Brinnington Master Plan Project Team Meeting Note 19/10/09


Steve Burns - EED (Chair), Chris Parker - Neighbourhood Renewal, Tom Plant – Neighbourhood Renewal, Rachel Buckland – GVA, Matt Spilsbury– GVA, Gillian Sanderson - Planit, Robert Wallace - Martin Stockley Associates, Andy Kippax – Strategic Housing Team, Robert Morton – Transportation & Policy, Vanessa Brook – Parks and Recreation, Dave Bryant – Planning Policy, Mary Brooks – NHS Stockport.


Dave Stokoe –Neighbourhood Renewal, Catherine Perkin – Neighbourhood Renewal, Helen Alderson – Neighbourhood Renewal, Sue Kirkbright – Hand on Heritage, Dave Brayshay – Parks and Recreation, Brain Billingham – Stockport Homes, Jo Cole – Stockport Homes, Dave Proudlove – HCA, Richard Leyshon – Planning Policy, Laura Sparrow - CYP, Alison Wainman - CYP,

Agenda Item / Issues/Discussion / Outcomes / Actions
  1. Update on Progress
/ Since last Project Team in August, GVA have been developing options for intervention.
Recent high level meeting at the Council (EED DLT) and Stockport Homes have established broad agreement around GVA’s thinking for developing options.
Diversification of Tenures - Pursuit of diversification of tenures has been accepted as a principle but framed within the context of socio/economic issues affecting Brinnington. This needs re-emphasising during the options design.
Discussion around impact of current economic depression exacerbating the need for more social housing for rent in Stockport.
Stockpot Homes working with Strategic Housing Team on bids to HCA. Possible delivery in partnership with RSL’s.
Some development of Green Belt and/or on Green Field sites may well be appropriate subject to robust regeneration arguments.
Need to re-emphasise that the master plan will be a long term vision for Brinnington / Options within master plan process will explore different products for delivering mixed tenures in Brinnington.
A long term approach is needed in terms of the delivery of social housing for rent - LDF is seen a key vehicle for delivering affordable housing in Stockport and needs to take account of the need to diversify tenures in Priority Areas whilst at the same time meeting the dire need for new social housing and other forms of affordable housing in Stockport as a whole.
Addressing inefficient land use through demolition and redevelopment in certain areas in Brinnington will result in net gain of around 200 properties.
A working meeting is to be set up at a high level in the Council and Stockport Homes to explore how a balance is achieved between the need to develop social housing and a achieved a mix of tenures in Brinnington.
GVA need plan of areas subject of bids to HCA so these can be incorporated into master plan process / GVA to continue to explore how diversification of tenures might be delivered when drawing up options for intervention.
GVA to consider comments from recent meeting with EED DLT and Stockport Homes when drawing up options for intervention.
LDF process to take account of need to deliver social housing and affordable housing across the Borough whilst at the same time allowing diversification of tenures in Brinnington.
Strategic Housing Team and Stockport Homes to produce plan showing areas subject to HCA bids for GVA to consider during option design.
  1. Presentation on current thinking from GVA
/ GVA gave presentation on current thinking around options for intervention (see adobe file attached) / Discussion on presentation:
Consultation on LDF Preferred Options is currently underway. Focus is on regeneration areas and includes Priority Areas such as Brinnington. Master is not out of kilter with preferred option. Principle of Green Belt release is acknowledged subject to justification through special circumstances evidence . Economic growth of Town Centre and M60 gateway will include requirement to improve training and employment opportunities within adjacent Neighbourhood Renewal Areas.
LDF general view is that green space will be protected but if a regeneration case can be demonstrated and sufficient green space supply remains then development of green space in Brinnington could be acceptable.
Accessibility to jobs paramount.
Development of Gateway sites also important and need to get balance right in terms of type of development and the need to improve open space and retail offer etc.
Can one agency deliver all that is needed in Brinnington? SMBC will need private sector partners.
Large sites need to attract private sector and Green Belt release could provide the opportunity to achieve this.
Need to be mindful of adjacent river valleys and impact on development on this asset.
Open space could be reconfigured thus minimising overall net loss if poorly performing areas and Space Left Over After Planning (SLOAPS) are developed.
Case for Green Belt release needs to be made during LDF and Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment processes.
Any net loss of social rented accommodation in Brinnington needs to be accounted for strategically.
Need to attract people into Brinnington master Plan is vehicle for changes poor image of Brinnington.
No evidence of post code discrimination in the context of Brinnington. / GVA to consider comments from Project Team when drawing up options for intervention
3. Next Steps / Options Consultation during November 2009 / Next Project Team meeting 19th November 2009