Primary 5Unit 2: SettlementsPART I:A Good Settlement
Song: ‘I Like the City’, Jazz Chants Old and New by Carolyn Graham. OUP.
W / BG
I / Appendix_1
Diaries / 1- T shows Ss pages 4 and 5 from A City Through Time book and asks Ss about what they can see, what country they think it could be, if they can see any water, where?, what the houses are like… (some questions are suggested in Appendix_1) Next, T shows pages 24 and 25 and asks similar questions. In case of working with large groups, copies of the pages may be used to facilitate close observation).
2- The class plays Hangman with the word settlements andcopy it on a blank page in their notebooks to start making a “cover” for the activities of the term.
3- T explains what a settlement is (a community of people, their homes and common places…) and asks Ss for types of settlements (village, town, city…) Ss write them on the cover as they like it (scattered throughout the page, in a column…). They leave a space for a picture (homework).
4-T presents the plan and what they are going to learn in Unit 1-PART I.
6- H (or T) writes down PART I plan and learning objectives on the Classroom Diary.
7- Ss copy them in their diaries. / -Look at this picture. What can you see in it? Houses. OK. A street. Fine. Can you see any water. Where? What is that? What country do you think it is? Italy / Mexico.. Greece, it’s in Greece . Can you see any traffic lights? Lorries? Cars? Now, look at this one. Is it the same place? Why do you think so? What can you see in this picture that did not appear in the first one?
-What do you think we are going to work on this term? Horses? Houses? Cities?
-Let’s guess the name of the topic for Unit 2. We are going to play Hangman. Let’s play in two teams. Team number 1 says a letter.
-Settlements. A settlement is a community. It contains homes and the people who live in those homes. Can you tell me the name of our settlement? Is it a big city? No. What is it? Can you tell me any other type of settlement? Hamlet, village, town, …
Plan for PART I:
We are going to:
-learn about characteristics of settlements.
-carry out a survey.
-make a poster about improving our town/village.
-sing a song.
-work in corners.
Our learning objectives
We are going to:
-learn some characteristics of settlements.
-learn vocabulary and expressions related to everyday actions and settlements (houses, jobs, ways of getting food…).
-write about things we would change in our town/village.
T presents the unit by guiding Ss to guess the topic. Then Ss write down the plan for PART I and its learning objectives.OBJECTIVES
-To participate in oral interaction. (1.1)(2.3)
-To develop learning strategies. (2.1)
-Follows T’s instructions / explanations. (1.1)
-Participates in class activities. (2.3)
-Records own work in the diary. (2.1)
‘I Like the City’ / S
W / BG
BG / Jazz Chants Old and New, book and CD
Script / 1- T introduces the song and the class listens to it.
2- T asks Ss if they have caught any word. Next, T writes Activity 50, page 91 from Jazz Chants Old and New. Ss copy it from blackboard. T dictates sentences and Ss in pairs fill in the gaps. The class checks the answers and H writes them on b/b.
3- H hands out the lyrics of the song. T reads out one sentence and the class repeats it after him or her.
4- Ss in pairs help each other to learn the lyrics by heart.
5- The class plays a “snake game” by standing up and saying one line of the song in turn. If a student fails to say his or her line or mispronounces it, he or she sits down.
6- They listen to the song again.
7- The class listens to and sings along the song.
8- In further lessons the class can practise the song in two groups: one group sings out one verse; the other continues the song, … / -Lyrics of the song
-Today we are going to listen to a song about a person who likes big cities by night.
-Have you ever been to a big city? Which one? Did you go out by night? What did you see?
-Listen to this song.
-Now, copy these sentences in your notebooks and leave some blank spaces as I do. Now we will do a dictation. Don’t panic if you don’t know how to write a word, but make sure that you correct them after checking them.
-Ok. What was the missing word in the first sentence? How do you spell it?
-Now we are going to learn this song by heart. First you will practise in twos. Next, we will play a game.
-Ready? Stand up! We are going to say the song line by line, each of you a single line each time. If someone stops or pronounces it wrong, then he or she sits down.
Ss listen to the song and do a gap-filling activity. They work in pairs and memorize the song. Finally they sing it.OBJECTIVES
-To read and understand the lyrics of the song. (1.7)
-To correct badly spelled words. (1.7)
-To memorize the song. (3.2)
-Understands key words and main ideas. (1.7)
-Corrects spelling mistakes. (1.7)
-Learns a song by heart. (3.2)
-Sings the song. (3.2)
‘What Makes a Good Settlement?’ / S
W / I
BG / b/b
Handout_3C / 1- Ss are requested to list the actions they do in an ordinary day. T asks them some actions and writes them on the b/b (Appendix_3A). Then Ss continue in their diary. They may use bilingual dictionaries, picture dictionaries… (optionally Handout_3A can be used).
2- Ss dictate actions to T. T writes them on b/b. When finished, T asks if a particular action is absolutely necessary or not for life and H marks the actions with Y or N depending on the general opinion of the class (optionally Handout_3B can be used).
