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Minoco Wharf

Development Specification

on behalf of

Clearstorm Ltd

June 2006



2.0The Application Site4

3.0Development Context5

4.0Parameter Plans15



Appendix 1:Definitions


1.1This Development Specification forms part of the outline planning application for comprehensive redevelopment of- Minoco and Crescent Wharves, south of North Woolwich Road in the Royal Docks Opportunity Area. In the remainder of this document ‘the site’ is referred to as Minoco Wharf. The application site extends to a total area of 15.96 hectares (39.44 acres). However, the ‘development area’ when North Woolwich Road and the River Thames are excluded is 10.23 hectares (25.28 acres). For ease of reference, it is this latter area which is referred to as ‘the site’ in the remainder of this document.

1.2The application is submitted by Clearstorm I,td which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ballymore Properties Ltd which is the freeholder ofthe whole application site except those parts which are highway land or form part of the River Thanes.

The Purpose and Structure of the Development Specification

1.3The purpose of theDevelopment Specification is to both define and describe theprincipal components of the proposed development. The document is structured as follows

(i)this Introduction forms Section 1

(ii)Section 2 provides information about the application site

(iii)Section 3 defines and describes the overall development content and the approach to site wide issues such as overall floorspace, housing mix, employment, community uses, leisure uses, parking ratios and environmental performance standards

(iv)Section 4 describes the 13 Parameter Plans (including the planning application boundary plan) which form part of the development specification. They address and fix (within defined limits oI-deviation), various elements of the proposed development. These include the site layout , the public realm (including the jetty and marina), development zones, access and circulation, land uses, massing, maximum building heights and maximum depths of car parking and ancillary use areas

(v)Section 5 sets out information on phasing and implementation.

1.4Appendix I contains definitions of terms used in this document.

Type of Planning Application

(a)the means of access (to the extent defined and described within this Development Specification)

(b) siting, height and massing (to the extent that siting and massing is defined and described within this Development Specification.)

1.6This application does not seek approval at this stage, for the detailed design orexternal appearance o f any proposed building. However, the applicants are preparing Design Principles document for the proposed development in consultation with the local planning authorities. This sets out the context within which design details would come forward as part of reserved matters applications to the Local Planning Authority.

1.7The documents which form the planning application are

(a)the covering letter

(a)the planning application forms

(a)the land ownership and agricultural holdings certificate

(a)the Development Specification

(a)the Parameter Plans, including- the application boundary plan the Design Principles (to follow).

Highway Proposals

1.8The planning application is accompanied by Parameter Plan D013 which shows the proposed access solution on North Woolwich Road. The drawing, demonstrates that

(i)satisfactory highway access can be provided to and from the site

(ii)the development can be carried out without prejudicing the safe and efficient operation ofNorth Woolwich Road

(iii)the highway works make proper provision for pedestrians, cyclists, carsand other vehicles.

1.9Following the grantof outline planning permission, the applicants will agree a detailed scheme for North Woolwich Road with the appropriate highway authorities and enter into an agreement under Section 278 of the Highways Act (1980).

Supporting Documentation

1.10The planning application is accompanied by a number of supporting documents andstudies. The Environmental Statement is required by law to accompany theapplication in order to assess its environmental impact of the proposed development. However, it does not form part of the planning application but is submitted in support of it.

1.11 The supporting documentation comprises

(a) Urban Design Framework

(b) Environmental Statement (including the Townscape Assessment and Flood Risk Assessment)

(c) Transport Assessment

(d) Planning Statement

(e) Energy Statement

(f) Access Statement

(g) Economic and Employment Study.

1.12 Whilst not forming part of the development for which approval is sought, these supporting documents are submitted with the aim of assisting the Local Planning Authorities, other bodies and local people in both understanding and evaluating the proposals.


2.1The application site occupies an area of 15.96 hectares (10.23 hectares if the nondevelopable River Thames element and North Woolwich Road are excluded). The site is hounded by North Woolwich Road and the DLR extension to the north, the residential development of Barrier Point to the east, existing employment premises to the west and the River Thames to the south. Historically, the site was subdivided into two wharves with Minoco Wharf to the east and Crescent Wharf to the west.

