a final theory exam.
Open, format, close, save, print and revise WORD files. / Unit tests composed of exercises from the chapters will be given along with a final theory exam.
Use a templates and wizards to create documents / Unit tests composed of exercises from the chapters will be given along with a final theory exam.

6. ADOT178, General Office Procedures – Cheryl D. Green

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Explain how an office is managed / Graded course assignments (students are provided with a requirement/grade sheet by instructor)
Prepare business documents / Projects and activities, Application problems, graded w/ rubric
Present orally and professionally (proper attire) a research topic individually and in a group / Topics from Textbook, Reports, graded w/ a special rubric to rate individual and group presentations
Increase self-confidence / Rubric to rate oral presentations and give to students before presentations are delivered

7. ADOT264, Database Applications – Warren Duclos

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Use MS Access to construct new relational database components when given a selection of real-world work case situations / Completion of projects related to chapter concepts
Chapter quizzes which assess students’ understanding of concepts
Hands-on MyITLab assessments covering skills and concepts mastery
Use MS Access to revise existing relational database components when given a selection of real-world work case situations / Completion of projects related to chapter concepts
Chapter quizzes which assess students’ understanding of concepts
Hands-on MyITLab assessments covering skills and concepts mastery
Plan and construct relational database tables so as to enable efficient data collection, storage and maintenance / Completion of projects related to chapter concepts
Chapter quizzes which assess students’ understanding of concepts
Hands-on MyITLab assessments covering skills and concepts mastery

8. ADOT265, Spreadsheet Applications – Mary Logan

Student Learning Outcomes / Assessment of Student Learning
Create, develop, manipulate, and enhance spreadsheets using basic Excel skills / Constructing a full set of financial accounting statements, demonstrating financial strategies for improving performance and growth of existing businesses or starting new ones
Hands-on MyITLab assessments covering skills and concepts mastery
Perform common business calculations and analyses using formulas and functions / Chapter skills exams covering execution and understanding of the content
Hands-on MyITLab assessments covering skills and concepts mastery
Construct a full set of financial accounting statements using Excel skills / Challenge questions presenting business situations requiring students to choose appropriate skills learned in the chapter and use them creatively to come up with a solution
Hands-on MyITLab assessments covering skills and concepts mastery

9. ARCH 110, Architectural Design I – Victor Mirzai

Student Learning Outcomes / Assessment of Student Learning
Writewith creative thinking (design concept). The strategies in decision-making for problem solving and learning by doing of real life architectural projects. / Real-life architectural projects, tests, and a portfolio
Estimate numerical data by extracting, analyzing, and interpreting data, applying mathematics and terminology in solving design problems. / Real-life architectural projects, tests, and a portfolio
Demonstrate the use of application scientific and artistic techniques (collect observations and evaluate the validity of the conclusion) by following sequential design steps to analyze and solve the design problem. / Real-life architectural projects, tests, and a portfolio
Identify significant theories and philosophies of Architectural styles which societies and individuals have adopted. They will be able to clearly analyze the style by producing data which will support the basic ingredients of the problem. / Real-life architectural projects, tests, and a portfolio
Conduct public speaking activities, small group communication skills, and interpersonal communication. / Real-life architectural projects, tests, and a portfolio
Apply basic computer technology when using systematic and article processes by using the internet to research data for Architecture. / Real-life architectural projects, tests, and a portfolio

10. BIOL101, Introductory Biology Lecture – Amanda Rosenzweig

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Use problem solving, analytical and communication skills that will aid in building a foundation for lifelong learning and career development / Group tasks w/ discussion, critical thinking, and application skills
Evaluate and discuss contemporary social and ethical issues related to biology / Forums
Communicate effectively in both speech and writing / Class discussion
Group presentations
Apply basic computer technology and locate educational and biological resources / BlackBoard assignments
Computer assignments (Soft Chalk)
Make connections across the content and the concepts presented throughout the course. / Quizzes

11. BIOL102, Introductory Biology Lecture II – Marceau Ratard

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Demonstrate ecological and scientific literacy to explain the function of natural ecological systems / Discussion assignments
Apply a learned strategy to address novel ecological issues/problems / Case study – apply concepts covered in class
Explain the complexity of the social, economic, and political dynamics affecting solutions to ecological problems / Case study – present point of view of different stakeholders
Demonstrate an awareness of how individual choices affect ecosystems / Calculate ecological footprint – online tool

