Human Services and Service Learning

Minnesota Department of Education

Academics Standards Course Frameworks

Human Services and Serve Learning

Human Services and Trainingis an introductory/exploratory course for students interested in careers in human and community services and other helping professions. Areas of exploration include family and social services, youth development, and adult and elder care, and other for-profit and non-profit services. This project-based course will help students integrate higher order thinking, communication, leadership, and management processes to conduct investigations in human and social services at the local, state, national, or global/world level. Research and development, interdisciplinary projects, and/or collaboration with postsecondary faculty, community agencies or organizations, or student organizations are appropriate approaches. Students will be introduced to human and social services professions through presentations from a variety of guest speakers, job shadowing, field trips and introductory and exploratory field experiences. Case studies, role play, and application of professional codes of ethics will be utilized reflecting the challenges of working in diverse communities. Service learning experiences are highly recommended. Achievement of applicable FACS, academic, and employability competencies will be documented through a student portfolio.

Recommended Grade Level:Grades 11 & 12

Recommended Prerequisites: Nutrition and Wellness, Interpersonal Relationships, Child Development or Human Development and Wellness

Dual Credit

This course provides the opportunity for dual credit for students who meet postsecondary requirements for earning dual credit and successfully complete the dual credit requirements of this course.

Application of Content and Multiple Hour Offerings

Intensive laboratory applications are a component of this course and may be either school based or work based or a combination of the two. Work-based learning experiences should be in a closely related industry setting. Instructors shall have a standards-based training plan for students participating in work- based learning experiences. When a course is offered for multiple hours per semester, the amount of laboratory application or work-based learning needs to be increased proportionally.

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)

Career and Technical Student Organizations are considered a powerful instructional tool when integrated into Career and Technical Education programs. They enhance the knowledge and skills students learn in a course by allowing a student to participate in a unique program of career and leadership development. Students should be encouraged to participate in FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America), the CTSO for this area.

21st Century Skills should be an integral part of all courses being taught. These soft skills are the foundation for all Career and Technical Education.

Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Thinking Deeply, Thinking Differently

Information Literacy: Untangling the Web

Collaboration: Working Together, Learning Together

Self-Direction: Own Your Learning

Invention: Creating Solutions

Possible Course Titles
STEM/STEAM Connections
  1. Career Pathways
Career Field:Human ServicesCareer Cluster: Human Services Career Pathways: Early Childhood Development and Services
Career Field: Human ServicesCareer Cluster: Human ServicesCareer Pathways: Family and Community Services
Career Field: Human ServicesCareer Cluster: Education and TrainingCareer Pathways: Teaching and Training
  1. Career Field: Health Science TechnologyCareer Cluster: Health ScienceCareer Pathway: Support

FACS=Family and Consumer Sciences

MHSSL-Human Services and Service Learning

STEM=Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

STEAM=Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math

FCCLA=Family, Community, & Career Leaders of America

FCCLA Student Leadership Opportunities:
*Career Investigation *Entrepreneurship *Illustrated Talk *Job Interview
Topic: Career and Volunteer Opportunities
Minnesota Frameworks: 1.0 Synthesize knowledge, skills, and practices required for careers, leadership, and volunteer opportunities in family and community services.
National Standard Correlation: 7.0 Family and Community Services
Synthesize knowledge, skills, and practices required for careers in family and community services.
STEM/STEAM Standard:
National Standard
Correlation / Minnesota
Standard / Benchmarks/Competencies
7.1.1 / MHSSL 1.1 / Explain the roles and functions of individuals engaged in family and community services, careers, and service learning.
7.1.2 / MHSSL 1.2 / Analyze opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors.
7.1.3 / MHSSL 1.3 / Summarize education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in family & community services
7.1.4 / MHSSL 1.4 / Analyze the effects of family and community service occupations on local, state, national, and global economies.
7.1.5 / MHSSL 1.5 / Demonstrate job acquisition skills to gain work-based learning opportunities and employment in family and community services careers.
7.1.6 / MHSSL 1.6 / Analyze the role of professional organizations, communities, business and industry in family and community services.
Topic: Needs of Individuals and Families
Minnesota Frameworks:2.0 Evaluate conditions affecting individuals and families with a variety of difficult conditions.
National Standard Correlation: 7.4 Evaluate conditions affecting individuals and families with a variety of disadvantaging conditions.
STEM/STEAM Standard:
National Standard
Correlation / Minnesota
Standard / Benchmarks/Competencies
7.3.4 / MHSSL 2.1 / Analyze participants' strengths, needs, preferences, and interests across the life span through formal and informal assessment practices.
7.4.1 / MHSSL 2.2 / Assess health, wellness, and safety issues of individual and families with a variety of difficult conditions.
7.4.4 / MHSSL 2.3 / Discriminate between situations that require personal prevention or intervention and those situations that require professional assistance.
7.4.5 / MHSSL 2.4 / Analyze situations which require crisis intervention
7.4.6 / MHSSL 2.5 / Summarize the appropriate support needed to address selected human services issues.
Topic: Factors Related to Human Services and Service Learning
Minnesota Frameworks:3.0 Assess personal values, biases, and stereotypes and their potential impacts on human services and service learning.
National Standard Correlation:
STEM/STEAM Standard:
National Standard
Correlation / Minnesota
Standard / Benchmarks/Competencies
MHSSL 3.1 / Apply culturally appropriate methods of providing services for individuals and families.
  • Examine impacts of cultural stereotypes and prejudices
  • Evaluate cultural impacts of socioeconomic class
  • Examine cultural influences on time and space orientation

MHSSL 3.2 / Appraise how conflicts between personal values and the needs and behaviors of clients can be resolved.
MHSSL 3.3 / Select effective advocacy strategies to overcome diverse challenges in the human services and service learning.
Topic: Professional and Ethical Behaviors
Minnesota Frameworks: 4.0 Integrate professional and ethical standards into human services practice and service learning
National Standard Correlation: 7.3 Analyze the role of professional organizations in family and community services professions
STEM/STEAM Standard:
Correlation / Minnesota
Standard / Benchmarks/Competencies
7.3.1 / MHSSL 4.1 / Analyze ethical and legal issues that confront those in the human service arena and analyze ways to address.
7.3.2 / MHSSL 4.2 / Evaluate professional and ethical collaborative relationships with colleagues, participants and families.
MHSSL 4.3 / Classify harmful, fraudulent, and deceptive human services practices
MHSSL 4.4 / Practice interpersonal skills appropriate for interactions with individuals and families
MHSSL 4.5 / Demonstrate culturally sensitive verbal and non-verbal interpersonal skills