/ Name of Project/Program:Date:
Name of Applicant:
Total Project/Program Cost:
CJA Grant Amount Requested:
Contact Person:
Mailing Address (street address, city, zip code)
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Name of entity (and contact information) signing the grant agreement IF different than applicant organization:
The entity that would sign the grant agreement is a: / Non-profit? Private organization or individual?
Governmental entity? Other? Please explain
Grant applications must meet the following Federal CJA goals for improving the investigation, prosecution, and judicial handling of cases of child abuse and neglect, particularlychild sexual abuse and exploitation, in a manner that limits additional trauma to the child victim. Your application must explain how your project will address one or more of these goals related to:
- The assessment and investigation of suspected child sexual abuse and exploitation, in a manner that limits additional trauma to the child and the child’s family;
- The assessment and investigation of suspected child abuse-related fatalities and suspected child neglect-related fatalities;
- The investigation and prosecution of cases of child abuse and neglect, including child sexual abuse and exploitation; and
- The assessment and investigation of cases involving children with disabilities or serious health-related problems who are suspected victims of child abuse or neglect.
Please see Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) Sec. 107 Grants to States for Programs Relating to Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse and Neglect Cases. [42 U.S.C. 5106c]
1) For grants awarded from FFY 2015 – 2018 funds, Oregon CJA has prioritized supporting proposals that address system improvement and ongoing education/training related to the investigation, prosecution, and judicial handling of child abuse and neglect in the following areas.
Please indicate WHETHER, and how, your proposal would help fulfill these Priorities. (Please select one or more topic(s) that best align with your proposal):
Oregon CJA Priorities for 2015 - 2018 / Meets goal? / Explanation:
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Trauma-Informed Response
Children with Disabilities
Co-Occurring Conditions
Scope of work (include approaches to be used and results expected):
Description of the need for the project (include relevant data and sources):
Objectives of the project/program:
Description of how applicant will evaluate the project’s impact:
Description of expected outcomes:
Description of how outcomes and benefits will be measured:
Explanation of any multidisciplinary benefits of the project:
Geographic area and/or population to be served:
The dates, sponsor, and audience if this project or training has been previously provided in Oregon:
Dates or time period for the project/program:
For a training or conference, explain how it will be advertised and how attendees will be selected:
Expected number of participants:
If scholarships will be provided using CJA funds, explain how recipients will be selected:
How many scholarships will be offered:
Description of products that will be produced (curricula, training tools, research reports, etc.):
CJA grant funds are intended to support projects that will result in system, policy, and/or training improvements. Please explain how your project will provide recommendations for one or more of these:
Please provide an approximate itemized budget and narrative totaling the amount of funds needed for project, identifying use of requested CJA funds.
Cost / Projected Revenue / Revenue Source
Personnel(salary / benefits)
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Speaker Fees & Expenses
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Services & Supplies (postage/printing/etc.)
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Travel/mileage ❶
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Meals/Beverages ❷
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Facility rental
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Equipment rental
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Registration Fees
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Other cost:
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
Other cost:
Explain the cost and provide a description of how the cost was calculated:
4) Other information you want to provide that is not addressed elsewhere?
5) Has CJA previously funded this project/program? Yes ______(year/years) No
6) Describe your efforts to obtain other funding for this project/program:
7)CJA Grant recipients must:
- Submit materials from their project or program for possible posting on the CJA website.
- Includethe CJA logo and the following acknowledgment of CJA as a sponsor on any materials, program, or advertisement (written or electronic): “This publication was made possible by a grant from the Oregon Children’s Justice Act Task Force. Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Children’s Justice Act Task Force.”
- Submit a final report on the project/program that includes, but is not limited to, information about participants, sessions, and evaluation results. The final report must also include a description of program outcomes. If requested, grant recipient must present the final report to CJA.
- Survey participants to determine training and service needs related to child abuse and neglect in Oregon.
8) How did you learn about the CJA Grant Fund?
9) Please be advised that if funded, CJA does not guarantee future funding of any project.
❶Applicants must comply with GSA per diem rates for Oregon
❷NOTE: Oregon CJA will consider costs for food and beverage in the grant award provided for a conference, meeting, retreat, seminar, symposium, workshop, or event whose primary purpose is the dissemination of technical information. Applicants must ensure that requests for grant funds for meals and refreshmentsare appropriate, necessary, and managed in a manner that minimizes costs. Costs for alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
By signing this application, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the requirements of CJA funds included herein. ______
***Please only submit your grant application on this application form***