PISC Syllabi for the Academic Year 2017-18

Class Montessori.

September Syllabus
Practical Life Activities
- Introduction to “three period lesson”
- Taking care of yourself
Sensorial Activities
- Stacking rings
- Simple knobbed puzzles
- Pink Tower
English Language
- Language around the class: table, chair, shelves…
- Theme: Parts of the body (flash cards and videos).
- Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Vocabulary work
- Sounds to be introduced: s, a, t. Using sandpaper letters and Jolly Phonics songs.
- Learning 2D shapes and colours
- Puzzles with shapes
- Introducing number 0
- Bathroom routine
- Moving around the class / October Syllabus
Practical Life Activities
- Introduction to “three period lesson”
- Introducing grasping and pouring activities. Objective: Improving hand-eye coordination.
Sensorial Activities
-Red rods. Objective: Learning concept of long and short.
-Wooden building blocks. Objective: Developing creativity.
English Language
- Language around the class: table, chair, shelves…
- Theme: Farm Animals (flash cards and videos).
- Song: Farm animals in the kitchen, Old McDonalds.
- Vocabulary work.
- Sounds to be introduced: i, p, n using sandpaper letters and Jolly Phonics songs.
- Sounds to be revised: s, a, t.
- Learning 2D shapes and colours.
- Puzzles with shapes.
- Introducing number 0and1.
- Counting to 5.
- Bathroom routine.
- Moving around the class.
November Syllabus
Practical Life Activities
- How to move a chair around the room
- Pining activity. Objective: Improving concentration
Sensorial Activities
-Pink tower. Objective: learning concept of big and small
- Revising colors.
English Language
1. Wild Animals.
- Songs with wild animals.
2. Learning the names of vegetables and fruit
-Songs with vegetables and fruit from interne
-Sounds to be introduced: c, k, e, h, r.
-Revising sounds: s, a, t, I, p, n.
- Sorting by one attribute
- Learning numbers 2 and 3.
- Revision of 2D shapes
- Counting to 5.
- Controlling the level of sound in the class.
- Learning to use please and thank you for requests. / December Syllabus
Practical Life Activities
-How to sit on a chair
-Spooning activity. Objective: Further enhancing the use of hands; learning to hold the spoon properly
Sensorial Activities
-Knobbed cylinders. Objective: Learning concepts of big and small / tall and short
-Cutting Velcro vegetables with a plastic knife. Objective: Improving hand-eye coordination
English Language
-Continuing Theme: Fruit and Vegetables
-Theme: Means of transportation
-Song: The wheels of the bus, Winter songs
-Sounds to be introduced: m, d.
-Revising sounds: s, a, t, I, p, n c, k, e, h, r.
-Introducing Math rods up to 3
-Learning numbers 4 and 5
-Revision of 2D shapes;
-Counting to 10.
-How to move around the class
-How to deal with each other
-Using please and thank you
November Syllabus
Practical Life Activities
- How to move a chair around the room
- Pining activity. Objective: Improving concentration
Sensorial Activities
-Pink tower. Objective: learning concept of big and small
- Revising colors.
English Language
1. Wild Animals.
- Songs with wild animals.
2. Learning the names of vegetables and fruit
-Songs with vegetables and fruit from interne
-Sounds to be introduced: c, k, e, h, r.
-Revising sounds: s, a, t, I, p, n.
- Sorting by one attribute
- Learning numbers 2 and 3.
- Revision of 2D shapes
- Counting to 5.
- Controlling the level of sound in the class.
- Learning to use please and thank you for requests. / December Syllabus
Practical Life Activities
-How to sit on a chair
-Spooning activity. Objective: Further enhancing the use of hands; learning to hold the spoon properly
Sensorial Activities
-Knobbed cylinders. Objective: Learning concepts of big and small / tall and short
-Cutting Velcro vegetables with a plastic knife. Objective: Improving hand-eye coordination
English Language
-Continuing Theme: Fruit and Vegetables
-Theme: Means of transportation
-Song: The wheels of the bus, Winter songs
-Sounds to be introduced: m, d.
-Revising sounds: s, a, t, I, p, n c, k, e, h, r.
-Introducing Math rods up to 3
-Learning numbers 4 and 5
-Revision of 2D shapes;
-Counting to 10.
-How to move around the class
-How to deal with each other
-Using please and thank you