Gildersome Spurs J.F.C
1 The Name of the Club will be “Gildersome Spurs Junior Football Club”.
2The Objects of the Club shall be to promote physical fitness and development of character, by the playing and promotion of Junior League Football and Mini Soccer.
3 Status of Rules. These rules (the Club Rules) as set out from Section 1 to 13 form a binding agreement between each member and non – playing member of the Club.
4Rules and Regulations
4.1That the club be Affiliated Members of The Football Association and the West Riding County Football Association.
4.2The Rules and Regulations of The Football Association Limited and West Riding County Association and any League or Competition to which the Club is affiliated to for the time being shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Club Rules.
4.3The Club will abide by The Football Association's Child Protection Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy.
5Club Membership
5.1The members of the Club from time to time shall be those persons listed in the Register of Members, which shall be maintained by the Club Secretary.
5.2Any person who wishes to be a member must complete a Registration Form and deliver it to the Club / Team Manager.
5.3In the event of a member's resignation or expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the Register of Members.
5.4The Football Association and parent County Association shall be given access to the Membership Register on demand.
6Membership Fees
6.1All members will be liable to the following fees:
6.1.1Registration Fee (signing on fee) as agreed at the A.G.M, which is nonrefundable.
6.1.2Subscription Fee (for players who train and participate Home, Away or in a Gala) as agreed at the A.G.M.
6.2 The club may apply different levels of subscriptions on an individual, non-discriminatory and fair basis.
7Resignation and Expulsion
7.1 A member whose subscriptions are in arrears will be ineligible to train or play matches until payments are brought up to date.
7.2A member shall cease to be a member of the Club if, and from the date on which, he/she gives notice to the Club Committee of their resignation. A member whose annual membership fee or further subscription is more than 2 months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned.
7.3 The Club Committee shall have the power to expel a member when, in their opinion, it would not be in the interests of the Club for them to remain a member. There shall be no appeal procedures.
7.4A member who resigns or is expelled shall not be entitled to claim any, or a share of any, of the Club Property.
7.5Notification of expulsion of any member, parent / guardian along with reasons will be sent to West Riding County Football Association.
8Club Committee
8.1That the management of the affairs engagements and concerns of the club shall be entrusted to a Club Committee which shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Team Managers and any appropriate member being elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to eight further committee members forming a sub-committee.
8.2Where an officer of the club occupies more than one Club Committee position, the number of Club Committee members shall be increased if necessary, by the number of additional positions held by that officer.
8.3The Club Committee shall have the power to delegate all or any of their duties to a sub-committee except the power of expelling a Member. In addition the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall form an Emergency Committee the purpose of which shall be to consider and report to the Club Committee any matter they consider appropriate.
8.4 The Club Committee shall normally meet on the second and fourth Tuesday each month with seven members constituting a Quorum.
8.5 The Club Secretary, or in their absence a member of the Club Committee, shall enter Minutes of Meetings into the Minute Book of the Club.
8.6That the Officers and Members of the Club Committee shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
8.7A quorum of Club Committee for all purposes shall consist of no less than three quarters of the total number possible and for a quorum of a Sub-Committee should be no less than thirty percent present.
8.8Any member who stands for election as an officer of the Club and is unopposed must have the support of at least half the membership present, subject to the receipt of a Child Protection Card for entry onto the Child Protection Register.
8.9Full members may not receive regular payments for work undertaken on behalf of the Club.
9Annual and Special General Meeting
9.1The Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) shall be held before 1st June annually to receive the Report of the Committee and duly audited Statement of Accounts, and to elect Officers for the ensuing season.
9.2Notice convening any General Meeting and stating the business to be considered thereat, shall be posted to each member at least fourteen days prior to the date fixed for this Meeting.
9.3These rules shall neither be altered nor rescinded, nor shall new rules be incorporated without the sanctions of at least two-thirds of those present and voting at the A.G.M.
9.4Notice in writing of any proposed alteration or addition to these rules, together with the names of the members proposing and seconding, shall be sent to the Secretary no later than 31st March preceding the A.G.M. A copy of such shall be attached to the notice conveying the Meeting shall be sent to each member.
