Trust Fund / Bond Agreement Summary ReportReported On : 07/29/2008

Trust Fund/Bond Summary Report - Financial Status Summary (Head Count)

Office Totals

Financial Statuses: California: Cambria: District Mining: Greensburg: Knox: Moshannon: Pottsville: Status Total:

Not Started 2 15 1 11 3 4 1 37

Bond Requested 7 0 0 3 0 1 1 12

Partially Funded 2 2 0 2 1 2 0 9

Fully Funded/Bonded 13 20 1 11 13 9 1 68

Report Totals: 24 37 2 27 17 16 3 126

Trust Fund/Bond Summary Report - Bond Financial Status Summary (Total Bond Amount)

Office Totals

Financial Statuses: California: Cambria: District Mining: Greensburg: Knox: Moshannon: Pottsville: Status Total:

Not Started $0.00 $11,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,200.00

Bond Requested $58,988,857.28 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $899,507.00 $59,888,364.28

Partially Funded $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fully Funded/Bonded $84,811,774.81 $9,625,209.67 $192,100.00 $4,885,391.95 $7,383,817.46 $10,355,726.00 $0.00 $117,254,019.89

Report Totals: $143,800,632.09 $9,636,409.67 $192,100.00 $4,885,391.95 $7,383,817.46 $10,355,726.00 $899,507.00 $177,153,584.17

Trust Fund/Bond Summary Report - Trust Fund Financial Status Summary (Total Trust Amount)

Office Totals

Financial Statuses: California: Cambria: District Mining: Greensburg: Knox: Moshannon: Pottsville: Status Total:

Not Started $0.00 $21,352,610.27 $0.00 $3,263,744.90 $0.00 $1,392,940.00 $605,663.25 $26,614,958.42

Bond Requested $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,081,748.97 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,081,748.97

Partially Funded $20,896,548.00 $3,418,843.00 $0.00 $2,701,012.00 $9,353,170.00 $1,372,050.00 $0.00 $37,741,623.00

Fully Funded/Bonded $0.00 $5,466,134.18 $0.00 $33,733,590.34 $832,040.27 $12,269,384.28 $55,933.59 $52,357,082.66

Report Totals: $20,896,548.00 $30,237,587.45 $0.00 $40,780,096.21 $10,185,210.27 $15,034,374.28 $661,596.84 $117,795,413.05

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Trust Fund/Bond Summary Report - Agreement Status Summary (Head Count)

Office Totals

Agreement Statuses: California: Cambria: District Mining: Greensburg: Knox: Moshannon: Pottsville: Status Total:

Data Collection 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 6

Initial Calcs Cmpltd 2 1 0 6 1 0 0 10

Negotiations Ongoing 1 5 1 6 1 3 1 18

Agreement Reached 5 6 0 1 2 0 1 15

Trust/Bond Finalized 15 23 1 13 13 11 1 77

Report Totals: 24 37 2 27 17 16 3 126

Trust Fund/Bond Summary Report - Agreement Status Summary (Total Bond Amount)

Office Totals

Agreement Status: California: Cambria: District Mining: Greensburg: Knox: Moshannon: Pottsville: Status Total:

Data Collection $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Initial Calcs Cmpltd $9,947,371.84 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,947,371.84

Negotiations Ongoing $5,089,911.61 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,089,911.61

Agreement Reached $43,951,573.83 $11,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $89,002.00 $0.00 $899,507.00 $44,951,282.83

Trust/Bond Finalized $84,811,774.81 $9,625,209.67 $192,100.00 $4,885,391.95 $7,294,815.46 $10,355,726.00 $0.00 $117,165,017.89

Report Totals: $143,800,632.09 $9,636,409.67 $192,100.00 $4,885,391.95 $7,383,817.46 $10,355,726.00 $899,507.00 $177,153,584.17

Trust Fund/Bond Summary Report - Agreement Status Summary (Total Trust Amount)

Office Totals

Agreement Status: California: Cambria: District Mining: Greensburg: Knox: Moshannon: Pottsville: Status Total:

Data Collection $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $987,834.00 $0.00 $987,834.00

Initial Calcs Cmpltd $0.00 $49,055.79 $0.00 $2,035,254.58 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,084,310.37

Negotiations Ongoing $0.00 $17,251,623.15 $0.00 $1,018,691.29 $0.00 $405,106.00 $605,663.25 $19,281,083.69

Agreement Reached $0.00 $3,798,223.27 $0.00 $1,291,548.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,089,771.27

