Illness Leave
The CIL recognizes that accidental illness or injury may occur which prevents you from working. It is your personal responsibility to notify your supervisor each day during the time period that you are unable to work because you are ill or injured. You must provide such notice as soon as possible, but in no case less than 15 minutes after your scheduled work starting time. If you are unable to advise your supervisor personally of your inability to work as scheduled, you must have someone call for you to inform the CIL of your absence as soon as possible.
Employees returning from sick leave will submit to their supervisor, on the date of their return, a medical certificate for absences due to illness or injury of three (3) or more consecutive days duration. Additionally, you may be required to provide a doctor's certificate from a physician selected and paid for by the CIL to verify such illness or injury.
Regular full-time and regular part-time employees are eligible to use only accumulated sick leave time. During each pay period, four (4) hours are accumulated for regular full-time employees and two (2) hours for regular part-time employees. Accumulation occurs during your introductory period and the use of sick leave is not allowed until after three month of active continuous employment. Unused sick leave may be accumulated to a maximum of sixty (60) days; any excess will be forfeited at the end of the calendar year. Every five (5) days of unused sick leave may be converted to one (1) additional day of vacation at the beginning of the calendar year. Pay is not granted in lieu of sick leave, and advance sick leave is not permitted. All accumulated sick leave will be forfeited upon termination or resignation of employment from the company.
Medical or dental appointments taken during the work day may be considered as sick leave, provided that you give your supervisor at least three(3) days' notice of anticipated time off for routine physician's office visits, and a medical certificate is submitted to your supervisor upon completion of the appointment and your return to work. Without the notification and the certificate, medical and dental appointments will be considered time off without pay. This sick leave benefit applies to normally scheduled work hours. It does not apply to disability while on vacation.
Sick leave requests are forwarded by your supervisor and recorded by administration. It is your responsibility to insure that sick leave pay is received by getting the appropriate, accurate information to your supervisor to provide medical verification as requested by The CIL.
Sick leave is to be used only for your illness, not the illness of your family members.