CHM 1020
Project #4 (Chapter 3) (The present, Past, and Future):
Become an Element Expert (optional)
Part 1:
We have 120 different elements known. Almost 90 are found in nature, the rest are manmade. In the study of Chapter 3, Section 3.2 “Elements are Made of Atoms”, I asked all to view the Tom Lehrer Element’s Song:
I asked the question, Tom’s song only describes 102 elements.
To become an element expert, you should be able to spell correctly the element and know it atomic Symbol for the most common (between 36 and 54) of the 120. CHM 2045C students must be able to do all 54. CHM 1025C and CHM 1032C students be able to do 48 of the 54 from the list available below.
For 5 pointsof this project you should complete the online element spelling test with 95% accuracy (may do as many times as you wish, highest score counting) (See Table 3.3 in the Chapter 3 Power Point)
CHM 2045C, CHM 1032C, and CHM 1025C students should access the required element list at:
Maybe you might ask, where did they get a symbol of Na for Sodium. Below is another table of the elements which were derived from the name in other languages:
Take the element quiz at(you may use this list to complete this exercise)
The quiz shows the symbol and a photo of the element, you write the name.:
Copies of you quiz will be sent to you and your instructor via email upon submission.
As an alternate of earning five points by completing the element online quiz (online flash cards), you may make hard copy flash cards of the 48 elements in the above list. Show your hard copy flash cards when you complete chapter 3 in-class exam.
Part 2:
Next you will read or watch video about where did the atom come from? How old are the atoms in the water you drink? In Chapter 5 we will investigate nuclear fusion which explains how all the elements were formed from the hydrogen atom and how the hydrogen atom was made. Access for text and video Elements Origin Home Page:
Record a note for each of the 13 video clips stating the most interesting point learned from the film. Then write a onepage summary explaining the origin of the elements and include the reason why the atoms heavier than Iron are not as old as the first 26 elements on the periodic table. Send this paper to the instructor via an email attachment. Please use WORD or Word Perfect to collect your notes and write the paper, one page minimum double spaced, type no larger than 12 point.
Part 3:
Research the future and write a minimum one page summary of the following items. Read about the known four unnamed atoms on the periodic chart 113, 115, 117, and 118.
113 Ununtrium 115 Ununpentium 117 Ununseptium 118 Ununoctium
I asked you the following Trivia Question:
Which letter(s) of the ALPHABET does not appear
in any name on the periodic table?
Access at least three articles on element #113 and explain why the only unused letter of the alphabet may become history when element 113 is officially named. (What was the original suggested name by the discoverer?).
Try to find out the proposed names if any for these four elements in your one page summary of the future,
In the last paragraph or two, research the “island of stability”.
Propose an explanation why there may be elements heavier than lead found in nature on other planets in the universe.
Why is a shied made of the element lead (Pb)(Atomic # 82)the best element on earth used to protect us from radiation?
There is also discussions on a Second Island of Stability with element (Element 164). What is the hypothesis?
Part 4:
OK, let’s have some fun! Go to the element game:
The first 36 elements on the periodic chart are shown as a
tv-game show mystery(not in any order). On the discussion board of Blackboard, access the Element Game Forum and you propose the solution to 4 of the 36 element chalkboards (list board # and your suggested solution along with the symbol). The first person gets to post hasher/his choice of any of the 36 element puzzles, but as more and more become identified, the game gets harder as each must try to identify the remaining elements. After 8, you need identify only 3, after 17 two, and after 27 have been identified only one completes your task. This is an easy one:
Extra Credit:
You create a chalk board puzzle for the remaining elements of the 54 listed as the most common (18 elements) and one bonus point for any of the remaining 44 elements.
Time to dust off you crayons and show your art talent!