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Poison ivy / पॉइज़नआइवी
Toxicodendron radicans(Poison ivy; older synonymsRhus toxicodendron,Rhus radicans[2]) is a plant in the familyAnacardiaceae. / टॉक्सिकोडेंड्रोनरेडिकंस (पॉइज़नआइवी; पुरानेसमानार्थकशब्द- रुसटॉक्सिकोडेंड्रोन, रुसरेडिकंस), ऐनाकार्डियासीपरिवारकाएकपौधाहै।
It is awoodyvinethat is well known for its ability to produceurushiol, a skin irritant that causes an itchingrashfor most people, technically known asurushiol-induced contact dermatitisbut it is not a trueIvy(Hedera). / यहएकजंगलीलताहैजोयुरुशियोलनामकएकत्वचाप्रदाहकउत्पन्नकरनेकीअपनीक्षमताकेलिएकाफीमशहूरहैजोअधिकांशलोगोंमेंहोनेवालीएकखुजलीवालीफुंसीकाकारणहैजिसेतकनीकीतौरपरयुरुशियोल-प्रेरितसंपर्कत्वचादाहकेरूपमेंजानाजाताहैलेकिनयहएकवास्तविकआइवी(हेडेरा) नहींहै।
Poison ivy grows throughout much of North America, including the Canadian Maritime provinces, Quebec and Ontario, and all U.S. states east of the Rockies except North Dakota, as well as in the mountainous areas of Mexico up to around[3](see caquistle or caxuistle—theNahuatlterm), and is normally found in wooded areas, especially along edge areas. / पॉइज़नआइवीउत्तरअमेरिकाकेअधिकांशभागमेंचारोंतरफपनपताहैजिसमेंकनाडाकेसमुद्रीप्रान्त, क्यूबेकऔरओंटारियो, औरसंयुक्तराज्यअमेरिकामेंउत्तरडकोटाकोछोड़कररॉकीज़केसभीपूर्वीभागकेसाथ-साथमैक्सिकोकेपहाड़ीक्षेत्रोंमें[3] (कैक्विसलयाकैक्स्विसल—नाहूआट्लशब्ददेखें) तककाक्षेत्रभीशामिलहैं, औरयहआमतौरपरजंगलीक्षेत्रों, खासतौरपरकिनारेकेक्षेत्रोंमेंपायाजाताहै।
It also grows in exposed rocky areas and in open fields and disturbed areas. / यहअनावृतचट्टानीक्षेत्रोंऔरखुलेक्षेत्रोंऔरअशांतक्षेत्रोंमेंभीउगताहै।
It also grows as aforestunderstoryplant, although it is only somewhat shade tolerant. / यहजंगलकेएकअंडरस्टोरीपौधेकेरूपमेंभीपनपताहै, हालांकियहकुछहदतकहीछायासहिष्णुहै।
The plant is extremely common in suburban and exurban areas of New England, the Mid-Atlantic, and Southeastern United States. / यहपौधान्यूइंग्लैंड, मध्यअटलांटिक,औरदक्षिण-पूर्वीसंयुक्तराज्यअमेरिकाकेउपनगरीयऔरबाह्यनगरीयक्षेत्रोंमेंबहुतआमहै।
Similar species,Poison-Oak, andToxicodendron rydbergiiare found in western North America. / इसीप्रकारकीप्रजातियां, पॉइज़न-ओक, औरटॉक्सिकोडेंड्रोनराइडबर्गीपश्चिमीउत्तरअमेरिकामेंपाईजातीहैं।
Poison ivy rarely grows at altitudes above[5], although the altitude limit varies in different locations. / पॉइज़नआइवीशायदहीकभी[5]सेअधिकऊंचाईपरबढ़ताहै, हालांकिविभिन्नस्थानोंमेंऊंचाईसीमामेंअंतरहोताहै।
The plants can grow as a shrub up to about[7]tall, as agroundcover[8]high, or as a climbing vine on various supports. / येपौधेएकझाड़ीकेरूपमेंलगभग[7]लम्बेसकतेहैं, एकग्राउंडकवरकेरूपमें[8]ऊंचेहोसकतेहैं, याआरोहीलताकेरूपमेंअलग-अलगतरहकीवस्तुओंकासहारालेकरबढ़सकतेहैं।
Older vines on substantial supports send out lateral branches that may at first be mistaken for tree limbs. / पर्याप्तसहारामिलनेपरपुरानीलताओंसेकईपार्श्वशाखाएंनिकलनेलगतीहैंजिन्हेंशुरूमेंवृक्षकेअंगसमझनेकीभूलहोसकतीहै।
X-ray / एक्स-रे (क्ष-किरण)
X-radiation(composed ofX-rays) is a form ofelectromagnetic radiation. / क्ष-विकिरण(एक्स-रेसेनिर्मित) विद्युतचुम्बकीयविकिरणकाएकरूपहै।
X-rays have awavelengthin the range of 0.01 to 10nanometers, corresponding tofrequenciesin the range 30petahertzto 30exahertz(3 × 1016Hz to 3 × 1019Hz) and energies in the range 120eVto 120keV. They are shorter in wavelength thanUVrays and longer thangamma rays. / एक्स-रेकातरंगदैर्ध्य 0.01 से10 नैनोमीटरतकहोताहै, जिसकीआवृत्ति 30 पेटाहर्ट्ज़से30 एग्ज़ाहर्ट्ज़ (3 × 1016हर्ट्ज़से3 × 1019हर्ट्ज़) औरऊर्जा120 इलेक्ट्रोवोल्टसे120 किलोइलेक्ट्रोवोल्ट तकहोतीहै।एक्स-रेकातरंगदैर्ध्य, पराबैंगनी किरणोंसेछोटाऔरगामाकिरणोंसेलम्बाहोताहै।
