AP Statistics Exam Questions -- Free-Response Questions for 1997 to 2008

/ / Question / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000
1 / 1900vs.2000 population
Cumulative distribution (ogives), medians, IQR Comparing distributions / CLT means what?
Sampling distribution of sample mean; CLT / LydiaBob-airtravel
Linear regression; slope and y-intercept; residuals / Drug A and Drug B
Scatterplots; graphical interpretation
2 / Fish tank
Experimental design; blocking / Defective items
Scatterplot vs. histogram; graphical interpretation / Lost hikers
Chi-square test of association / Cave & Footprints
Assumptions for inference about means
3 / Drug testing
Probability (tree); conditional probability / Butterfly tagging
Randomization; analyzing data / Dentists and apples
Observational study vs. experiment; confounding; establishing causation / Male flexibility
Constructing graphs for tabular data; graphical interpretation and comparison
4 / Political candidate
Two proportion inference; significance test (1-tailed) / Weed killer
Linear regression; Computer printout; residual plots / Defective batteries
Normal calculations; IQR; probability calculation / Baby Walkers
Two sample inference for means; two-tailed; causation?
5 / Oven chips
matched pairs vs. two sample;Two-tailed procedure / Graduate housing
One proportion inference; significance test (1-tailed) / Die A and Die B
Probability; expected value / Cholesterol
Experimental design; blocking; double-blinding
(Inv. Task) / Auto depreciation
Linear and nonlinear regression models; computer printouts / Oysters and pearls
Normal calculations; Simulation; expected value / Guessing coin tosses
One proportion inference; matched pairs; correlation / Husband-and-Wife
Normal calculations; diff of 2 rand var's; independence; the ellipse
Question / 2001 / 2002 / 2002 Form B / 2003 / 2003 Form B
1 / L. A. Rainfall
Outliers, summary statistics, exploratory data analysis / Einstein vs. Newton
Graphical interpretation; interpreting CI's / Swine & Ammonia
Scatterplots, correlation, r-squared / Accurate watches
Parallel boxplots, graphical interpretation, choosing inference procedure / Studying & work
Computer regression output; influential points
2 / Copier Repairs
Random variables & expected value / Give me the boot!
Matched pairs design; double blind / Airline no-shows
Expected value; probability; conditional probability / Lawsuits
One proportion hypothesis and parameter; Type I, II error / Age & Income survey
Tabular probability; conditional probability; independence
3 / Radio Giveaway
Designing and performing a simulation / Fast runners
Normal calculation Combining r.v.'s - means & variances / Magnet therapy
Comparative, randomized expt; blocking / Men's shirt sizes
Normal distributions, binomial probability / Vitamin C & flu
Experiment vs. observational study; Choosing inference procedure
4 / Dwarf fruit trees
Blocking & randomization / Airline costs
Linear regression; computer printout; correlation / Social security
One-proportion CI & Interpreting categorical data / Tai chi and yoga
Random assignment, control group, generalizability / Coffee & cholesterol
Random assignment; control group; choosing inference procedure; lurking variables
5 / Name brand vs. generic drugs
Matched pairs t-procedures / Owls & early birds
Stating hypotheses; two-sample t-test / Obstacle course
Parallel boxplots; comparing center & variability / Presidential survey
Chi-square test of independence / Skunk!
Probability; expected value; chi-square goodness-of-fit test
6 / Predicting Ph.D. from GPA
Comparative displays; inference for regression slope; LSRL and prediction / S or F?
One proportion CI; interpreting confidence; two proportion z-test or chi-square test / Lab classes
Two sample t-test Chi-square GOF test Bar graphs / Shuttle bus!
Graphical interpretation, one proportion CI, interpreting CIs, probability / HMO study
One-proportion CI; interpret 95% confident; adjusting MOE (determining sample size)
Question / 2004 / 2004 Form B / 2005 / 2005 Form B
1 / Gasoline additives
Parallel boxplots, outliers; comparing proportions and means / Craters on the moon
Describe scatterplot;
log transformation;
residual plot; interpreting r2 / Adolescent calories
Back-to-back stemplot; interpreting graphs; generalizability; study design / Exam scores
Stemplot; describing graphs; mean vs. median; midrange
2 / New Shampoo
Blocking by one/ two factors;
Random assign. of treatments / Dining hall food
Bias of sampling method; bias of question wording / Telephone lines
Expected value of r.v.; sampling distr. of sample mean; mean vs. median; shape / Concert tickets
Mean and std. dev of r.v.; Combining r.v.'s- mean and std. dev
3 / Brontosaur bones
Binomial conditions; conditional probability; generalizability;
interpreting probability / Trains filled with ore
Normal calculation; probability interpretation; Sampling distr ofsample mean / Train fuel consumption
Appropriateness of linear model; predicting with LSRL; interpreting r2; extrapolation / Mosquito repellent
Completely randomized design; matched pairs design; randomization method
4 /