Trust/Bond Finalized $20,896,548.00 $9,138,685.24 $0.00 $36,434,602.34 $10,185,210.27 $13,641,434.28 $55,933.59 $90,352,413.72

Report Totals: $20,896,548.00 $30,237,587.45 $0.00 $40,780,096.21 $10,185,210.27 $15,034,374.28 $661,596.84 $117,795,413.05

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Reported On : 07/29/2008

Trust Fund / Bond Agreement Summary Report - Detailed

Lead Office: California

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Consol/Harmar Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

02891701 HARMAR COAL CO./HARMAR Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 2 1 $402,398 $400,600 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $0 $788,948 Trust Fund Amounts: $9,183,195 $788,948 $4,000,000 $13,972,143


Bond Amounts: $16,558,525 $4,000,000 $788,948 $21,347,473

Total for the Consol/Harmar BondAgreement: 1 2 1 $402,398 $400,600 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $0 $788,948 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $13,972,142.96 $21,347,472.91 Used: $0.00 $21,347,472.91

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Consol/Helvetia #1 CRDA Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

32743710 HELVETIA COAL CO/HELVETIA Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 0 0 $0 $9,100 $0 $0 $0 $19,000 Trust Fund Amounts: $208,605 $19,000 $0 $227,605

NO 1 Bond

Bond Amounts: $376,142 $0 $22,133 $398,276

Total for the Consol/Helvetia #1 CRDA BondAgreement: 1 0 0 $0 $9,100 $0 $0 $0 $19,000 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $227,604.78 $398,275.57 Used: $0.00 $398,275.57

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Consol/Jane Mine Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

03831305 JANE MINE Stage1/Regraded 1 1 $0 $285,000 $0 $0 $0 $315,000 Trust Fund Amounts: $6,533,227 $315,000 $0 $6,848,227


Bond Amounts: $11,780,279 $0 $366,947 $12,147,226

Total for the Consol/Jane Mine BondAgreement: 1 1 1 $0 $285,000 $0 $0 $0 $315,000 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $6,848,226.64 $12,147,226.10 Used: $0.00 $12,147,226.10

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Consol/Keystone #1-Jane CRDA Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

03813704 JANE MINE - CRDA Stage 2 Eligible 0 0 $6,600 $0 $0 $0 $1,340 $0 Trust Fund Amounts: $151,296 $1,340 $0 $152,636


Bond Amounts: $262,692 $0 $1,553 $264,245

Total for the Consol/Keystone #1-Jane CRDA BondAgreement: 1 0 0 $6,600 $0 $0 $0 $1,340 $0 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $152,635.77 $264,244.93 Used: $0.00 $264,244.93

Page 3 of 56

Reported On : 07/29/2008

Trust Fund / Bond Agreement Summary Report - Detailed

Lead Office: California

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Consol/Lewisville Recovery Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

32803712 LEWISVILLE REC Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 1 1 $0 $15,900 $0 $0 $0 $56,000 Trust Fund Amounts: $364,485 $56,000 $0 $420,485


Bond Amounts: $657,216 $0 $65,235 $722,451

Total for the Consol/Lewisville Recovery BondAgreement: 1 1 1 $0 $15,900 $0 $0 $0 $56,000 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $420,485.28 $722,450.65 Used: $0.00 $722,450.65

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Consol/Lucerne #6 Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

32841303 LUCERNE NO 6 DEEP MINE Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 1 1 $0 $197,200 $0 $0 $0 $378,000 Trust Fund Amounts: $4,520,534 $378,000 $0 $4,898,534


Bond Amounts: $8,151,126 $0 $440,337 $8,591,463

Total for the Consol/Lucerne #6 BondAgreement: 1 1 1 $0 $197,200 $0 $0 $0 $378,000 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $4,898,534.36 $8,591,463.08 Used: $0.00 $8,591,463.08

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Consol/Lucerne #6E Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

32851302 LUCERNE 6E DEEP MINE Stage 2 Eligible 0 0 $0 $37,600 $0 $0 $0 $63,000 Trust Fund Amounts: $861,927 $63,000 $0 $924,927


Bond Amounts: $1,554,170 $0 $73,389 $1,627,560

Total for the Consol/Lucerne #6E BondAgreement: 1 0 0 $0 $37,600 $0 $0 $0 $63,000 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $924,927.44 $1,627,559.59 Used: $0.00 $1,627,559.59

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Consol/Renton Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

02733702 RENTON CRDA Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 1 1 $0 $380,000 $0 $0 $0 $846,000 Trust Fund Amounts: $8,710,969 $846,000 $0 $9,556,969


