
First Nine-Weeks Test Review

Directions: Using your notes and the textbook (Chapters 1-4) define the following terms

1. Define the following:




Archeological dig:


Fertile Crescent:



Part 2: Fill in the blanks

1. The first Homo-Sapiens first emerged in Africa between ______and ______YEARS AGO.

2. The first human like species developed in eastern ______(a continent).

3. ______found the first human-like remains in Tanzania during the 1930’s.

4. A ______is a human who walks upright.

5. ______was a hominid species who lived in Asia and Europe, buried their dead, and used advanced tools.

6. ______was the first hominid species to migrate out of Africa, develop fire, and developed a simple spoken language

7. ______or “wise humans” are anatomically modern humans .

8. Early human clans were ______, which meant that they obtained their food by following plants and animals on their migratory patterns.

9. ______and ______were the two leading factors that forced early humans to be nomadic.

10. The hominid species known as “person with ability”is ______(hint, see handout)

11. The land bridge that allowed for early migration originated during the ______age.

12. The Paleolithic Era is also known as the ______Stone Age. The Neolithic Era is known

as the ______Stone Age.

13. The Agricultural Revolution in human history is known as the ______Revolution.

14. List three ways that the Neolithic Revolution fostered the development of civilizations.

15. Many civilizations developed in the ______Crescent because of the fertile soil, rivers, and mild climate.

16. This Neolithic Civilization is found in England, and characterized by a circle of massive “Pi” shaped

stones. ______

17. ______and ______are two cities that have been found in the Fertile Crescent that were mentioned in the Bible.

18. ______was a civilization found in the Fertile Crescent characterized by rectangular honey-combed homes, and obsidian trading, found in Anatolia.

19. ______is the Egyptian writing system:

20. ______is the Sumerian writing system:

21. The Indus River writing system has never been ______.


Use the map to label the civilization AND the rivers associated with them or the bodies of water

A: ______

B: ______

C: ______


E: ______

23. The Shang Chinese religion stresses ______worship.

24. Shang priests would write on ______; in which they would ask the ancestors to communicate with them through cracks in the burnt bones.

25. The ______system of the Shang Dynasty united it despite the numerous languages.

26. They Egyptians built massive structures called ______, which was used as a tomb for

the king, or ______.

27. The Egyptian leader was considered to be a ______.

28. The two major cities of the Indus valley Civilization were: ______and


29. The Mesopotamians built temples called ______.

30. Mesopotamian rulers set up ______in order to successfully govern the civilization. These were individual cities in which a governor rules in the name of a shared king.

31. The first empire in the Fertile Crescent was ______. They began as a city-state of Sumer.

32. The ______conquered the Akkadians.

33. ______was the ruler of Babylon. A moral code was named for him.

34. The ______conquered the Babylonians. They had the largest empire up until this date. Their success can be credited to their militant behavior.

35. Nebuchadnezzar was the king of the ______. He exiled the ______out of Jerusalem.

36. ______was the most powerful leader of Akkad.

37. Who enacted the justice according to Hammurabi’s code? (circle) victim or government

38. True or False: Everyone was punished equally under Hammurabi’s code whether they were lower class or land-owners. (This does NOT include slaves)

39. This kingdom, located in Upper Egypt, over threw the Egyptians in 751 BC ______

40. The Hebrews settled between the ______Sea and the ______River.

41. The Holy Book of Judaism is ______.

42. Judaism is (circle one) Polytheistic or Monotheistic religion.

43. ______is the founder of Judaism.

44. The Jews were held as slaves by the ______. When Moses led them out of Egypt this

is known as ______.

45. Many of the Phoenician men had professions of: ______and



Which civilization is located here? (In blue)


47. The Phoenicians traded with people around the ______Sea.

48. The lasting legacy of the Phoenicians was the ______.

49. The first Emperor of the Persian Empire was ______.

50. The Emperor of Persia who conquered Egypt was ______.

51. Darius I won the Persian throne with the help of the ______Immortals.

52. Darius I built the ______road. He also built a ______that ran from the Red Sea to the Nile.

53. The Persian religion was ______. Was it polytheistic or monotheistic?

54. The Persian prophet was named ______.

55. The Persian Creator God is called ______. The God of Evil is called


56. Persian emperors (Cyrus and Darius) ruled with the theory of ______and


57. Darius divided the Persian Empire into ______provinces. Each providence was governed by a

______, or governor. These governors were chosen by the Emperor. The Emperor still had

complete control. This is known as an ______bureaucracy.

58. The Lascaux and Vallon-Pont-d Arc cave paintings were found in ______.

59. Standardized Persian coins were called the ______and the ______.

60. The Persian Emperor ______is responsible for standardizing the Persian Coin.