Antibiotics for ear infectionsProbability (tree diagram), expected value; interpretation

/ Homework in middle school
Two-sample t interval; matched pairs vs. two samples / Cereal box vouchers
One-proportion z test (one-sided) / Tomato seeds
Matched-pairs t interval; performing significance test using CI
5 / Satisfaction with hospital
Chi-square test of assoc/indep; generalizability / Thai dogs and golden jackals
Parallel boxplots;
Conditions for one-sample t; Conditions for 2-sample t / Educational level survey
Survey bias and effect; determining sample size; stratified sampling / Walking speed & pulse
Regression output; interpreting slope and intercept; CI for slope
(Inv. Task) / New cholesterol drug
One-sample t interval;
CI vs significance test;
one-sided CI; interpretation / Banded birds
Two-proportion z test or chi-square test of homogeneity; capture-recapture; assumptions / Get the lead out!
Two-sample t interval; interaction effects / Not enough milk?
One-sample t test; normal calculation; sampling distr. of sample mean; simulation
Question / 2006 / 2006 Form B / 2007 / 2007 Form B
1 / Comparing Catapults
Parallel dotplots; comparing shape, center, and spread; interpreting center, variability / Real estate agents
Interpreting a cumulative relative frequency graph / Preserving strawberries
Interpret standard deviation; interpreting comparative dotplot; interpreting two-sample t interval / Kids not learning econ
Constructing a stemplot; describing distributions: shape, center, spread, outliers
2 / Suds
Computer output; equation of LSRL; interpreting s; interpreting SEb / Day shift vs. night shift
96% CI forp1-p2 ; connecting CI to significance test / Aging dogs
Purpose of control group; describing random assignment; blocking / How many dogs and cats?
Random variables & probability;
binomial probability; sampling distribution ofsample mean
3 / Deep beneath the Earth
Normal calculations; probability calculation; calculation involving sampling distribution of sample mean / Golf balls & Iron Byron
Normal calculations; probability calculation; inverse normal calculation / Big Town Fisheries
Sampling distribution of sample mean; Normal probability calc.; central limit theorem / Energy efficient windows
Blocking; implementing random assignment
4 / Ambulance or drive yourself
Two-sample t CI; connecting CI to significance test / Improving dexterity
Paired t test /

E. coli in beefPaired t procedures:two-tailed test or CI

/ Women’s & Father’s heights
Plotting the LSRL; determining a residual; influence of a point on slope and correlation
5 / Tiger shrimps
Two-factor experiment; treatments; completely randomized design; reducing variability; generalizability / Plowing the fields
Response variable; treatments; experimental units; randomization; replication; confounding / Distracted driving
Experiment vs. obs. study; stating hypotheses;
verifying conditions; interpreting P-value / Lowering serum cholesterol
Two-sample t test
(Inv. Task) / Thermostats
Significance test about σ2: stating hypotheses; calculating test statistic and P-value; drawing conclusions; simulated sampling distributions / Sunshine Farms Juice
Stating hypotheses; conditions for one-proportion z test; binomial probability; significance level; carrying out binomial test; increasing power / Judging distances
Interpreting slope; implication of y-intercept in model; significance test of H0: ß=1 interpreting the effect of adding an indicator variable to linear model / Preserving bird species
Two-proportion z test; CI for regression slope; transformation using logs; examining independence; making decisions based on predictions
Question / 2008 / 2008 Form B
1 / Sugary cereal
Parallel boxplots; comparing shape, center, and spread; changing units of measurement; mean vs. median / Student-teacher ratio
Construct and interpret dotplots; comparing distributions; why inference isn't appropriate
2 / School board surveyNonresponse bias; larger samples not always better
Nonresponse bias; larger samples not always better / Good estimators
Unbiased estimators;
what makes an estimator good?
3 / Arcade game
Mean of discrete r.v.; probability rules: addition, multiplication, complement / Braking distance
Determining sample size for specified margin of error; interpreting consequences
4 / Temperature and reliability
Making and interpreting scatterplot; standard error of estimate / Music and blood pressure
Completely randomized design; Type I and II errors and consequences
5 / Moose
Chi-square test for goodness of fit; contributions of individual cells / Snake gulch railroad
Combining normal random variables;
calculating normal probabilities and
inverse normal values
(Inv. Task) / Magnet schools
Two-sample t test; computer output; interpreting slope of LSRL in context; test for correlation/slope of LSRL / Morton's neuroma
Interpreting scatterplots; Paired t test; Developing diagnostic criteria