In many languages, X-radiation is calledRöntgen radiation, afterWilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who is generally credited as their discoverer, and who had named them X-rays to signify an unknown type of radiation. / कईभाषाओंमें, एक्स-विकिरणकोविल्हेमकॉनराडरॉन्टगनकेनामपररॉन्टगनविकिरण कहाजाताहै, जिन्हेंआमतौरपरइसकेआविष्कारकहोनेकाश्रेयदियाजाताहै, औरजिन्होंनेएकअज्ञातप्रकारकेविकिरणकोसूचितकरनेकेलिएइसेएक्स-रेनामदियाथा।
X-rays from about 0.12 to 12 keV (10 to 0.10nm wavelength) are classified as "soft" X-rays, and from about 12 to 120 keV (0.01 to 0.10nm wavelength) as "hard" X-rays, due to their penetrating abilities. / भेदनक्षमताकेआधारपरलगभग0.12 से12 किलोइलेक्ट्रोवोल्ट(10 से0.10 नैनोमीटरतरंगदैर्ध्य) वालीएक्स-रेको "मृदु" एक्स-रेकेरूपमें, औरलगभग12 से120 किलोइलेक्ट्रोवोल्ट (0.01 से0.10 नैनोमीटर) तरंगदैर्ध्यवालेएक्स-रेको "दृढ़" एक्स-रेकेरूपमेंवर्गीकृतकियाजाताहै।
Hard X-rays can penetrate solid objects, and their largest use is to take images of the inside of objects indiagnosticradiographyandcrystallography. / दृढ़एक्स-रेठोसवस्तुओंकोभेदसकतीहैं, औरइनकासबसेज्यादाइस्तेमाल नैदानिकरेडियोग्राफी और क्रिस्टलोग्राफी मेंवस्तुओंकीअंदरूनीतस्वीरेंलेनेकेलिएकियाजाताहै।
As a result, the termX-rayismetonymicallyused to refer to a radiographic image produced using this method, in addition to the method itself. / परिणामस्वरूप, लक्षणालंकारकीदृष्टिसेएक्स-रेशब्दकाइस्तेमालस्वयंइसविधिकेअलावाइसविधिकेइस्तेमालसेउत्पन्नएकरेडियोग्राफिकतस्वीरकोसंदर्भितकरनेकेलियेभीकियाजाताहै।
By contrast, soft X-rays can hardly be said to penetrate matter at all; for instance, the attenuation length of 600 eV (~ 2nm) x-rays in water is less than 1 micrometer. / इसकेविपरीत, कहाजाताहैकिमृदुएक्स-रेबड़ीमुश्किलसेकिसीपदार्थकोपूरीतरहसेभेदसकतीहैं; उदाहरणकेलिए, जलमें600 इलेक्ट्रोवोल्ट (~ 2 नैनोमीटर) तरंगदैर्ध्यवालीएक्स-रेकाक्षीणनदैर्ध्य1 माइक्रोमीटरसेभीकमहोताहै।
X-rays are a form ofionizing radiation, and exposure to them can be a health hazard. / एक्स-रेएकप्रकारकाआयनशीलविकिरण हैंऔरइनकाअनावरणस्वास्थ्यकेलिएहानिकारकहोसकताहै।
Digital Camera / डिजिटलकैमरा
Adigital camera(ordigicamfor short) is acamerathat takesvideoor stillphotographs, or both,digitally by recordingimagesvia anelectronicimage sensor. / एकडिजिटलकैमरा (यासंक्षेपमें - डिजिकैम) एकऐसाकैमराहैजोडिजिटलरूपमेंवीडियोयास्टिलफोटोग्राफयादोनोंलेताहैऔरएकइलेक्ट्रॉनिकइमेजसेंसरकेमाध्यमसेचित्रोंकोरिकॉर्डकरलेताहै।
Many compact digital still cameras can recordsoundand movingvideoas well as stillphotographs. / कईकॉम्पैक्टडिजिटलस्टिलकैमरे, ध्वनिऔरमूविंगवीडियोकेसाथ-साथस्टिलफोटोग्राफकोभीरिकॉर्डकरसकतेहैं।
In theWesternmarket, digital cameras outsell their35mm filmcounterparts. / पश्चिमी बाजारमें, डिजिटलकैमरोंके 35 mm फ़िल्म
Digital cameras can do things film cameras cannot: displaying images on a screen immediately after they are recorded, storing thousands of images on a single small memory device, recording video with sound, and deleting images to free storage space. / डिजिटलकैमरे, वेसभीकामकरसकतेहैंजोफ़िल्मकैमरेनहींकरपातेहैं: रिकॉर्डकरनेकेतुरंतबादस्क्रीनपरइमेजोंकोप्रदर्शितकरना, एकछोटे-सेमेमोरीउपकरणमेंहज़ारोंचित्रोंकाभंडारणकरना, ध्वनिकेसाथवीडियोकीरिकॉर्डिंगकरनाऔरसंग्रहणस्थानकोखालीकरनेकेलिएचित्रोंकोमिटादेना।
Some cancrop picturesand perform other elementaryimage editing. / कुछडिजिटलकैमरेतस्वीरोंमेंकांट-छांटकरसकतेहैंऔरचित्रोंकाप्रारंभिकसंपादनभीकरसकतेहैं।