9.5The Secretary shall upon written request of ten members, setting out their requirements, call a Special General Meeting (S.G.M.) of the members of the Club. Such a meeting shall be convened by notice in writing stating the business to be considered thereat and posted to each member at least seven days before the date fixed for the Meeting. Business at an SGM may be any business that may be transacted at an AGM.
9.6The Club may at an A.G.M. Elect as Life Member any member or representative of a member. Only the Club Committee may make nominations of a Life Member.
9.7The majority of members present at the A.G.M will agree expenses to Team Managers and Committee posts that warrant such expenses. An expense account will be available to any member of the Club for perusal from the Treasurer.
9.8A members vote is only valid if:
9.8.1They have current Full Membership.
9.8.2The said member is a Team Manager or registered Referee for the Club.
9.8.3 That he or she is a current Club Committee Member.
9.9The Club Secretary, or in their absence a member of the Club Committee, shall enter Minutes of General / Special Meetings into the Minute Book of the Club.
10Club Teams
10.1Team Managers will have the power to delegate and deal with any grievances on all playing matters within his/her team, except the power of expelling a member. However any matters of a serious nature, is to be brought to the attention of the committee. In addition the Club Committee shall have the power to deal with and override any decisions it feels will be injurious to the character or interests of the member / parent / guardian or Club. For this latter object, a majority to be binding shall consist of two-thirds of the Committee present.
10.2 Players must notify any change of address to the Team Manager promptly.
10.3All Team Managers will have a maximum of twenty players in his squad. All these players must be of eligible age and be registered correctly with the appropriate Football League, and must abide by the rules laid out by the said leagues. Garforth League maximum eighteen.
10.4Team Managers may at their discretion play any player from the West Riding area as long as that said player is registered for his team correctly with the area Football League that is appropriate for his team.
10.5As the Club is governed by the Football League Rules, a Team Manager may at his/her discretion allow any of his players to participate in another age group higher than
their own. Only with the approval of both Team Managers, and as long as it is no higher than two years above the said players age as laid out by the Football League Association.
11Club Finances
11.1The fixed assets of the Club, that is to say any Buildings and the grounds shall be vested in six trustees of the Club. The Trustees shall have the power to borrow upon the security thereof or otherwise any sum or sums up to a total of £20,000 for the purpose of the development thereof. To apply any such moneys for such purposes and to sign on behalf of the Club any documents and do any act necessary for the purpose of effectuating the same.
11.2Subject to the provisions of Rule 10.1 the Club Committee shall have the power to deal with funds and the property of the Club. Including the election of Team Managers and Members and their expulsion if their conduct be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, and for this latter object a majority to be binding shall consist of two-thirds of the Committee present.
11.3A bank account shall be opened and maintained in the name of the club (the Club Account). Designated account signatories shall be Chairperson, Secretary and the Treasurer. All monies payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer and deposited in the Club Account.
11.4The Club shall prepare an annual Statement of Accounts in such form as shall be published by The Football Association from time to time.
11.5All subscription fees shall be due to the Treasurer within two month from receipt of the Club Registration Form. Registration Secretary will oversee all forms and money handed in.
11.6The Team Manager or appointed person will be responsible for the collection of such fees and a true record maintained. All monies collected will go towards Club Funds.
11.7Any member who commits a Cautionable or Sending off offence is liable for the payment of any fines that the West Riding County FA may impose.
11.8Any fines imposed by the League for misdemeanors in accordance with their rules will be paid for from the club funds, unless it is felt by the committee that a Team Manager is persistently infringing those rules, then they may be deemed liable.
11.9Any monies raised by an individual team through raffles etc, and training through the closed season will be deemed as that teams funds. However the money will be held by and made accountable by the Treasurer (under no circumstance must any team hold money in any personal bank account).
12.1The West Riding County FA now pays Public Liability Insurance through our affiliation fee. The Club will provide Accident Insurance for members.
13.1A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at a General Meeting and shall be carried by majority of at least three-quarters of the members present.
13.2The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the Club Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Club.