12. BUSL250, Legal Environment of Business (Business Law) – Tara Pembo

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Demonstrate an understanding of the legal principles of business / Discussion
Legislative Project
Midterm essay exam w/ classroom discussion
2 Objective exams in which they are encouraged to explain their answers
Demonstrate the knowledge of civil, common, and tort law that apply to those involved in developing and running a business / Discussion
Legislative Project
Midterm essay exam w/ classroom discussion
2 Objective exams in which they are encouraged to explain their answers
Identify the Legal Issue of any and all cases and scenarios they encounter in their textbooks and the real world / Discussion
Legislative Project
Midterm essay exam w/ classroom discussion
2 Objective exams in which they are encouraged to explain their answers
Apply these legal issues to come to a conclusion of what would be a just outcome / Discussion
Legislative Project
Midterm essay exam w/ classroom discussion
2 Objective exams in which they are encouraged to explain their answers

13. CADD125, Drafting I – Lorraine Zeringue

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Create an accurate technical drawing with the ability to expand on knowledge of engineering and architectural plans / Lab assignments
Revisions of lab assignments
Mid-term exam
Demonstrate mature drawing habits and techniques to produce organized and neat drawings / Daily class packet– worksheets
Explain drafting principles and use proper drafting terminology / Quizzes

14. CADD1201, Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting – Ken Krieger

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Building on traditional technical drawing methods, create construction type 2D drawings to industry standards using CAD tools / Lab exercises
Lab problems
Questions from the text
Set up and print CAD technical drawings and documents to industry scales and standards for professional presentation / Lab exercises
Lab problems
Questions from the text

15. CULA105, Theory of Meat, Poultry, and Seafood – Nancy Burback

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Differentiate between all parts of beef, lamb, veal, port, poultry, and game / Hands-on identification of parts of meat in the lab
Accurately order and explain the different cuts of meat / Develop knowledge using flash cards and working with buzzers to answer identification questions in group discussion
Tests – multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and discussion questions on information from book and lectures
Accurately cut and cook meats, poultry, and game / Hands-on demonstrations of learning in lab
Tests – multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and discussion questions on information from book and lectures
Accurately identify all weights and measurements required for recipes. / Develop knowledge using flash cards and working with buzzers to answer identification questions in group discussion
Tests – multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and discussion questions on information from book and lectures
Accurately follow a recipe both individually and with a group / Hands-on, collaborative learning with actual recipes in individual and group demonstrations

16. ENGL101, English Composition I – Cathy Gorvine

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Develop and organize ideas to support an explicit thesis statement / 6-8 formal writing assignments
Departmental Exit Exam
Accurately quote, summarize and paraphrase / 6-8 formal writing assignments
Departmental Exit Exam
Edit to correct errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage / 6-8 formal writing assignments
Departmental Exit Exam

17. ENGL102, English Composition II – Missy Diaz

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Read with comprehension / Discussion and participation assignments, homework, quizzes
Analyze ideas, opinions, patterns, and themes / Writing assignments
Research paper
Written argumentative final exam
5-minute speech
Synthesize ideas on a variety of topics / Writing assignments
Research paper
Integrate current, accurate, and valid information from various sources, without incident of plagiarism / Writing assignments
Research paper
Apply critical thinking skills to real world experiences, including other disciplines / Writing assignments
Research paper
Critical reflection

18. ENGL205, Introduction to Short Story and Novel – Elizabeth Feltey

SLO / Assessment of Student Learning
Relate literary works to personal experience / 2 exams
2 literary response essays
One research project
Research portfolio
Discussion board participation
Analyze/interpret literary works / 2 exams
2 literary response essays
One research project
Research portfolio
Discussion board participation
Analyze others’ literary criticism and apply relevant critical opinions to one’s own analysis and interpretation of literature / 2 exams
2 literary response essays
One research project
Research portfolio
Discussion board participation
Analyze relationships among selected elements of literary form and thematic content (e.g. setting and characterization, or symbol and theme) / 2 exams
2 literary response essays
One research project
Research portfolio
Discussion board participation