2.2Minoco Wharf (5.99 hectares) was developed as a chemical works at the end of the19th century and was used for the manufacture of TNT during the First World War. Subsequent to this, the site was used by Shell UK as an oil storage and refining site. The use ceased in the 1990’s and the site has been cleared and remediated. The site is currently vacant.

2.3Crescent Wharf (4.24 hectares) lies to the west of Minoco Wharf. It was initially developed as a chemical works in the 1890’s and was then redeveloped for low intensity warehousing and industry. The buildings are unsuited to modern employment requirements all units are vacant.

2.4All structures on site are proposed to be demolished with the exception of the ‘Listed’war memorial which is located in the north west corner of-the site adjacent to North Woolwich Road.

2.5Minoco Wharf was the subject of a series of safeguarding Directions under the Townand Country Planning(General Development Procedure Order 1995) (S 1/1995/419) which required the Local Planning Authority to consult the Secretary of-State (and latterly the Mayor of London) prior to the grant of planning permission in respect of development on the site. The purpose of safeguarding was stated in the consultation draft report on ‘Safeguarded Wharves on the River Thames’ (2003) to be to retain

“the essential minimum number of sites required to ensure continued or expanding use of the River Thames for the transhipment of cargo”.

2.6A review of all the safeguarded wharves on the River Thames was undertaken by theMayor, in conjunction with the Port of London Authority. The report which followed this review (‘Safeguarded Wharves on the River Thames, London Plan Implementation Report January 2005) recognised the inappropriateness of-Minoco Wharf for continued wharf use and commented that Minoco Wharf

...byvirtue of its characteristics is not capable of being, made viable for cargo - handling uses”.

2.7 The report recommended that the safeguarded status be removed and subsequent to the Report, the Safeguarding Direction on Minoco Wharf was lifted on the 6‘h June 2005.


Development Description

3.1The outline planning application seeks permission for

“Comprehensive, phased, mixed use development of Minoco Wharf and Crescent Wharf as set out in the Development Specification and on Parameter Plans 1)001 and 1)013. The development comprises,

  1. Residential (C3)
  2. Employment (BO
  3. Retail, financial and professional services, food and drink uses (Al, A2, A3, A4, A5)
  4. Community, Health, Education, Cultural and Assembly uses (1)1)
  5. Recreational and Leisure uses (1)2)
  6. Vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from North Woolwich Road
  7. Creation of jetty, breakwater and marina and construction of lock access to River Thames
  8. Access roads and other means of access and circulation within the site
  9. Road and Foot/Cycle bridges over internal water features
  10. Covered and open car parking areas
  11. Public open space and private amenity space
  12. Landscaping
  13. Creation of a network of footways and cycleways including a riverside path
  14. Other supporting infrastructure works and facilities.”

3.2The total floorspace proposed for the site is 288,000 m2 (gross external area (GEA)) (3,100,032 ft2). This is a floorspace limit on the development which will not be exceeded. Since the proposed development will be implemented in a series of phases over several years, it is proposed that the planning permission should allow for a degree of flexibility to reflect changing market conditions as the scheme develops. As such, a range of floorspace is proposed for each land use. The degree of flexibility is limited to 7.5 % of the total floor area to ensure that at all times the broad land use characteristics of the development are unchanged. In other words, the total floorspaceprovided by adding together all the maximum floorspace figures, is 309,500 m2(3,341,458 ft2). Thiscompares with the total amount of floorspace which could actually be constructed under the permission which is 288,000 m2; a difference of 7.5%. As a further safeguard, the level of floorspace within each use is expressed as a maximum and minimum figure. This ensures that the development retains its mixed use form.