Bond Amounts: $15,707,038 $0 $985,516 $16,692,554

Total for the Consol/Renton BondAgreement: 1 1 1 $0 $380,000 $0 $0 $0 $846,000 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $9,556,968.86 $16,692,554.22 Used: $0.00 $16,692,554.22

Page 4 of 56

Reported On : 07/29/2008

Trust Fund / Bond Agreement Summary Report - Detailed

Lead Office: California

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Miller Springs/Bird Mine No 2& 3 Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

56841321 BIRD MINE NO 2/NO 3 Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Trust Fund Amounts: $0 $0 $0 $0


Bond Amounts: $19,906,181 $0 $114,319 $20,020,500

Total for the Miller Springs/Bird Mine No 2& 3 BondAgreement: 1 1 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $0.00 $20,020,500.00 Used: $0.00 $20,020,500.00

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Penn Allegh Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

02841304 PENN ALLEGH 2 MINE Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 1 1 $25,323 $0 $0 $0 $12,859 $0 Trust Fund Amounts: $0 $0 $0 $0


Bond Amounts: $1,007,899 $0 $14,907 $1,022,806

Total for the Penn Allegh BondAgreement: 1 1 1 $25,323 $0 $0 $0 $12,859 $0 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $0.00 $1,022,806.00 Used: $0.00 $1,022,806.00

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Rosebud/Mine #78 CRDA Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

56743705 ROSEBUD MINING CO/WINDBER Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 1 1 $19,377 $19,377 $200,000 $200,000 $93,328 $93,328 Trust Fund Amounts: $444,191 $33,911 $0 $478,102

78 CRD Bond

Bond Amounts: $800,935 $0 $108,719 $909,654

56841328 ROSEBUD MINING CO/WINDBER Active 1 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Trust Fund Amounts: $0 $0 $0 $0


Bond Amounts: $0 $0 $0 $0

Total for the Rosebud/Mine #78 CRDA BondAgreement: 2 2 1 $19,377 $19,377 $200,000 $200,000 $93,328 $93,328 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $478,101.64 $909,653.91 Used: $0.00 $909,653.91

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Reported On : 07/29/2008

Trust Fund / Bond Agreement Summary Report - Detailed

Lead Office: California

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Tanoma CRDA Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

32840701 TANOMA REFUSE AREA 2 Reclaimed/Passive Treatment 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Trust Fund Amounts: $0 $0 $0 $0


Bond Amounts: $626,479 $0 $306,073 $932,552

Total for the Tanoma CRDA BondAgreement: 1 2 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $0.00 $932,552.44 Used: $0.00 $932,552.44

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement TJS Mining/CRDA #2 Bond Financial Fully Funded/Bonded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

03870701 DARMAC CRD 2 Active 0 0 $0 $1,512 $0 $10,647 $0 $12,657 Trust Fund Amounts: $0 $0 $0 $0


Bond Amounts: $60,180 $0 $74,835 $135,015

Total for the TJS Mining/CRDA #2 BondAgreement: 1 0 0 $0 $1,512 $0 $10,647 $0 $12,657 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $0.00 $135,015.41 Used: $0.00 $135,015.41

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Champion Processing Trust Fund Financial Partially Funded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

63733701 CHAMPION CRD/PREP SITE Active 6 6 $1,418,306 $0 $1,500,000 $0 $34,037 $0 Trust Fund Amounts: $1,500,000 $0 $0 $1,500,000


Bond Amounts: $0 $0 $0 $0

Total for the Champion Processing Trust FundAgreement: 1 6 6 $1,418,306 $0 $1,500,000 $0 $34,037 $0 Total Amount Trust: Bond: Amount Trust: Bond:

Indicated: $1,500,000.00 $0.00 Used: $1,500,000.00 $0.00

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Reported On : 07/29/2008

Trust Fund / Bond Agreement Summary Report - Detailed

Lead Office: California

Agreement Status: Trust/Bond Finalized Agreement Pristine Resources Treatment Trust Financial Partially Funded

Base Costs: Present Capital Present Total Use

Value OM Cost To Value Amount Bond Or

# Of MPs: Annual O&M Capital Costs: ReCap Costs: Cost Construct ReCap Trust?

Permit #: Permit Name: Permit Status: Total Raw Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Estimated: Final: Cost

10841302 FAWN 91 MINE Reclaimed/Chemical Treatment 0 0 $13,817 $57,217 $0 $0 $9,165 $9,165 Trust Fund Amounts: $1,311,620 $9,165 $0 $1,320,785