AICE Biology - AS Level (9700)
Ms. Wendy Rago
Pembroke Pines Charter High
(954) 583-3700 ext. 6104
Course Overview:
This course is designed to provide students with an in depth study of biology through the practical application of scientific processes. The primary goal of this course is to provide students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, analytical and practical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing field of science.
The AS Level AICE Biology course will study and assess the following core areas:
A. Cell Structure
B. Biological Molecules
C. Enzymes
D. Cell membranes and Transport
E. Cell and Nuclear DivisionThe Mitotic Cell Cycle
F. Genetic ControlNucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
G. Transport in Plants
H. Transport in Mammals
I. Gas Exchange and Smoking
J. Infectious Disease
K. Immunity
L. Ecology
1. 2 1 multiple subject Composition notebooks with GRAPH rule (with pockets*)(1st and 2nd semester)
2. Or separate fFolder with additional loose leaf paper
3. Pen/Pencil/Highlighter
5. Calculator (basic 4 function)
6. School Planner
Please bring your supplies to class EVERY DAY!!!
· Jones, M. et al. (2014). Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology Course book 4th Ed.
(Cambridge International Examinations). Paperback. ISBN-10:1107609216
Recommended: This can be purchased new and used by the students to help study for the Cambridge AS exam.
Jones, M. (2010) Cambridge International AS and A-level Biology: Revision Guide. Paperback.
Class Rules:
1. The GOLDEN and MOST important rule = R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
2. Be prompt
3. Be prepared
4. Ask for help
Grading and Assessments: Your learning will be evaluated using quizzes, unit tests, homework, projects, lab reports, and research papers.
Tests: 50% Labs/Projects: 30 50% Labs/Projects: 30% Homework/Quizzes: 20%
Tutoring: Tutoring and extra help is available by appointment only. See me to schedule.
Tests and Quizzes:
Students take a test consisting of multiple-choice questions and essay questions at the end of each unit or multiple chapters. Due to the length of some of the units, quizzes will help to provide a continuous gauge of student understanding and vocabulary buildup. Students will have the opportunity to make corrections on tests and receive additional points. Test corrections must be completed afterschool and within 7 days of completing the test.
The goal of homework assignments is to prepare students for the lectures / labs, as well as reinforce concepts learned during class time. Students are required to read the textbook chapters independently and create their own Cornell style notes for the chapter. Notebooks will be collected and checked on the day of chapter/unit tests. *Late work will NOT be accepted. Students will receive a zero for work not turned in on time.
*Late work will NOT be accepted. Students will receive a zero for work not turned in on time. Absences:
Make-up work:
If you have a student misses work due to an EXCUSEDexcused absence or tardy, it is yourthe student’s responsibility to find out what you missed from the class assigned Homework Helper. All obtain the makeup homework will be due within the specified school handbook time frame! work (including notes) and turn it in according to the “Parent-Student Handbook.”
If you are absent (excused) the day of a test, it must be made up AFTER SCHOOL within 2 days, and arrangements must be made with me. Any or quiz you will make -up work not turned in on time will result in a zero. the test/quiz/lab afterschool.
a. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Students may still turn in work within the Student Code of Conduct designate time frame (2 days) but will receive a 10% reduction in the grade for homework, and record the LOWEST PASSING GRADE (e.g., “D” or “60”) for TESTS and PROJECTS that meet standards or proficiency. IF the work is not meeting the standards, a grade of zero will be issued.
ALL labs and tests require more time andLabs must be scheduled and made up afterschool within 2 days of absence to avoid receiving a zero for the assignment.
Course Cambridge Exams (“Papers”):
AICE Examination Biology AS
This course requires a final examination (paperpapers) that is divided into 3 parts taken over 3 separate the course of 2 days. Students must take ALL 3 parts of the The AICE examination to earn the additional quality points on their GPA! Also, if a student fails to take any part of the AICE examinations, students will be require to pay for the cost of the exam back to the school. Official test dates will be announceddetermined in November. and announced. Please be prepared for taking the exam some time from May to June.
**TENATIVE DATES (subject to change!)
PAPER 2 Exam (Writing): Weds. 5/3/17 7:00 am
PAPER 3 Exam (Lab Practical): Tues. 5/16/17 7:00 am
PAPER 1 Exam (Multiple Choice): Tues. 6/6/17 7:00 am
AICE Biology- AS Level
Student Name: ______
Period: ______
Student Birthday: ______
* Student Allergies/ medical issues you would like me to know about: ______
Student Schedule:
Subject Teacher
Period 1 ______
Period 2 ______
Period 3 ______
Period 4 ______
Period 5 ______
Period 6 ______
Declaration of Understanding:
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the information outlined in Ms. Rago’s syllabus. I understand that all school rules also apply in Ms. Rago’s classroom. I am aware of what is expected of me in this AICE Biology class. I will work to my fullest potential with consistent effort and a positive attitude.
Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date
Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature Date