This Survey is for students only.The school requests the completion of this survey. The average amount of time required to complete this survey is 35 minutes. Please mark the appropriate response to each question on the answer sheet.
- Please do not write your name anywhere. Although your name will be checked off when you hand in your answers, the survey itself is anonymous.
- Mark multiple-choice answers only on the Scantron sheet. If you write any free-response comments, please tear off the last sheet and submit it with your Scantron sheet.
- The shading below alternates with every 10 questions. This shading should help you keep track of where you are on the Scantron sheet.
- Please pay special attention to the rating key in each section. For example, choice A means “strongly agree” for some questions and “excellent” for others.
General Attitudes about the School
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the school?
Rating Key for this Section
A = strongly agreeB = agree
C = neither agree nor disagree
D = disagree
E = strongly disagree
Leave blank for “Don’t Know” or “Not Applicable”
1. / Positive school spirit is evident.
2. / All students have an equal opportunity for success.
3. / The student dress code is appropriate.
4. / The school has a strong commitment to moral values and character development.
5. / The school requires the right amount of homework.
6. / I am comfortably able to deal with the amount of homework assigned.
7. / The school has a commitment to an ethnically diverse enrollment.
8. / The school places the right emphasis on grades and evaluation of student work.
9. / The school has the right number of administrators.
10. / The school encourages professional development of the faculty.
11. / The school supports academic achievement.
12. / Each student feels well known by the school.
13. / The school is adequately funded.
14. / The school's priorities for expenditure of funds are appropriate.
15. / The school is innovative in its educational offerings.
16. / The school encourages faculty leadership.
17. / The school has a caring and community environment.
18. / Students of all ethnic groups are treated equally.
19. / School activities are open to students of all income levels.
20. / Students and families from diverse economic backgrounds are comfortably incorporated into the school community.
21. / My health needs/concerns are met.
22. / I understand the purpose of Chapel.
23. / I benefit from going to Chapel.
24. / Students and teachers have a good working relationship with each other.
25. / New students are welcomed and assisted in their transition into the school.
26. / The school successfully addresses negative stereotyping with respect to ethnicity.
27. / The school successfully addresses negative stereotyping with respect to religion.
28. / The school successfully addresses negative stereotyping with respect to gender.
29. / The school successfully addresses negative stereotyping with respect to sexual orientation.
30. / The school successfully addresses negative stereotyping with respect to certain types of athletics.
School Related Groups
How would you rate the various groups related to the school in each of the following areas?
Rating Key for These Sections
A = excellentB = very good
C = good
D = fair
E = poor
Leave blank for “Don’t Know” or “Not Applicable”
Board of Trustees
31. / Policy making
32. / Forward-looking
33. / Involvement in the school
34. / Being informed about the school
35. / Professionalism
36. / Responsiveness to school needs
37. / Board of Trustees Overall
38. / Involvement in the school
39. / Respect for faculty
40. / Respect for administration
41. / Parents Overall
42. / Respect for property
43. / Diversity of the student body
44. / Involvement in community service
45. / Spirit/enthusiasm
46. / Commitment to the school
47. / Students Overall
48. / Discipline of students
49. / Respect for administration
50. / Respect for faculty (collegiality)
51. / Teaching ability
52. / Role modeling
53. / Approachability
54. / Availability
55. / Involvement in the school outside of the classroom
56. / Spirit/enthusiasm
57. / Responsiveness to our concerns
58. / Caring and willing to provide sufficient help
59. / Providing sufficient feedback on my work
60. / Faculty Overall
61. / Discipline of students
62. / Support for faculty
63. / Openness to change
64. / Ability to develop and administer programs
65. / Respect for parents
66. / Approachability
67. / Availability
68. / Problem solving ability
69. / Responsiveness to our concerns
70. / Administration/Staff Overall
School Program
In each of the following areas how would you rate the various academic programs and
services related to the school and its stated mission?
71. / Emphasis on academics
72. / Class size and student/teacher ratio
73. / Diverse instructional materials
74. / Appropriate teaching styles
75. / Use of new technologies/computers
76. / Match between student and program
77. / Programs for students with learning differences
78. / Academic Program Overall
Academic-Specific Areas
79. / Arts
80. / Computer
81. / Current affairs/global issues
82. / English/language arts/reading/writing
83. / Foreign languages
84. / Geography
85. / History/social studies
86. / Health/PE
87. / Math
88. / Public speaking
89. / Religion/ethics
90. / Science
91. / Academic Departments Overall
Academic-Student Development
92. / Social/emotional development
93. / Character/ethical development
94. / Leadership development
95. / Academic - Student Development Overall
Academic -General Services
96. / Classroom facilities
97. / Computer services
98. / Library
99. / Counseling services
100. / School placement/college counseling
101. / Health services
102. / Academic - General Services Overall
Fine Arts Program
103. / Emphasis on arts
104. / Variety of arts and crafts
105. / Emphasis on participation
106. / Arts Program Overall
Athletic Program
107. / Emphasis on athletics
108. / Success of athletic program
109. / Coaching/instruction
110. / Variety of sports
111. / Emphasis on participation
112. / Athletic Program Overall
Extracurricular Activities
113. / Emphasis on participation
114. / Variety of extracurricular activities
115. / Extra-Curricular Activities Overall
Residential Life
(Boarding Department)
116. / Effectiveness of dorm parents
117. / Quality of weekend activities
118. / Quality of life in dorm
119. / Residential Life Overall
Administrative Departments of the School
In each of the following areas how would you rate the various departments of the school?