Fundamentally they operate in the same manner asfilm cameras, typically using a lens with a variable diaphragm to focus light onto an image pickup device. / मूलरूपसेवेफ़िल्मकैमरेकीतरहहीसंचालितहोतेहैंऔरआमतौरपरचित्रलेनेवालेएकउपकरणपरप्रकाशकोकेंद्रितकरनेकेलिएएकवेरिएबलडायाफ्रामवालेलेंसकाप्रयोगहोताहै।
The combination of the diaphragm and a shutter mechanism is used to admit the correct amount of light to the imager, just as with film; the only difference is that the image pickup device is electronic rather than chemical. / ठीकफ़िल्मकैमरेकीतरहइसमेंभीइमेजरमेंप्रकाशकीसहीमात्राकीप्रविष्टिकरनेकेलिएडायाफ्रामऔरएकशटरक्रियावलीकेसंयोजनकाप्रयोगकियाजाताहै;एकमात्रअंतरयहीहैकिइसमेंप्रयुक्तचित्रलेनेवालेउपकरण, रासायनिकहोनेकेबजायइलेक्ट्रॉनिकहोताहै।
Digital cameras are incorporated into many devices ranging fromPDAs andmobile phones (calledcamera phones) to vehicles. / PDAऔरमोबाइलफोन (कैमराफोन) सेलेकरवाहनोंतककीश्रेणीकेकईउपकरणोंमेंडिजिटलकैमरोंकोसमाहितकियाजाताहै।
TheHubble Space Telescopeand otherastronomicaldevices are essentially specialised digital cameras. / हबलस्पेसटेलीस्कोप औरअन्यखगोलीयउपकरणोंमेंआवश्यकरूपसेविशेषडिजिटलकैमरोंकाप्रयोगहोताहै।
San Jose, California / सैनजोस, कैलिफोर्निया
San Jose([2]) (meaningSt. JosephinSpanish) is the third-largest city inCalifornia, the tenth-largest in theUnited States, and the county seat ofSanta Clara County. / सैनजोस ([2]) (जिसकास्पेनिशमेंअर्थहै - सेंटजोसफ) कैलिफोर्नियाकातीसरासबसेबड़ाशहर, संयुक्तराज्यअमेरिकाकादसवांसबसेबड़ाशहरऔरसांताक्लाराकाउंटीकाकाउंटीसीटहै।
Anchor to the31st-largest metropolitan area in the country, it is located at the southern end ofSan Francisco Bay / यहदेशके 31वेंसबसेबड़ेमहानगरीयक्षेत्रकाएकऐंकरहैजोसैनफ्रांसिस्कोकीखाड़ीकेदक्षिणीछोरपरस्थितहै।
Once a small farming city, San Jose experienced rapid growth from the 1950s to the present. / सैनजोसकभीएकछोटासाकृषिशहरथाजहां 1950 केदशकसेअबतकबड़ीतेज़ीसेविकासहुआहै।
San Jose is the largest city in the Bay Area in terms of population, land area, and industrial development. / जनसंख्या, भूमिक्षेत्र, एवंऔद्योगिकविकासकीदृष्टिसेसैनजोसखाड़ीक्षेत्रकासबसेबड़ाशहरहै।
Its estimated population as of January 1, 2010, was 1,023,083 / 1 जनवरी 2010 तकइसकीअनुमानितजनसंख्या 1,023,083 थी।
San Jose was founded on November 29, 1777, asEl Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe, the firsttownin theSpanish colonyofNueva California, which later becameAlta California. / सैनजोसकीनींव 29 नवम्बर 1777 कोनुएवाकैलिफोर्नियाकेस्पेनिशकॉलोनीकेपहलेकस्बे, एलपुएब्लोडीसैनजोसडीग्वाडालूप, केरूपमेंरखीगई, जोबादमेंअल्टाकैलिफोर्नियाबना।
The city served as a farming community to support Spanish military installations atSan FranciscoandMonterey. / इसशहरनेसैनफ्रांसिस्कोऔरमोंटेरेमेंस्पेनिशसैन्यप्रतिष्ठानोंकेसमर्थनमेंएककृषिसमुदायकेरूपकामकिया।
WhenCaliforniagained statehood in 1850, San Jose served as its first capital. / जबकैलिफोर्नियाको 1850 मेंएकराज्यकादर्ज़ाप्राप्तहुआथा, उससमयसैनजोसनेइसकीपहलीराजधानीकेरूपअपनीसेवाप्रदानकी।
After more than 150 years as an agricultural center, San Jose experienced increased demand for housing from soldiers and other veterans returning fromWorld War II, as well as aggressive expansion during the 1950s and 1960s by annexing more land area. / एककृषिकेंद्रकेरूपमें 150 वर्षसेअधिकसमयतकअपनीसेवाप्रदानकरनेकेबादसैनजोसनेद्वितीयविश्वयुद्धसेलौटनेवालेसैनिकोंऔरसेवानिवृतसैनिकोंकेआवासनकीअत्यधिकमांगकेसाथ-साथ 1950 और 1960 केदशकमेंऔरअधिकभूमिक्षेत्रकोमिलाकरआक्रामकविस्तारकाअनुभवकिया।