3.3Table 1 below sets out these maximum and minimum figures lor each of the proposedland uses. The figures in the Table and in the remainder of the document are expressed as Gross External Area unless specified to the contrary

Table 1 : Floorspace : Land Use Range

Maximum (GEA) / Minimum (GEA)
Residential (C3) / 257,000 m2 / 230,000 m2
Employment (B1) / 35,000 m2 / 21,800 m2
Retail / Financial and Professional /Services/Food Drink (Al* —A5) / 10,000 m2 / 4,000 m2
Community (D 1) / 5,000 m2 / 2,500m2
Assembly and Leisure (D2) / 2,500 m2 / 1,500 m2
Total / 309,500 m2 / 259,800 m2

Note : The Al element will not exceed 2450 m2 in any circumstances.

3.4The applicant invites the Local Planning Authority, upon the grant of planningpermission, to impose a planning condition which requires all future reserved matters applications to conform with the maximum floorspace of 288,000 m2 and for eachland use element to be provided within the maximum and minimum floorspace figures set out in Table 1.

Development Zones

3.5The site is subdivided into nine development zones which reflect the broad dispositionof the proposed development within the site. The development zones are shown on Parameter Plan D006. The total development floorspacefor which planningpermission is sought (288,000GEA) is divided between the development zones inaccordance with Table 2 below

Table 2 : Maximum Floorspace in each Development Zone

Zone / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / Total
Floorspace in m2 / 54,060 / 40,440 / 40,060 / 51,100 / 12,400 / 35,770 / 50,740 / 1,470 / 1,960 / 288,000

Public Realm

3.6In addition to the built floorspace set out in Table 1, the Minoco Wharf development will also include new streets, squares, public open space, a marina, lock, and a riverside zone. These public realm areas are shown in Parameter Plan D005. The public realm areas shown on parameter plan D005 comprise 5.03 hectares or 49% of the site area (including the public realm areas within Development Zones 4 and 7). In addition to the public realm areas, each development zone will include a range of private and semi private amenity areas. These will be detailed in the reserved matters submission for each development zone.


3.7The application seeks permission for a maximum level of residential floorspace of 257,000 m2. This would be distributed across the site. This could accommodate up to 3,360 units depending on the precise mix of unit sizes. The application also specifies a minimum level of residential floorspace. This is 230,000 m2 and could accommodate around 2,572 units depending on the precise mix of unit sizes.

3.8 The mix of unit sizes is set out inTable 3. Each unit size type is expressed within a range to allow for possible changes in market demand, housing needs and planning policy over the period of implementation of the scheme.

Table 3 : Residential Mix

Studios / 10%-15%
One bed / 30%-45%
- 45%
Two bed / 20%-35%
- 35%
Three bed / 15%-25%
Four bed / 4% -10%
Five bed / 5% -10%

3.9 This mix relates to the full development and could vary between the private housing and affordable housing. Inparticular, the affordable housing provider may take the view that the affordable housing should provide a higher percentage of family units within the range specified.

3.10 The precise affordable housing package will be the subject of detailed discussion with Newham Council, London Thames Gateway Development Corporation, the GLA and the prospective affordable housing provider. However, in pursuance of the policy objective of mixed and balanced communities, it is considered inappropriate to provide a high level of social rented units in an area which already has a very high proportion ofpublic / RSL housing. For this reason it is proposed that the affordable housing package will contain a higher proportion of intermediate tenures than social rented units. Scope may also exist to agree with Newham Council to provide an element of the affordable housing package off site.

Business and Employment (B1 use)

3.11The planning application seeks planning permission for up to 35,000 m2 (376,740 ft2) of B1floorspace. In order to ensure that the development retains its mixed use character and an employment component, the application also confirms that not less than 21,800 m2 of B1floorspace will be provided. It is proposed that this B1 floorspace will be provided in a range of forms and sizes from ‘pure’ office floorspace to workshop / light industrial space and services industries. This will include an area for water related businesses which will be located adjacent to the marina. This is likely to offer jobs for between 1,300 and 2,200 people (mix depending on the balance of offices and light industry). The employment will be distributed across the development zones, however, in order to maximise its attraction to the market and occupiers, the majority of the 131 floorspace will be concentrated in buildings at the northern edge of the site and adjacent to Pontoon Dock DLR station and in a 6 metre high ‘ground’ floor zone as shown on parameter plans D008 and D009.