19. ENGL212, American Literature II– Emily Cosper

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Analyze and interpret a text in writing / Essay writing/essay exams
Evaluate primary and secondary sources and integrate into an original response / Essay writing/group presentations
Articulate the connections between literature and larger world issues / Small group discussion
Class discussion
Response journals
Synthesize ideas on a variety of topics / Essay writing
Essay Exams/
Response Journals

20. ENGL221/222, Survey of British Literature I & II – Janet McArthur and Brenda Bryant

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Integrate knowledge across a wide range of contexts – thematically, historically, and psychologically / Essay Exam at mid-term and final
Discussion Board responds and Classroom Discussion
Group Presentation
Independently synthesize and analyze / Individual paragraphs
PowerPoint Presentations – organize group presentations
The Power Point presentations were games (Jeopardy and Britwood Squares)
Debate ideas in a meaningful way / Essay Exam at mid-term and final
Discussion Board responds and Classroom Discussion
Group Presentation
Take self-responsibility for learning / One on one conversations with professor 2 times a semester
Assignments feature in BB, giving students 2-week assignments w/ a deadline, giving group leaders instr. To pass on to students. Group leaders then assign paragraph topics to each student. The method of disseminating information required the students to become more responsible for their own work.
Demonstrate respect for others in written and oral responses / Essay Exam at mid-term and final
Discussion Board responds and Classroom Discussion
Group Presentation
Articulate an appreciation for literature as a way of understanding human nature / Essay Exam at mid-term and final
Discussion Board responds and Classroom Discussion
Group Presentation
Take opportunities to learn beyond what is required / Papers

21. ESLR023/027 – 024/028 Advanced Reading and Composition I & II – Shelley Tyler

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Summarize readings on a variety of topics / Journals
Practice Summaries
Reader Response Essays
Practice Essay Exams
Midterm & Final Exams
Communicate and support ideas in writing / Journals
Practice Summaries
Reader Response Essays
Practice Essay Exams
Midterm & Final Exams
Use knowledge of strengths and weaknesses to self-monitor and self-correct writing / Grammar practice assignments
Rewrites of graded essays
Peer and Self Grammar Editing
Reader Response Essays
Practice Essay Exams
Midterm & Final Exams
Provide Meaningful feedback to peers and use feedback from others effectively / Peer observation activities
Peer Grammar Editing
Rewrites of graded essays
Demonstrate self-awareness of ability as a writer / Journals

22. GEOL101, Physical Geology – Jacqueline Wood

Student Learning Outcome / Assessment of Student Learning
Explain how Plate Tectonics is the universal theory of geology / Classroom discussion
Online BlackBoard discussion
Explain how different stresses and strains result in various geological structures / In-class group worksheets
In-class group work w/ maps
Describe the major breakdown of the Geological Time Scale / In-class assignment
Online assignment
Geological time scale quiz
Explain the differences between metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rock and how they are related to the rock cycle / Online BlackBoard discussion
Textbook homework assignments w/ short essays
Explain the development of costal features / Online BlackBoard discussion
Online assignment
Determine the epicenter of an earthquake, and determine the Richter magnitude from seismic lines / Online assignment
In-class assignment w/ reading

23. HORT101, General Horticulture – Bettie Abbate

Student Learning Outcomes / Assessment of Student Learning
Identify and discuss the many jobs available within the Horticulture industry / Online group discussion
Lab journal and report
Reflective paper and survey (service learning)
Apply knowledge of the elements of climate and microclimate to plant growth under different conditions / Online group discussion
Softchalk lessons
Online written assignments
Written exams: problem-solving questions
Lab journal and report
Reflective paper and survey (service learning)
Group assessment
Identify and compare the five physiological processes in plant science and examine how each affect plant growth and development / Online group discussion
Softchalk lessons
Online written assignments
Written exams: problem-solving questions
Lab journal and report
Reflective paper and survey (service learning)
Group assessment
Demonstrate the skills needed to successfully initiate plant growth through sexual and asexual propagation / Online group discussion
Softchalk lessons
Online written assignments
Written exams: problem-solving questions
Lab journal and report
Reflective paper and survey (service learning)
Group assessment
Demonstrate best management practices for planting and maintenance of ornamental landscaping and interior plantscaping commonly used in the industry / Online group discussion
Softchalk lessons
Online written assignments
Written exams: problem-solving questions
Lab journal and report
Reflective paper and survey (service learning)
Group assessment

24. MATH095, Introduction to Algebra I – Jennifer Johnson