By the 1990s, San Jose's location within the booming local technology industry earned the city its nickname,Capital of Silicon Valley. / 1990 केदशकतक, उत्तरोत्तरविकासशीलस्थानीयप्रौद्योगिकीउद्योगकेअंतर्गतआनेवालेसैनजोसकेक्षेत्रकोकैपिटलऑफ़सिलिकनवैली (सिलिकनघाटीकीराजधानी) उपनामदियागया।
Enron Scandal / एनरॉनघोटाला
TheEnron scandal, revealed in October 2001, eventually led to thebankruptcyof theEnron Corporation, an Americanenergycompany based inHouston, Texas, and the dissolution ofArthur Andersen, which was one of thefive largestauditandaccountancypartnerships in the world. / अक्टूबर 2001 मेंरहस्योद्घाटनहोनेवालेएनरॉनघोटाले केपरिणामस्वरूपअंततः टेक्सासकेहॉस्टन की एनरॉनकॉर्पोरेशन नामकएकअमेरिकी ऊर्जा कंपनीको दिवालियापन काऔरदुनियाके पांचसबसेबड़ेलेखा-परीक्षण एवंलेखाशास्त्रसाझेदारी प्रतिष्ठानोंमेंसेएक, आर्थरएंडरसनकोविघटनकामुंहदेखनापड़ा।
In addition to being the largest bankruptcy reorganization in American history at that time, Enron undoubtedly is the biggest audit failure. / उससमयअमेरिकीइतिहासकासबसेबड़ादिवालियापुनःसंगठनहोनेकेअलावा, एनरॉनकोबेशकलेखा-परीक्षणकेक्षेत्रमेंसबसेबड़ीविफलताहासिलहुईहै।
Enron was formed in 1985 byKenneth Layafter mergingHouston Natural GasandInterNorth. / एनरॉनकागठनहॉस्टननैचरलगैस औरइंटरनॉर्थ काविलयकरनेकेबाद 1985 मेंकेनेथलेद्वाराकियागयाथा।
Several years later, whenJeffrey Skillingwas hired, he developed a staff of executives that, through the use of accounting loopholes,special purpose entities, and poor financial reporting, were able to hide billions in debt from failed deals and projects. / कईसालबाद, जबजेफ्रीस्किलिंगकामपररखागया, तबउन्होंनेकार्यकारियोंकाएकदलतैयारकियाजोलेखांकनकीखामियों, विशेषप्रयोजनसंस्थाओं, औरबदतरवित्तीयप्रतिवेदनकेउपयोगकेजरिएअसफलसौदोंऔरपरियोजनाओंसेकर्जमेंडूबेकरोड़ोंलोगोंकोछिपानेमेंसक्षमथे।
Chief Financial OfficerAndrew Fastowand other executives were able to mislead Enron's board of directors and audit committee of high-risk accounting issues as well as pressure Andersen to ignore the issues. / मुख्यवित्तीयअधिकारीएंड्रयूफास्टोऔरअन्यअधिकारीलेखांकनकेउच्च-जोखिमवालेमुद्दोंकेलिएस्थापितएनरॉनकेनिदेशकमंडलीऔरलेखा-परीक्षणसमितिकोगुमराहकरनेकेसाथ-साथउनमुद्दोंकीअनदेखीकरनेकेलिएएंडरसनपरदबावडालनेमेंसक्षमथे।
Enron'sstock price, which hit a high ofUS$90 per share in mid-2000, caused shareholders to lose nearly $11 billion when it plummeted to less than $1 by the end of November 2001. / एनरॉनकेस्टॉककीकीमत, जो 2000 केमध्यमेंप्रतिशेयर 90 अमेरिकीडॉलरकीऊंचाईतकपहुंचगईथी, नवम्बर 2001 केअंततक 1 डॉलरसेभीकमहोजानेसेइसकेशेयरधारकोंकोलगभग 11 बिलियनडॉलरकानुक्सानउठानापड़ा।
TheU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) began an investigation, andDynegyoffered to purchase the company at afire saleprice. / अमेरिकीप्रतिभूतिएवंविनिमयआयोग (एसईसी) नेएकजांचशुरूकी, औरडायनेगीकोएकफायरसेल(दिवालियापनकीस्थितिमेंबहुतहीकमकीमतपरबिक्री) कीमतपरइसकंपनीकोखरीदनेकीपेशकशकीगई।
When the deal fell through, Enron filed forbankruptcyon December 2, 2001 underChapter 11of theUnited States Bankruptcy Code, and with assets of $63.4 billion, it was the largest corporate bankruptcy in U.S. history untilWorldCom's 2002 bankruptcy. / जबयहसौदाअसफलहोगया, तबएनरॉनने 2 दिसंबर 2001 कोअमेरिकीदिवालियापनसंहिताकेअध्याय 11केतहतदिवालियापनकेलिएयाचिकादायरकी, और 63.4 बिलियनकीपरिसंपत्तियोंकेसाथ, वर्ल्डकॉमके 2002 केदिवालियापनतक, यहअमेरिकीइतिहासकासबसेबड़ाकॉर्पोरेटदिवालियापनथा।
Many executives at Enron were indicted for a variety of charges and were later sentenced to prison. / एनरॉनकेकईअधिकारियोंपरविभिन्नप्रकारकेआरोपलगाएगएऔरबादमेंउन्हेंकैदकीसजासुनाईगई।
