NIH Cover Letter Template-valid on or after November 25, 2014 with applications that indicate “ADOBE-FORMS-B1,” “ADOBE-FORMS-B2,” or “ADOBE-FORMS-C” in the “Competition ID” field of the SF424 (R&R) forms package.
Format: Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype, or Georgia typeface in black font color, at least 11 points or larger. At least one-half inch margins on all sides. No information should appear in the margins, including the PI’s name and page numbers.
Applicants are encouraged to include a cover letter with the competing application to request assignment to an Institute or Center (IC) and/or a Scientific Review Group (SRG). The cover letter is only for internal use and will not be shared with peer reviewers. It is advised that before submitting a grant you seek guidance from a program officer about which SRG is the most appropriate for your research.
For Changed/Corrected applications submitted after the submission date the cover letter is required explaining the reason for the Changed/Corrected application.
What follows is a recommended cover letter format, based on guidance in the SF 424 R&R Application Guide; all items may not be applicable. Use departmental letterhead, and address the cover letter to the Division of Receipt and Referral.
Special formatting requested by NIH include the following:
•List one request per line.
•Place IC and SRG review requests (if applicable) on separate lines.
•Place positive and negative requests (if applicable) on separate lines.
•Include name of IC or SRG, followed by a dash and the acronym. Do not use parentheses.
•Provide explanations for each request in a separate paragraph.
Division of Receipt and Referral
Application for the NIH Research Grant Program (Mechanism Name)
To Whom it May Concern:
I am pleased to submit a grant proposal with the title “Application Title” for consideration under the NIH Research Grant Program (Mechanism Name) with PA number PA-XX-XXX, as discussed with Program Officer.
Please assign this application to the following:
Scientific Review Groups:
Please do not assign this application to the following:
Scientific Review Groups:
The reasons for this request are [provide narrative explanation for the request].
List of individuals who should not review the application and why.
Disciplines involved, if multidisciplinary.
Statement that required NIH approval documents are included (e.g., budget over $500K/year; approval for conference grant proposal, cooperative agreement, etc.)
For late applications – if applicable, include specific information about the timing and nature of the cause of the delay.
Explain any subaward budget components that are not active for all periods of the proposed grant, if applicable.
Statement that required NIH approval documents are included (e.g., approval for budget over $500K/year; approval for conference grant proposal; cooperative agreement, etc.)
If a video is submitted as part of the application, information about the intent to submit it.
Thank you for your consideration.
PI Name
Office of Research Support, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2014
Source: SF424 (R&R) Application Guide for NIH and Other PHS agencies, p. 72