Board of Commissioners
Wilkinson County
PO Box 161
Irwinton, GA 31042
(478) 946-2236
FAX (478) 946 3767
September 7, 2010
9:00 AM
The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners met in a Regular Session at 9:00 AM on September 7th, 2010 at their office in the Courthouse. The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Dennis Holder, Commissioner J. M. Howell, Commissioner Alfred Gibson, and Commissioner John Williams.
The following staff was present: County Manager David Franks, Sr. Account Tech I Deborah Shank and Jon Helton County Attorney.
The following visitors were present:
Amanda Panther, Kevin Rausher, Judge Vivian Cummings and Marty Dominy.
Chairman Holder asked Tax Commissioner Kevin Rausher to lead us in the invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Holder led the pledge of allegiance.
Chairman Holder asked if there were any revision to the minutes of the August 17th, 2010 Commission meeting none were noted. Motion was made by Commissioner Williams to accept the minutes as reported second by Commissioner Gibson. Motion carried none were opposed.
Recognition of Visitors
Dianne Orr was not present.
Judge Vivian Cummings: Judge Cummings addressed the Commissioners about updating her computer system in her office. The system she now has is outdated. The new system will allow better communication between courts. The cost of the new system would be approximately $10,000.00 as this would call for a budget adjustment. Motion was made by Commissioner Williams and seconded by Commissioner Gibson to approve a budget amendment and get the courts computer system up to par. Motion carried there were none opposed.
Old Business:
Pre Owned Manufactured Home Ordinance: Tabled
New Business
a. FY 2011 Budget: There will be a public hearing on the FY 2011 budget next Tuesday September 14th, 2010. Kevin Rauscher gave the commissioners a brief update on the incoming revenue for the 2011 FY. The five year digest will be published in the Wilkinson County Post in the September 10th edition. A public hearing to adopt the mill rate will be held on September 23rd, 2010. Mill rate will be 12.44.
b. Fire Department Mutual Aid Agreement: Motion was made by Commissioner Williams and seconded by Commissioner Gibson to sign a Mutual Aid Agreement with Member Communities of Wilkinson County. Motion carried there were none opposed.
c. Freeport Tax: Ralph Staffins representing Wilkinson County Development Authority explained to the commission that most cities and counties have adopted a Freeport Tax. This allows for a reduction in taxation on goods being manufactured, raw material and partly finished goods. The Freeport Taxation issue will be placed on a ballot to be voted on sometime in the next year. Motion was made by Commissioner Williams and seconded by Commissioner Gibson to proceed. Motion was carried there were none opposed.
d. Ambulance Service Proposal: The County has received a proposal from Heartland EMS to provide continued ambulance service for the county. The proposal covers the next four years with an increase of $12,000.00 in year two and four. This increase in cost would cover wage increases for EMS personnel. This would continue the ambulance service to the citizens of Wilkinson County. Motion was made by Commissioner Howell to accept the proposal and seconded by Commissioner Gibson. Motion carried there were none opposed.
e. Old Shop demolition: The county has received two bids for the demolition of the old public works shop building.
Sellers Construction $3,000.00
Big Boys Toys $5,800.00
Motion was made by Commissioner Williams and seconded by Commissioner Howell to proceed with low bid for demolition. Motion carried there were none opposed.
f. Highway 18: Commissioner Williams expressed his concern about the curve in Highway 18. There have been fatalities on this highway. County Manager to get with DOT to look in to this.
County Managers Report:
a. FY 2010 and FT 2011 Budget: County Manager expressed to the Commissioners that we are running very close on the FY 2010 budget. FT 2011 Budget will be about the same with revenue being down a little. However, looking into the insurance coverage’s could make a difference.
Visitors Comments
Adjourn - Motion by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Gibson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried none opposed.
Notice to Visitors
The Board of Commissioners welcomes you to our meeting. We ask that you do not talk during the meeting to allow us to hear all discussion between Commissioners. If you would like to be placed on the agenda, please contact the Board of Commissioners Office at 946-2236 no later than the Thursday prior to meeting.