Enron's auditor, Arthur Andersen, was found guilty in a United States District Court, but by the time the ruling was overturned at theU.S. Supreme Court, the firm had lost the majority of its customers and had shut down (seeArthur Andersen LLP v. United States). / एनरॉनकेलेखा-परीक्षक, आर्थरएंडरसन, एकअमेरिकीजिलाअदालतमेंदोषीपाएगए, लेकिनअमेरिकीसर्वोच्चअदालतकीसत्तापलटहोनेतक, यहप्रतिष्ठानअपनेअधिकांशग्राहकोंकोखोचुकाथाऔरबंदहोगयाथा (आर्थरएंडरसनएलएलपीबनामसंयुक्तराज्यअमेरिका देखें)।
An understanding of the conceptual bases of the corporate financing reporting system and of the preparation of financial statement are essential prerequisites to be a good accountant or a financial analyst. This Chapter intends to explain the corporate financial reporting system and
issues involved. Regulatory framework of corporate financial reporting in India and practices of Indian Companies are also covered. In last section reporting issues relating to matters that are reported outside the general purpose financial statements are considered. / एकअच्छालेखाकार (एकाउंटेंट) याएकवित्तीयविश्लेषकबननेकेलिएकॉर्पोरेटवित्तपोषणप्रतिवेदनप्रणालीऔरवित्तीयविवरणकीतैयारीकेवैचारिकआधारोंकीसमझकाहोनाबहुतजरूरीहै।इसअध्यायमेंकॉर्पोरेटवित्तीयप्रतिवेदनप्रणालीऔरउससेजुड़ेमुद्दोंकीव्याख्याकरनेकीकोशिशकीगयीहै।यहाँभारतमेंकॉर्पोरेटवित्तीयप्रतिवेदनकेनियामकढाँचेऔरभारतीयकंपनियोंकीकार्यप्रणालियोंकोभीशामिलकियागयाहै।अंतिमखंडमेंसामान्यप्रयोजनवालेवित्तीयविवरणोंकेबाहरप्रतिवेदितकियेजानेवालेमामलोंसेसंबंधितप्रतिवेदनमुद्दोंपरविचारकियागयाहै।
This chapter discusses the conceptual issues of corporate financial reporting. Disclosure being a major aspect of financial reporting, theories of disclosure are also considered. Issues relating to quality of financial reporting and mode of financial reporting are also being dealt with. / इसअध्यायमेंकॉर्पोरेटवित्तीयप्रतिवेदनकेवैचारिकमुद्दोंपरचर्चाकीगयीहै।वित्तीयप्रतिवेदनकाएकप्रमुखपहलूहोनेकेनातेप्रकटीकरणकेसिद्धांतोंपरभीविचारकियागयाहै।वित्तीयप्रतिवेदनकीगुणवत्ताऔरवित्तीयप्रतिवेदनकीविधिसेसंबंधितमुद्दोंपरभीध्यानदियाजारहाहै।
Financial reporting is the communication of financial information of an enterprise to the external world. Bedford conceptualizes the financial reporting process as consisting of four procedural steps: / वित्तीयप्रतिवेदनबाहरीदुनियाकेसाथकियागयाकिसीउद्यमकीवित्तीयजानकारीकासंचारहै।बेडफोर्डकेविचारसेवित्तीयप्रतिवेदनप्रक्रियाकेचारप्रक्रियात्मकचरणहैं:
1. Perception of the significant activity of the accounting entity or in the environment in which the entity performs. Implicit in the traditional perception is the belief that financial transactions represent the significant activities. / 1.लेखांकनसंस्थाकीयाएकऐसेमाहौलमेंमहत्वपूर्णगतिविधिकीअभिज्ञताजिसमेंसंस्थाअपनाकार्यप्रदर्शनकरतीहै।परंपरागतअभिज्ञतामेंअन्तर्निहितधारणायहहैकिवित्तीयलेनदेनमहत्वपूर्णगतिविधियोंकाप्रतिनिधित्वकरतेहैं।
book related sample translation
Explains the entrepreneurial skills that will be taught through the following weeks and skills books in the series. This little box introduces children to the definitions and meanings of entrepreneurial skills, so they can begin to recognize them in their own lives. / उद्यमीकौशलोंकीव्याख्याकरतीहैजिनकेबारेमेंआनेवालेहफ़्तोंमेंऔरश्रृंखलामेंकौशलपुस्तकोंकेमाध्यमसेपढ़ायाजाएगा।यहछोटासाडिब्बाबच्चोंकोउद्यमीकौशलोंकीपरिभाषाओंऔरअर्थोंसेपरिचितकराताहैताकिवेअपनेजीवनमेंउन्हेंपहचाननाशुरूकरसकें।