Retail / Financial and Professional / Services / Food and Drink (Al — A5 uses)

3.12 The planning application seeks planning permission for a minimum of 4,000 m2 (43,056 ft2) and a maximum of 10,000 m (107,640 ft2) of floorspace within Use Classes Al, A2, A3, A4 and AS. These will be distributed across the development zones, although the main concentration will be along the pedestrian route from the jetty via the eastern side of the marina to the DLR station.

3.13The concept of these‘A’ class units is that they should comprise a mix of small units.Inorder to ensure that these complement and do not detract from the proposed District Centre at Silvertown Quays, the total level of Al (retail) floorspace will not exceed2,450 Thejobs generated by the‘A’ class development will be additional to thosespecified in paragraph 3.11 above.

Community Uses (D1 Use)

3.14 The planning application seeks planning permission for a minimum of 2,500 m2 (26,910 if) and a maximum of 5,000 m2 (53,820 ft2) of uses within the D1 use class.

3.15The precise mixoral uses and the timing of their delivery will be a matter for discussion with Newham Council and the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation. The results of these discussions will then be contained in an agreement under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. However, the draft Area Action Plan for the area favours the concept of ‘community clusters’ in the Royal Docks rather than dispersing facilities. On this basis, certain community facilities will be delivered off site via a 5106 contribution whilst some more local items are provided on site.

3.16TheD1use class covers a wide range of community facilities and the following list includes some of the types of facilities which could be provided within the level of D1 floorspace or secured by development contributions

(i)Nursery school provision

(ii)Indoor sports facilities


(iv)Community Centre

(v)Health Care

(vi)Day Centre

(vii)Tourist / information facilities

(viii)Art Galleries / museum / exhibition space

(ix)Youth facilities.

Assembly and Leisure Uses (D2 use)

3.17The application seeks planning permission for a minimum of1,500 m2 (16,146 ft2) and a maximum of 2,500 m2 (26,910 ft2) of floorspace within the D2 use class. This use class includes concert halls, dance halls, night clubs, gymnasiums, sports centres, swimming pools, cinemas and other leisure uses.

Car Parking

3.18 The overall development would be implemented in accordance with the following maximum car parking ratios

Table 4: Car Parking

LandUse / Maximum Ratio*
(i) Residential / 0.5 spaces per dwelling (including visitors
(ii) Employment (B1) / 1 space per 1,000 m2
( iii) A 1, A2, A3, A4, AS / 1 space per 1,000 m2
(iv) 1)1 and D2 / 1 space per 1,000 m2

(* includes car parking for the disabled)

3.19The majorityof-the car parking will he provided within enclosed levels under buildings and under amenity space podium areas. Visitor car parking spaces will be provided at street level although these will be kept to a minimum in order to ensure that the development gives priority to pedestrians and cyclists and retains an open and uncluttered aspect.

3.20 The car parking ratios set out above do not include service bays for commercial vehicles. Additional spaces, over and above those stated in Table 4 may be provided for servicing, subject to further discussions with the Local Planning Authorities.

3.21In addition, cycle storage will he provided within the development at one space perdwelling.

Car Parking and Ancillary Use Levels within Buildings

3.22The planning application seeks permission for up to 41,610 m2 (447,890 ft2)of car

parking and ancillary use levels. This floor space is additional to that set out in Table

1 and will only be used for plant, other services and equipment, storage, parking and

general circulation. The location of thisfloorspace is shown on plan DOl 1.

Environmental Specifications

3.23 The development will comply with a number of environmental specifications which are set out below.

3.24 EcoHomes :All dwellings will be designed to achieve a very good EcoHomes rating. Aspects of the development that contribute to this include the following:

The buildings will be highly insulated and incorporate passive designprinciples for commercial and residential. Building energy performance to comply with Building Regulations Part L 2006 with a 5- 10% enhancement;

Low energy internal lighting;

Provision of “A rating” white goods within the apartment units;

Combined heat and power- system providing hot water and electricity toresidential and some non residential elements of the proposal;