Sing it, Say it, Read it, Play it

Ten Week Package

Key Stage 1


Sing it, Say it, Read it, Play it

‘Sing it, say it, read it, play it’ consists of two introductory sessions for a Key Stage One class. These sessions will develop awareness of pulse, rhythm and following simple symbols through chants, songs and instrumental activities. ‘Sing it, say it, read it, play it’ can then be developed into a ten week programme with additional terms as requested.

Activities in Sing it, Say it, Read it, Play it sessions will particularly support the following National Curriculum learning objectives at Key Stage One:

Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes

Play untuned instruments musically (tuned instruments may be introduced over a longer series of sessions)

Listen with concentration

In addition, children will be introduced to simple symbols to represent sounds, which can be used to introduce more formal musical notation over time.

The activities in Sing it, Say it, Read it, Play it will also introduce some of the ‘musical dimensions’ including pitch (singing with awareness of high and low), duration (making long and short sounds), tempo (the speed of the beat), timbre (the kind of sounds instruments make) and structure (how music is put together, for example four lines of a song)

Sing it, Say it, Read it, Play it

Actions to Music

(adaptedfrom the book Music in Action at Key Stage One)

Listen to it:

Use recorded music with a strong beat and add actions to it, for example clapping, tapping, knee taps etc.

Read it:

Use picture cards for the different actions, for example clap, ‘mashed potato’ (fists tapping together), knee taps, shoulder taps.

Hold up one card at a time during the chant.

Over a longer period, develop this by doing each action for four beats.

Introduce a ‘rest’ bar where children see a blank card and keep the beat in their heads for four beats.

Play it:

Over a longer period, use instrument pictures instead of actions. Children have an instrument each and play it on the beat when their card is held up.

Play on the Drum

(to the tune ‘Who built the Ark’)

Sing it:

Play on the drum…

Tap taptaptap

Play on the drum

We can play on the drum.

Play on the shakers…

Play on the bells…

Play all together…

Play very quietly…

Play very loudly…

Read it:

Use four symbols for Tap TapTapTapeg dots.

Use smaller symbols for the quiet verse and larger symbols for the loud verse.

Practise using voices and body percussion.

Play it:

Introduce instruments to play following the symbols.

Extension if liked:

Use four dots getting larger and play quiet to loud.

Use four dots getting smaller and play loud to quiet.

It’s gonna be hot

(from Music Express Year 2)

Sing it

It’s gonna be hot, hot, hot, hot

That’s what the weather lady says

It’s gonna be hot, hot, hot, hot

That’s what the weather man says

It’s time for the T shirt

Beach ball

Paddling pool

Sun sunsun!

It’s gonna be hot, hot, hot, hot

That’s what the weather lady says

It’s gonna be hot, hot, hot, hot

That’s what the weather man says

It’s gonna be wet, wet, wet, wet…

It’s time for the raincoat,


Wet play

Rain, rain, rain!

It’s gonna be wet, wet, wet, wet…

It’s gonna be wet, wet, wet, wet…

Say it

Count the words in the pattern ‘hot hothothot’ and clap them.

Read it

Use four symbols to show the four sounds eg four suns, four raindrops or rainclouds.

Invite children to hold up the right card at the appropriate time in the song.

Play it

Use two different instrument sounds for ‘hot’ and ‘wet’, for example metal and wood.

Play in time with the song following the picture symbols.

Pie Chart

Use a circle divided into 8 removable sections.

Read it, Say it:

Say and clap the word ‘red’ each time a red slice is pointed to.

Introduce the word ‘rest’ (whispered) if a slice is removed.

Create different patterns.

Read it, Play it

Instead of clapping, play one instrument sound for each ‘red’ slice.

Scared of the Dark

(from ‘Music Express Age 5-6’)

Sing it:

It’s late at night

And there’s something in the house

Something in the house going GLUG!

Glug glugglug

Glug glugglug

It’s only water going down the plug

Water going down the plug.

It’s late at night

And there’s something in the house

Something in the house going BUMP!

Bump bumpbump

Bump bumpbump

It’s just my football bumping down the stairs

Football bumping down the stairs

It’s late at night

And there’s something in the house

Something in the house going SCRATCH!

Scratch scratchscratch

Scratch scratchscratch

It’s just my puppy scratching on the door

Puppy scratching on the door

Say it:

Whisper the words ‘shshsh’ and the sound words in the song.

How many sounds are there each time? (three)

Read it:

Use the pie chart to make a pattern to match the sounds in the song:

(redredred rest, red redred rest)

Play it:

Choose instruments carefully for ‘glug’, ‘bump’ and ‘scratch’.

Take turns to play the pie chart pattern each time it occurs in the song.

Miss Mary Mack

Sing it

Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack

All dressed in black, black, black

With silver buttons, buttons, buttons

All down her back, back, back

Think it

Perform the song in thinking voice.

Read it

Use three symbols eg buttons to represent the three sounds.

And/or Use the pie chart to represent the three sounds and one beat rest.

Play it

Use instruments to play the three sounds in time with the song.

Switch off voices and continue to play the instruments at the right time.