Provides children with real quotes from children across India, who each have talked about when they have used these skills. We hope that children will begin to recognize these skills within themselves and throughout the stories. / बच्चोंकोसारेभारतकेबच्चोंकेवास्तविकउद्धरणउपलब्धकरातीहैजिनमेंसेप्रत्येकनेइसबारेमेंबातकीहैकिउन्होंनेकबइनकौशलोंकाउपयोगकियाहै।हमेंआशाहैकिबच्चेअपनेभीतरऔरकहानियोंमेंइनकौशलोंकोपहचाननेलगेंगे।
Civic Education: Concept, Tools and Techniques
Civic education is the education of citizens on the rights and responsibilities associated with citizenship. Thus it is education surrounding government systems, governance structures and judicial systems, the social, cultural and economic rights of citizens within these systems, and responsibilities of each citizen to ensure the maintenance of these social structures. Civic education ensures that citizens have an awareness of the society they are living in including, the constitution, the form of government and the structure and functions of government bodies, cultural history and structures, the judicial system and the laws and regulations which govern society and political parties and social and political movements within the country. The provision of knowledge regarding the structure and functioning of society is central to the development and progression of society and civic education teaches people how to be informed and active citizens, to participate within all aspects of society, to respect and critically engage with social, cultural and economic structures, and to work to develop a progressive, open and active community. / नागरिकशिक्षा: संकल्पना, उपकरण, औरतकनीक
नागरिकशिक्षानागरिकताकेसाथजुड़ेअधिकारोंऔरजिम्मेदारियोंपरनागरिकोंकीशिक्षाहै।इसप्रकार, यहसरकारीप्रणालियों, शासनसंरचनाओंऔरन्यायिकप्रणालियों, इनप्रणालियोंकेभीतरनागरिकोंकेसामाजिक, सांस्कृतिकऔरआर्थिकअधिकारों, औरइनसामाजिकसंरचनाओंकेरखरखावकोसुनिश्चितकरनेकेलिएहरनागरिककीजिम्मेदारियोंसेसंबंधितशिक्षाहै।नागरिकशिक्षायहसुनिश्चितकरतीहैकिनागरिकजिससमाजमेंरहरहेहैंउससमाजसेअच्छीतरफवाकिफहैंजिसमेंसंविधान, सरकारकास्वरूपऔरसरकारीनिकायोंकीसंरचनाऔरकार्य, सांस्कृतिकइतिहासऔरसंरचनाएं, न्यायिकप्रणालीऔरसमाजऔरराजनीतिकदलोंकोनियंत्रितकरनेवालेनियमएवंक़ानूनऔरदेशकेभीतरहोनेवालीसामाजिकऔरराजनितिकगतिविधियांभीशामिलहैं।समाजकीसंरचनाऔरकामकाजकेबारेमेंज्ञानकाप्रावधानसमाजकेविकासऔरप्रगतिकाकेंद्रहैऔरनागरिकशिक्षालोगोंकोसिखातीहैकिकिसतरहइनसेवाकिफरहाजाताहैऔरसक्रियनागरिकबनाजाताहै, किसतरहसमाजकेसभीपहलुओंमेंभागलियाजाताहै, किसतरहसामाजिक, सांस्कृतिकऔरआर्थिकसंरचनाओंयाढांचोंकासम्मानकियाजाताहैऔरउनकेसाथबारीकीसेसंलग्नरहाजाताहै, औरकिसतरहएकप्रगतिशील, खुलेऔरसक्रियसमुदायकाविकासकरनेकीदिशामेंकामकियाजाताहै।
Code of Business Conduct_sample
The Code of Business Conduct document is intended to guide employees in making the right decisions in their day to day business dealings. It is not a comprehensive document on behavior or decision making as no one can predict the nature of actions and situations one may come across. This document should be used as a directional tool on which we base all our business conduct – Our Values. / व्यवसायआचारसंहितादस्तावेजकाउद्देश्य - दैनिकव्यावसायिकसौदोंमेंसहीनिर्णयलेनेमेंकर्मचारियोंकामार्गदर्शनकरनाहै।यहकोईआचरणयानिर्णयनिर्माणआधारितव्यापकदस्तावेजनहींहैक्योंकिकोईभीव्यक्तिभावीपरिस्थितियोंऔरकार्योंकीप्रकृतिकीभविष्यवाणीनहींकरसकताहै।इसदस्तावेजकाइस्तेमालएकदिशानिर्देशनसंबंधीसाधनकेरूपमेंकियाजानाचाहिएजोहमारेसभीव्यावसायिकआचारोंअर्थात्हमारेआदर्शोंकामुख्यआधारहै।
Sections covered in this document:
• Value and behavior descriptors: Describes expected behavior and actions to be taken.