3- Ss in pairs are assigned a picture showing a settlement from a different part of the world (Appendix_3B). They are requested to infer or hypothesize about methods of water and food supplies and to observe the characteristics of houses. They also have to evaluate that settlement and say if it is a good one or not aided by hints in Handout 3_C.
4- Ss exchange pictures and reports and have a look at them.
5- T asks some questions to check understanding and promote info exchange. / -Today we are going to talk about things we do in a day. Let’s start from the beginning. X, can you tell me the first thing you do after waking up? You go to the bathroom / you wash your face / have a shower / get dressed / have breakfast /… OK. Now try to write them down.
-Which ones are more important in your opinion? Having breakfast, eating, …. Do we need to eat to be alive? Yes. And what about coming to school? No, it’s not absolutely necessary but it is very important.
-Now, decide what things are necessary and important when building a town or a city. Water. Buildings. Schools. Shops…
-Look at your picture! Could you find the information requested in your handouts?
-Water probably comes from a reservoir.
Ss build a list of everyday activities. They decide which of those activities are essential for living. They finally reflect on what a good settlement should provide to its inhabitants.OBJECTIVES
-To use language related to everyday actions in context. (3.5) (2.3)
-To get aware of essential and non-essential needs for human life. (3.4)
-To produce short argumentative texts. (3.3)
-Participates in classroom interaction about everyday activities. (3.5) (2.3)
-Takes into account criteria discussed in the classroom to complete tasks. (3.4)
-Produces coherent short texts. (3.3)
‘Food, shelter and jobs’ / S
W / I
I / Handout_4A
Appendix_4 / 1- Ss carry out a true/false activity about food, shelter and jobs to check some prior knowledge both linguistic and conceptual (Handout_4A).
2- T tells Ss that now they are going to investigate on some aspects of their community: kinds of jobs common in their settlement, habits for getting food and types of dwellings where people live.
3- Ss are provided with a survey (Handout_4B). T helps Ss understand items and procedure. Ss take notes and translate some items, if required.
4- Ss play ‘Jobs and Emotions’ game (Appendix_4).
-Ss take their surveys home. They have to interview from three to six adults from different households in their neighbourhood and bring their results into the classroom for the next session. / -Now in pairs you are going to read some sentences and say if they are true or false.
-Do postmen sell books? Are buildings made of plastic?
-We are going to investigate on jobs, houses and getting food in our town or village. Let’s read the questions one by one. When you understand a question you may write it in Basque or Spanish to help you carry out the survey out of the school.
-Everything ready? Remember that you have to ask a minimum of three and a maximum of six adults and bring their data next lesson.
-Now it’s playtime. We have here some small cards with jobs. Let’s check if we know them. Ok. This is a mechanic. This is a teacher… And here we have some cards representing emotions or feelings. Sad. Happy.
Ss prepare a survey to collect data about types of shops, dwellings and jobs among people they know. Finally they play a game.OBJECTIVES
-To collect and record data. (3.8)
-To identify vocabulary related to town, homes, jobs and feelings. (3.5)
-To show interest in carrying out class activities. (2.3)
-Collects information and records it in a clear way. (3.8)
-Understands and uses in context vocabulary related to town, homes jobs and feelings. (3.5)
-Fulfils tasks. (2.3)
‘Reflecting on Language’ / S
W / BG
I / Appendix_5
Audio CD
Handout_5B / The following activities are proposed to reflect on some language items required when carrying out some of the activities in the sequence. They can be used all along Part I, interspersed among the other activities to promote reflection on a particular language field or point.
1- Vocabulary: Ss will learn new vocabulary related to types of settlement (village, town, home town and city), jobs and important buildings (Appendix_5). They will work on spelling and pronunciation. For each vocabulary topic a basic list of words and pronunciation models will be provided for practice.
2- Pronunciation awareness: Ss will practise the pronunciation of the following difficult words (listen-and-repeat activities can be carried out together with the audio CD and handout_5A):
Jobs: factory worker, plumber, baker, truck driver, bus driver, shopkeeper, teacher, engineer, builder, photographer, scientist, cook, electrician, carpenter and hairdresser.
Buildings: health centre, town hall, greengrocer’s, church, butcher’s, supermarket, post office, school, chemist’s, museum, swimming-pool, monument, bridge, restaurant and jeweller’s.
3- Grammar:focus onThere is & There are. This should be linked to the Act. 1&3 where Ss will be asked to describe a picture. In order to help Ss understand the rule and test its usage, a short explanation and a gap-filling exercise are provided in Handout_5B. / -Let’s revise vocabulary we have seen in this unit. Can you tell me words that we have learnt / used? Village. OK. Bus driver…
-Now you are going to write down all these words in your notebooks. Tick next to the following words: town, bus driver…These are the words we are going to practise today.
-Listen and repeat after the recording. Now practise pronunciation of these words in pairs. Now, Miren, can you read out the first word?
