18. 6 Daffodils – distinctly different varieties

  1. 1 Trumpet, all yellow (please use 2 containers) includes previous classes

1.a 3 Trumpet all yellow 18a. 3 Field daffodils

  1. 1 Trumpet, any other colour 19. 1 Tazetta – (5 -6 blooms)
  2. 3 Trumpets, any colour 20. 3 stems Tazetta

21. 1 Bloom Split Corona

CLASS B LARGE CUP 22. 3 blooms Split Corona

23. 3 Miniature blooms

  1. 1 Large cup, all Yellow 24. Narcissus, 1 bloom any class not mentioned
  2. 3 Large cups, all yellow

6.  1 large cup, any other colour CLASS F BULBS

  1. 3 large cups, any other colour 25. Grape Hyacinth, 1 bunch
  2. 1 large cup (predominantly red) 26. Frittalaria, 1 stem
  3. 3 large cups (predominantly red) 27. Dog Tooth Violet, 1 stem
  4. 1 large cup ( red non - predominant) 28. Hyacinth, 1 stem
  5. 3 large cups (red non – predominant) 29. Anemone, 1 bloom

30. Anemone, 3 blooms

CLASS C SMALL CUP 31. Tulip, 1 miniature

(Cup less than 1/3rd of petal length) 32. Tulip, 1 large

  1. 1 stem 33. Snowdrops, 6 stems
  2. stems


CLASS D DOUBLE 34. Pansies, 3 different colours

35. Violas. 3 same colour

  1. 1 stem, double 36. Primrose, 1 bunch
  2. 3 stems, double 37. Violets, 1 bunch same colour
  3. 1 stem double cluster blooms (e.g. Erlicheer) 38. Wallflower, 1 head
  4. 3 stems double cluster blooms 39. Polyanthus, 1 truss

40.  Polyanthus, collection hybrids

41.  1 Iris

42.  Bergenia 1 stem

43.  Helleborus corsicus, 1 head

44.  Helleborus orientalis, Single 1 stem

45.  Helleborus any other variety, 1 stem

46.  Helleborus orientalis, Double 1 stem

47. Any Flower not mentioned in schedule


48. Camellia, 1 bloom, single ( 8 petals or less) * All exhibits must be grown by the Exhibitor and have

49. Camellia, 1 bloom, semi-double been in their garden for at least 3 months

50. Camellia, 1 bloom, formal double

51. Camellia, 1 bloom, peony – form * No exhibits accepted after 9.00am on show day

52. Camellia, 1 bloom anemone – form

53. Camellia, 1 bloom, any variety not mentioned * Hall closed at 10.00am for judging

54. Camellia, 1 bloom miniature

55. Camellia, 3 blooms 1 variety * Judge’s decision is final

56. Camellia, 3 blooms 3 different varieties

* Photographs must be displayed by the exhibitor


Exhibit to no bigger than 50cm tall from table * No exhibits to be removed before 2.30pm

57.  Rhododendron, 3 truss, any colour Saturday 17th September

58.  Rhododendron, 1 truss any colour

59.  Rhododendron, 3 truss one colour * Entries taken at the Theatre between 3.00pm & 8.00pm

60.  Erica, up to 3 stems on Thursday 15th September, and 7.00am & 9.00am on

61.  Azalea, 1 spray Friday 16th September

62.  Japonica, 1 branch

63.  Boronia, up to 3 stems * Please allow plenty of time to set up your exhibits

64.  Prunus, 1 branch

65.  Prunus, 3 branches any variety * Entry fee $1.00 up to and including 10 entries (Children Free)

66.  Flowering Currant

67.  Foliage, 3 distinct varieties(e.g. fern, shrub, flax, plant) * $2.00 for 11 or more entries

68.  Flowering shrub, 1 branch (Named)

69.  Pieris,(Lily of Valley tree) 1 spray * Floral Art – Exhibitors may use purchased materials

70.  Forsythia, 1 branch (e.g. flowers & foliage)

71.  Magnolia stellata, 1 branch

72.  Magnolia, 1 flower * Aqua Jar - Attach blue tack to lid, arrange flowers in blue tack,

73.  Daphne, 1 floret fill jar with water and screw lid on jar and turn jar upside

74.  Flowering shrub, 3 distinct varieties not mentioned. ( Named) down.


P & G OLDS CUP……………. Aggregate points for Camellias CLASS J POT PLANTS

DOROTHY McNIE CUP…….. Most outstanding Camellia 77. Indoor Flowering Plant

ASHWELL CUP……………… Aggregate points Narcissi 78. Succulent or Cactus

EVELYN BOWATER CUP…… Champion Narcissi local exhibitor 79. Outdoor Flowering Pot Plant

RAETIHI GARDEN CLUB CUP. Champion Exhibit of Show, other

than Narcissi CLASS K FLORAL ART

PLUNKET FAMILY CUP……. Aggregate points Cut Flowers Theme is “ Spring Magic” using spring flowers

TIZARD CUP…………………. Aggregate points Cut Flowers & Shrubs foliage and accessories. Form is Traditional Triangle.

GAYTIME FLORIST CUP……. Aggregate points Trees & Shrubs (Space allowed 50cm square)

H M SOMERVILLE CUP………Most Outstanding Arrangement 80. Novice ( for those who have not won previously)

JENNIFER GODFREY CUP……Most Points over whole show 81. Open


83. “Spring Magic” .

Each division in each class is judged for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. CHILDREN 'S SECTIONS Entries must be childs own work

Points for cups are awarded as follows: CLASS M 11 YEARS & Over

1st = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 1 point. 84. Design using Potato Cut Stamp no larger than A4(include stamp)

A championship earns 5 extra points 85. Stage 3 daffodils in a vase ( to be done at theatre, daffodils

Prize money 1st $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2 in each class will be supplied)

Points prizes will be awarded in classes A to I: 86. Colouring competition

Photography is judged by People’s Choice CLASS N 8, 9 & 10 Years

87. Aqua jar of spring flowers ( see instructions under rules)

88. Colouring competition

Stewards will be available to assist with the setting up of CLASS O Up to and including 7 years

Your exhibits 89. Jar spring flowers

90. Colouring competition

* All colouring competition entries can be left at

either Ohakune I Site or Raetihi Info Centre CLASS P Adults

91. Colouring competition

Picture available, Information Centre

Ohakune I.Site

Ohakune/Raetihi Garden Club

Presents the

93rd Annual Waimarino Spring Show


Theatre Royal

Seddon St



Friday 16th September 1.00pm – 5.00pm

Saturday 17th September 9.00 am – 2.00pm

Raffles Available – Drawn when all sold