• Questions: States situations that you may come across during the normal course of business and the approach to tackle them. This section specifies instances that will help guiding your behavior.
• Additional Resources: Lists corresponding policies and information that support each value. These policies are available on / इसदस्तावेजमेंशामिलअनुभाग:
•आदर्शएवंआचरणवर्णक: किएजानेवालेअपेक्षितआचरणोंएवंकार्योंकावर्णनकरताहै।
•प्रश्न: व्यवसायकेसामान्यपाठ्यक्रमकेदौरानसामनेआनेवालीपरिस्थितियोंऔरउनसेनिपटनेकेलिएअपनाएजानेवालेदृष्टिकोणोंकेबारेमेंबताताहै।यहअनुभागकुछऐसेदृष्टान्तप्रस्तुतकरताहैजिससेआपकेआचरणकामार्गदर्शनकरनेमेंमददमिलेगी।
•अतिरिक्तसंसाधन: प्रत्येकआदर्शकासमर्थनकरनेवालीअनुकूलनीतियोंऔरजानकारियोंकीसूचीप्रदानकरताहै।येनीतियां परउपलब्धहैं।
A Study of Multivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Given to Preadolescent and Adolescent Boys and Girls Compared to the Vaccine Given to Young Women
This is a research study to test a new vaccine called multivalent HPV virus-like particle vaccine. The vaccine is also called the 9-valent HPV vaccine (V503). The commercial HPV vaccine GARDASIL® comprises 4 types of HPV virus-like particles. The 9-valent HPV vaccine comprises the 4 types of HPV virus-like particles present in GARDASIL®, as well as 5 additional types of HPV virus-like particles for a total of 9 HPV types. Virus-like particles consist of the empty shells of HPV viruses. It is not possible to become infected with HPV by receiving the study vaccine.
The 9-valent HPV vaccine is investigational and has not yet been approved for sale. For girls and young women, collect urine or blood for pregnancy testing. If your child becomes pregnant during the study, your child's study vaccinations will be paused until your child completes the pregnancy. / युवामहिलाओंकोदिएजानेवालेवैक्सीनयाटीकेकीतुलनामेंपूर्व-किशोरऔरकिशोरलड़के-लड़कियोंकोदिएजानेवालेमल्टीवैलेंटह्यूमनपैपिलोमावायरस (एचपीवी) वैक्सीनकाएकअध्ययन
यहमल्टीवैलेंटएचपीवीनामकएकनएवैक्सीनयाटीकेकेपरीक्षणसेसंबंधितएकशोधअध्ययनहैजोवायरसयाविषाणुजैसेकणकीरोकथामकेलिएदियाजानेवालावैक्सीनयाटीकाहै।इसवैक्सीनको9-वैलेंटएचपीवीवैक्सीन (V503) भीकहाजाताहै।वाणिज्यिकएचपीवीवैक्सीनगार्डासिल® मेंचारप्रकारकेएचपीवीवायरसजैसेकणहोतेहैं।गार्डासिल® नामक9-वैलेंटएचपीवीवैक्सीनमें4 प्रकारकेवायरसजैसेकणहोनेकेसाथ-साथ5 अन्यप्रकारकेएचपीवीवायरसजैसेकणहोतेहैंजिससेकुलमिलाकरइसमें9 प्रकारकेएचपीवीवायरसजैसेजैसेकणहोतेहैं।वायरसजैसेकणएचपीवीवायरसोंकेखालीकवचसेबनेहोतेहैं।अध्ययनवैक्सीनप्राप्तकरनेसेएचपीवीसेसंक्रमितहोनेकीकोईसंभावनानहींहै।
government rural project_sample
Sarni has developed along Ghoradongri-Sarni road with all major roads and regional linkages in a perpendicular pattern to Ghoradongri-Sarni road in the past. The commercial activity predominantly have developed along the Ghoradongri-Sarni road (the major artery of the city), beginning at the Ghoradongri Station and end at Satpura Thermal Power station.