-In this unit we are using “there is” and “the are” quite a lot. Can anyone tell me what they mean? Let’s have a look at Handout 5B.
Ss reflect on language inferring rules from practice.OBJECTIVES
-To reflect on language. (1.10)
-To infer grammar rules. (1.10)
-To practise grammar in context. (1.10)
-Gives hypotheses about language. (1.10)
-Solves activities based on reflection. (1.10)
‘Food, shelter and jobs’
/ SL
W / BG
I / Handout_4B
Handout_6 / 1- T asks Ss if they have the answers to the questions stated in the questionnaires handed out in Activity 4. T asks individual Ss how many people they interviewed (Handout_4B).
2- H takes notes of the number of interviewees on b/b (e.g. 5-4-3…).
3- T helps Ss to calculate how many people were interviewed at all.
4- T asks for some single questions to several Ss.
5- The class is divided in three groups: each one is assigned a topic (getting food, types of dwellings and jobs).
6- They are given the parts of the questionnaires related to their topic.
7- One S in the group dictates results to the rest. The other S take notes and fill in Handout_6.
8- Pairs of Ss in a small group are assigned one or two questions and make a graph, write explanatory sentences and draw a picture if desired.
9- Each group collects all the pieces of information, stick them on a poster and show it to the rest of the class.
Homework: T explains to Ss that they are going to do an activity about their own place and they should bring a picture (photo, postcard, drawing…) of somewhere in the Ss’ village or town they would like to change for better. / -Have you brought in your questionnaires? How many people did you interviewed, X? and you, Y? Ok, H, please take note on the blackboard of the number of people who answered your questions. Four. Six. Three… Let’s calculate mentally how many of them there are. Who’s got the answer? Sixty? Fifty-three in total.
-Two people said they are teachers. Three people said they live in a flat…
-Next day we will continue investigating on our village or town. Could you bring in a picture or a drawing of some place you think it must be improved?
Ss share their survey results. In groups they write a report on one of the three aspects dealt with in the survey.OBJECTIVES
-To represent data in a bar graph. (3.8)
-To reflect on some aspects related to getting food, housing and jobs generalized in their environment. (3.7) (3.8)
-Represents and interprets data in a bar graph without difficulty. (3.8)
-Understands and reflects on survey outcomes. (3.7) (3.8)
W / SG
BG / Corner materials
List of Ss in each corner / 1- Ss go to a corner in pairs or small groups. If T considers appropriate, T/H keeps a record in order to take turns in each one.
2- T asks some Ss what they have done in the different corners.
Note:suggested corners
-Computers: Internet (see recommended websites in the Introduction to the unit), Wordbird’s World Land CD-ROM (Rooms, Buildings, Jobs).
-‘The Express Picture Dictionary’ (“Our Town”).
-Making Games:
Ss make cards with instructions to spot certain items from A City Through Time and The Great History Search.
Ss make cards for items from A City Through Time and The Great History Search (picture and word) to play pelmanism.
-Corner materials: puzzles.
-Pending Tasks
-… / -What have you done in the different corners?
-I’ve read a book. It was about …
-We’ve listened to a story. It was about …
-We’ve played a game called …
-I’ve drawn a picture. It’s a …
-What do you think of it?
-I think it was …
-What did you learn?
Ss work in corners.OBJECTIVES
-To give information and opinions on work done. (1.2)
-To be able to work autonomously in corners. (2.1)
-To interact with T and peers. (1.6)
-Says what s/he did in the corners and gives opinion. (1.2)
-Keeps materials tidy. (2.1)
-Interacts in English with T and peers in the corners. (1.6)
‘Is our settlement good enough?’
/ SW / BG
BG / Appendix_8
Glue, paper, colour pens. / 1- T asks Ss if they brought pictures from different places in their community that they would like to improve. T requests several Ss to show them to the rest.
2- Ss in pairs use their pictures to make part of a class display on things that could be improved in their town or village. They stick their picture in the middle of an A4 or A3 sheet of paper, trace lines from the objects or places that could be improved to the blank part of the sheet and they write sentences there explaining what is wrong and what could be done (See example of display and language patterns in Appendix_8).
3- Ss present their work to others by reading out their texts and asking the audience for different ideas.
4- All the contributions are gathered in a big poster or file. / -Who has brought any picture of a place in our village or town that we don’t like very much? Let’s see. X square! Do you like it, X? Yes/No. What is wrong with it? The slide is broken. There are no benches…
-Now, you are going to work in pairs. Stick your pictures or drawings in the middle of this worksheet. Write down the name of the place. Draw lines indicating the things you would like to change. Write in red what is wrong and in blue what you would do.
Ss bring in pictures of places in their community that need to be improved in their opinion. They give reasons and suggestions.OBJECTIVES
-To develop a critical point of view. (2.5)
-To give reasons and propose actions to improve our community. (1.9)
-Understands the activity and participates actively. (2.5) (2.3)
-Produces coherent short texts. (1.9)