Maidstone Swimming Club
Established 1844 - Affiliated to ASA, SCASA, KCASA, MASA
Dear ______Welcome to Maidstone Swimming Club
You will be joining: LTS□ Pre-Competitive□ Competitive 1□ Competitive 2□ Diving Bronze□ Other ______
Your swimming lesson will be on ______at ______
If you want to discuss any matters concerning the Lessons, please contact the lane coach at the end of the lesson
Please complete the New Member details/Medical consent form and return to the Thursday or Friday desk or post to: J Griggs, 14 Greenfields, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 8ET before your first lesson. Payment must be received before lessons commence.
Squad Information:
LTS – Lessons are for ½ hour term time only
Pre-Competitive –Lessons are ½ hour on Fridays and 1 hour Sunday 10-11am at Rochester Maths School, Rochester.
Competitive 1 –Lessons are 1 hour Thursday 6-7pm at Sutton Valence School, Friday 7-8pm and 1 hour Sunday 10-11am at Rochester Maths School, Rochester.
LTS swimming fees are to be paid in advance of commencing lessons. Pre-Competitive & above Swimming/Diving fees are payable on a 3 month basis commencing on the 1st January and are due at the beginning of each 3 month period. An invoice will be emailed to you. There is a late fees charge of £10 if not paid within 30 days of the invoice. PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY.
Current Fees 2016 (3 monthly): LTS £5.50 per lesson, Pre-Comp £78, Comp 1 £96, Comp 2 £117, Comp-Dev £120, Junior Dev. £126, Junior Elite £144, Elite £165, Elite P/T £129, Master (full) £102, Master (half) £63, Bronze 1 Diver £78, Bronze 2 Diver £96, Silver Diver £126, Gold Diver £141, Master Diver £108. Swimmers/Divers pay the higher individual fee plus a cross discipline fee of £39.
Please note that if fees have not been paid within 6 weeks, your child will not be allowed to swim/dive until all outstanding fees are paid.
ASA fees apply at the following rates and are payable on 1st January or on joining: LTS: £20 per annum (includes annual membership fee), Pre-Competitive: £12.70 per annum, all competitive and Diving squads: £30.50 per annum.
An Annual Membership fee of £25 is payable for squad members (not LTS) on 1st April or on joining. Annual membership fees are limited to £50 for families with 3 or more squad members.
Please advise your lane coach if you have any new medical conditions that may arise during the year.
Please email our club mailbox with any questions –
Please detach and return with your remittance
Name: ______Squad: ______
Date of Birth: ______Male/FemaleStart Date: ______
Address: ______Email: ______
______Postcode:______Amount Due/Part Payment: ______
Home Telephone: ______Emergency contact name and number: ______
Additional emergency contact and number: ______
Name of any other family member already registered with the club: ______
Please provide details of any medical or learning difficulties: ______
Parent / Guardian Consent (NB: These details will be held on computer file and covered by the data protection act)
I confirm that the above details may be added to a database of current members. I understand that access to such a database will be limited to members of MSC Team and that this information will only be used in order to contact me for legitimate swimming related matters. As Parent/Guardian of ______, I agree that an official of Maidstone Swimming Club may give consent on my behalf for anaesthetics to be administered by a qualified medical practitioner and/or any other medical treatment to be given if deemed urgent.
Signed: ______Parent/GuardianDate: / /