There is no heritage structure identified in the city. There are interested potential tourist spots in city like Madhardev mandir, Tawa Lake and Satpura forests. However, the important places of tourist interest in the region and district lie in the close vicinity of the town.
Being a mining town with a major thermal power plant, environmental situation is very critical and needs urgent attention to stop further damage to local eco system. Concentrations of SPM are exceeding the tolerance limit while concentration of SO2, and NO2, is well within the tolerance limit. However visual inspection of city feels different from the official reports. / अतीतमेंघोड़ाडोंगरी-सारणीसड़ककेसाथएकसीधेस्वरूपमेंसभीप्रमुखसड़कोंऔरक्षेत्रीयसंयोजनोंकेसाथघोड़ाडोंगरी-सारणीसड़ककेकिनारेसारणीकाविकासहुआहै।घोड़ाडोंगरी-सारणीसड़क (शहरकाप्रमुखमार्ग) केकिनारेमुख्यतःव्यावसायिकगतिविधिकाविकासहुआहैजोघोड़ाडोंगरीस्टेशनसेशुरूहोकरसतपुराथर्मलपावरस्टेशनपरसमाप्तहोताहै।
शहरमेंकिसीविरासतीढांचेकीपहचाननहींहुईहै।शहरमेंमाधरदेवमंदिर, तवाझीलऔरसतपुरावनजैसेदिलचस्पसंभावितपर्यटनस्थलहैं।हालाँकि, क्षेत्रऔरजिलेमेंपर्यटनरूचिवालेमहत्वपूर्णस्थाननगरकेपासकेइलाकेमेंस्थितहैं।
एकप्रमुखथर्मलपावरप्लांट (तापविद्युतसंयंत्र) वालाएकखनननगरहोनेकेनातेयहाँकीपर्यावरणीयस्थितिबहुतगंभीरहैऔरस्थानीयपारिस्थितिकीतंत्रकीअतिरिक्तक्षतिकोरोकनेकेलिएइसपरतुरंतध्यानदेनेकीजरूरतहै।एसपीएमकासंकेंद्रणसहनशीलतासीमासेबाहरसेजारहाहैजबकिSO2औरNO2कासंकेंद्रणसहनशीलतासीमाकेभीतरहै।हालाँकिशहरकादृश्यनिरीक्षणआधिकारिकरिपोर्टोंसेअलगलगताहै।
Housekeeping - Usage of dry and wet vacuum cleaner (sample translation)
Sodexo - Housekeeping training videos
Training module – Usage of dry and wet vacuum cleaner
At the end of this module we will be able to understand and perform standard method of vacuuming in correct and safe manner.
Use and maintain a wet and dry vacuum machine
Let us begin by learning the method to dry vacuum the carpeted area using a standard dry vacuum cleaner
Firstly, select and collect the requisite tools-
- Wet and dry vacuum machine
- Garbage bag
- Caddy bucket
- Check duster
- Floor duster
- Dust pad with nylon brush
- Carpet or upholstery brush
- Spray bottle
- Sponge pad
- Forceps
- Scrapper
- Small scissors or clipper
- A plastic container to collect sharps and pins
- Absorbent dry tissues
- Requisite sport or stain remover or TR103
- Safety goggles
- Rubber Handlers or gloves
- Face mask
- Ensure you are wearing your uniform safety shoes.
Remember: check the wire for any cuts or joints. Always ensure that the wire is attached to a pin plug. Check the pin plug for loose contact or physical damages such as breakages, cracks, etc.
Ideally check the machine at the circuit breaker before using.
Carry the collected materials to the designated area where the dry vacuuming needs to be performed.
Place the caution sign board, and wear the rubber hand gloves
Take a brisk look of the area for any fallen objects such as staple pins, drawing pins, blades, etc. if found pick the same using the forceps and collect it separately in a plastic container.
This helps by restricting entry of such objects in the dust bag thus preventing the dust bag from tears, cuts, etc.
Similarly check for any sticky deposits stuck onto the floor or carpet. If yes, remove the same using a scrapper carefully ensuring that the carpet surface is not damaged.
Remember: Check the electrical point where the machine point needs to be attached, for loose fittings, etc.
Begin with strategically placing the machine in the designated area such that it allows you to perform the vacuuming from the farthest end of the area working towards the exit or the entry.
Attach the plug into the socket on the switch board. Ensure to place the excess wire neatly coiled near the switch board so as to avoid entangling of the wire while you perform the vacuuming activity.
Remember: attach and use the correct accessories as per the type of the surface. Use the carpet attachment for the carpeted floor. Use the narrow attachments specially meant for vacuuming the corners. / सोडेक्सो - हाउसकीपिंगप्रशिक्षणवीडियो