120. / Welcoming attitude
121. / Informative materials
122. / Frequency of contact
123. / Success in recruiting qualified students
124. / Fair and equitable admissions process
125. / Admissions/Enrollment Overall
Business Office
126. / Helpfulness
127. / Professionalism
128. / Policy/procedures
129. / General management
130. / Business Office Overall
Development Office
131. / Fund raising events/campaign
132. / Success in fund raising for the school
133. / Development Office Overall
Food Service
134. / Nutritiousness of meals
135. / Attractiveness of presentation
136. / Quality of food
137. / Policies/Procedures
138. / Food Service Overall
Building and Grounds
139. / Cleanliness of facilities
140. / Safety of facilities
141. / Maintenance of facilities
142. / Professionalism of personnel
143. / Quality of grounds
144. / Quality of facilities
145. / Building and Grounds Overall
School Communications
How would you rate communication related to school issues?
146. / Informativeness
147. / Frequency
148. / Timeliness
149. / Representation of economic and ethnic diversity
150. / Publications Overall
Other Communication from the School
151. / Keeping parents informed
152. / Keeping alumni informed
153. / Communications Overall
Student Publications (St. Albans News, Albanian, Gyre, etc.)
154. / Adequate representation of Forms III, IV, V, and VI
155. / Representation of economic and ethnic diversity
School Mission Statement
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Rating Key for Questions 156-158
A = strongly agreeB = agree
C = neither agree nor disagree
D = disagree
E = strongly disagree
Leave blank for “Don’t Know” or “Not Applicable”
156. / The school mission statement expresses well the philosophy of the school
157. / The mission statement of the school is widely known and endorsed
158. / In practice, the school achieves its mission to a large extent
School Related Problems
Indicate whether you have encountered any of the problems in this past year at this school and your assessment of the significance of the following problems.
Rating Key
In this section, each topic has an odd-numbered part and an even-numbered part. For the first, mark either A or B. Then, for the second, mark one of the choices C, D, or E. Be sure to use two lines for each topic.A (true) = Problem you have encountered this year
B (false) = Problem you have not encountered this year
C = Very significant problem
D = Somewhat significant problem
E = Not at all significant problem
159. / Cheating: encountered this year? (A or B from key above)
160. / Cheating: significant problem?(C, D, or E from key above)
161. / Stealing(A or B)
162. / Stealing(C, D, or E)
163. / Lying(A or B)
164. / Lying(C, D, or E)
165. / Drugs(A or B)
166. / Drugs(C, D, or E)
167. / Alcohol(A or B)
168. / Alcohol(C, D, or E)
169. / Sexual promiscuity(A or B)
170. / Sexual promiscuity(C, D, or E)
171. / Vandalism(A or B)
172. / Vandalism(C, D, or E)
173. / Sexual harassment(A or B)
174. / Sexual harassment(C, D, or E)
175. / Security threat/personal safety(A or B)
176. / Security threat/personal safety(C, D, or E)
177. / Ethnic bias/tension(A or B)
178. / Ethnic bias/tension (C, D, or E)
179. / Overall character/behavioral/value problems(A or B)
180. / Overall character/behavioral/value problems(C, D, or E)
Financial/Educational Value Issues
Please indicate your evaluation of the cost and value of the school's educational services
B = Somewhat expensive
C = Average
D = Somewhat inexpensive
E = Very inexpensive
Comparison of the Education Costs to Other Comparable Institutions
182. / Overall cost comparison / A = Much higher
B = Somewhat higher
C = About the same
D = Somewhat lower
E = Much lower
183. / Overall quality of the education / A = Excellent
B = Very good
C = Good
D = Fair
E = Poor
Comparison of the Education Experience
to Other Comparable Institutions
184. / Overall Education Comparison / A = Much better
B = Somewhat better
C = About the same
D = Somewhat worse
E = Much worse
Overall Relationship with the School
Please indicate your overall evaluation of the school in the following areas
Rating Key for Questions 185-187
A = extremely likelyB = very likely
C = somewhat likely
D = not very likely
E = not at all likely
Overall Evaluation of the School
185. / Likelihood to recommend the school to a friend, neighbor or colleague
186. / Likelihood to continue attending/supporting the school
187. / Likelihood to increase your support of the school
Background Information
Please answer the following background questions. All answers are confidential.
B = STA Lower School
C = NCS (coordinate student)
189. / Gender / A = male
B = female
190. / Form (if STA Upper School) / A = Form III (freshman)
B = Form IV (sophomore)
C = Form V (junior)
D = Form VI (senior)
191. / Ethnic or National Background / A = Caucasian
B = African American
C = Asian American
D = Hispanic or Latino
E = Native American
192. / Ethnic or National Background (leave / E = Multi-Ethnic Background
blank if you answered previous question)
193. / Ethnic or National Background (leave / E = Other
blank if you answered either of the two previous questions)
If you write comments in this area, please tear off this sheet and turn it in with your Scantron answer sheet. The school is interested in any comments that you may wish to write.
School Selection
Why did you choose this school? (Use the back of this sheet if you need more space for your comments.)
Greatest Needs
What are the three greatest needs of the school for the future? (Use the back for additional comments.)
Re-engineering Schools for the 21st Century
What should the school be most mindful of as we prepare for the next century?
Additional Suggestions and Comments about the School