Announcements for Monday, April2,2018
  • Students, summer school preregistration forms will be available for pick up startingTODAY in the counseling office. If you may need summer school, see your counselor for details.
  • We will needALLcalculatorsfor the math and chemistry EOC assessments. If you've checked out acalculatorfrom Dr. Hayes, you may return it to herin room A101. Students may return calculators during their lunch period or after school.ALLstudent calculators should bereturned by thisFriday, April 6.The names of students who do not returnthe calculators they checked out, will be added to the school's owes/debt list. Report cardsWILL NOTbe issued to students who do not settle their school debt(s).
  • ATTENTION SENIORS: Graduating seniorsWILL NOTreceive final high school paperwork, which includes their diploma, final transcript, report card, in addition to other documentation, until all school debts are settled.
  • Dual Enrollment Meeting April 5 at 2:15 in Dr. Madu's classroom. If you are interested in taking a dual enrollment course this summer or fall.
  • Applications are now open for the White Station chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, the national high school mathematics honor society. Mu Alpha Theta membership requirements and the application are applications are due byApril 7.
  • Seniors, the last day to pay your Senior Fees of $120 isApril 17thduring all lunches.
  • Auditions for the WSHS Advanced Orchestra will be after school onApril 23 & 24. The application and music can be found at Please feel free to come by the band room any day after school to talk to Dr. Palmer, too.
  • All faculty and staff are reminded that announcements sent ONLY by faculty and staff will be posted in the announcements. Students sending announcements will be referred back to this policy.
  • A list of all of the college visits, all scholarship opportunities, and all announcements can be found in the announcements tab on the White Station website.