Declaration of number of words and statement of originality for MPhil and PhD Theses

This form should be signed by the candidate and the candidate’s Supervisor and returned to the Student Centre (Room 117, RHB)with a thesis submission.

Candidates who have exceeded the word limit for a thesis as specified in the college regulations should have obtained prior approval from the GraduateSchool. The examiners may reject a thesis which exceeds the word limit prescribed in the relevant regulations.

Student Reference / Surname / Forename / Date of Birth
Thesis Title
The thesis, including footnotes, is
The bibliography is
and, if applicable, the appendices is
I confirm that the word length of

I confirm that the work presented in the thesis is my own and I have included in the thesis a statement of originality detailing any work done in collaboration

Signature of candidate / Date

I confirm that the thesis submitted by the above-named candidate complies with the relevant word length specified in the College and/or federal regulations for MPhil and PhD Degrees.

Signature of Supervisor / Date

The federal regulations for the degrees of MPhil and PhD prescribe a maximum word limit of 60,000 words for the MPhil degree and 100,000 words for the PhD degree. In both cases this length includes footnotes, but excludes the bibliography and any appendices. Please see the Research Degrees Handbook via specific requirements to your subject area.


You should submit a completed version of this form to the Student Centre(Room 117RHB) at the same time that you submit your thesis.

Student Reference / Surname / Forename / Date of Birth
Thesis Title
Examination to be entered for (tick as appropriate) / MPhil / PhD

Please paste or type your abstract (single spaced) below, it can up to 300 words long. If you prefer you may attach a separate sheet but this must be clearly labelled with your name, degree and thesis title. The abstract should be identical to the abstract bound into your thesis.