Minutes of Fall 2016
Call to Order 9:31 Colony 1st, Sohi 2nd
Roll Call Changes will be emailed and on website. Send copy to ASAA
Intro of Guests Billy Hunt – Lumen Christi, Sandi Wagner
Adoption of Agenda Hou 1st, Sew 2nd
Approve Minutes Col 1st, Val 2nd
Financial Report Hou 1st, col 2nd
ASAA Report
- Gender Determination – Districts or schools will determine policy.
-Volleyball berth. No second.
-ASAA handbook online. Search function is working.
-Use of HS age officials at State tournaments. ASAA staff will attempt to find adults, qualified students can be used
-XC – Region 1: 11 smaller conferences. No change in berths. Awards for top 3 1A, 2A 3A boys and girls (Passed).
-Wrestling seeding. New process. Posted on Wed. Committee will meet for any discrepancies. Fines for improper use of Track Wrestling (Passed). Weight Certifications. New language so wrestlers won’t lose weight certs in first 30 days of the season. Small wrestling conference split for Greatland (Passed). Medical forfeits – looking to exclude med. forf. New language and clarification on these.
-Co-op for JDHS and Thunder Mtn. ASAA allowing for this to happen in 4 activities.
-Greatland Hockey. State Hockey format. Proposal for ASAA from Greatland.
-Foreign exchange directly placed eligibility changed to one year for F1 visa students. Still JV eligible.
-April ASAA board meeting in Homer.
-Out of season contact committee to reconvene. Need Region 3 rep. Mike Boyd will be our rep.\
-Classification committee – Sending Dale with 4 conference champs and 4 WPI berths to ASAA board
-Supplemental Hockey rules committee. Make recommendations to ASAA board for Dec. meeting
-Lumen Christi will be in Region 3 baseball and tennis.
-Amateurism. Increased the award, merchandise or prize amount to $1000.
-N.Pole/Eielson Co-op Hockey (Passed)
-TAD policy changed in July. 3rd offense is 6 months now. No more death sentence.
October meeting
-All-State Music festival site
-Co-ed Soccer rules
-Chiropractor can now do physicals
-Small and Large school title. New language on titles.
-Football quarterfinals clarifications
-Tennis officials
-Coaches certification
-Baseball pitch count
-Wrestling filling state tournament berths, medical forfeits
-Mercy rule policy. Clean up the handbook language.
-Penalties for coaching out of season
-All-State Art participants numbers. Right now 5 per teacher, recommendation to change number.
Old Business
-Girls wrestling. No bylaw until numbers increase
-Hockey bylaws. On website
-Basketball bylaw. Home designation (why host school is visitor). Change all basketball, volleyball, and soccer bylaws to reflect that the host school is the home team throughout the tournament. Palmer 1st, Houston 2nd. Unanimous consent. BYLAW CHANGE. Short ballot-In order for schools athletes to be eligible for post season awards, all schools are required to vote for a complete ballot for all-conference voting. Palmer 1st, Nik 2nd. Unanimous consent. BYLAW CHANGE
Spring Regional Tournament: Soccer:Kenai–good, Track:Colony –good meet, Baseball:Kenai –good , Softball - good
New Business
Fall Regional Tournament Reports: XC: Sohi – on track. Swimming: Kod –busy weekend, ready. Volleyball:Was-moving along, Hou-Some games may be at Redington, looking good, Monroe–good Football:Lat–good, Pal – good, Hou – good phone mtg, Sew – good phone mtg. Wrestling: Kenai–haven’t started yet, Delta-good, ACS-good.
-Send any conference info(pics, logo, letters) to Dale and he will put it on the website.
Action items
-Track scheduling committee: ACS, Palmer, Homer to put together a scheduling proposal.
Quads – Wasilla. One day Invite - Houston. Two Day Invite – Homer, Kenai, Colony, Palmer.
-Softball. Railbelt-Section 7: Tie Breaking procedures. #2 add in or out of conference. Eliminate #4 and add coin toss. Region 3 input to Railbelt softball
Northern Lights Conference. New Bylaw with tournament. Houston is adding in to the conference. Kenai 1st, Houston 2nd
-Wrestling. Forfeit proposal. Dale will take to ASAA
-Classification Committee. 4 champs, 4 WPI
-KPFOA letter
-Kodiak football travel costs: Numbers change for team costs covered.
-Activity Committees: List given to ASAA
-Swim teams airfare to State – Give approx. # of seats needed to ASAA
-Have Action Plans and AED for all locations on campus or off campus for activities. ASAA can get portable AED’s for $800.
Winter meeting – Jan30,31. State Wide Feb. 1
Spring meeting – April 10
Meeting Adjourns 1:41 Colony 1st, Houston 2nd