Grade 6 Maths Revision sheet – Term 3


ACADEMIC YEAR 2015 - 2016


Name: / Grade:
Section: / 6 A/B/C/D/E/F/G
(Circle the section)
Maths / No. Of Pages: 24

Grade 6

Revision Paper


Analysing data

1)Calculate the mean and range of these two data sets, and use them to make a comparison between the two sets.

A / 2, 5, 6, 11, 0, 6
B / 7, 9, 4, 6, 6, 7
a) Mean of set A
Answer =
b) Mean of set B
Answer =
c) Range of set A
Answer =
d) Range of set B
Answer =
e) Which set has higher values on average?
Answer =
f) Which set has more varied data?

Answer =

2)Students in grade 7 got grades for their Maths exam. Students received As, Bs, Cs, Ds or Fs. The marks for the students are shown below:

A / B / B / C / F / A / C / D / C / A
D / F / A / F / A / A / D / C / B / B
C / C / B / A / F / C / C / A / C / B

What was the modal mark? ______

3)Work out the mean, median, mode and range for the following groups of numbers. ( you may need to use decimal division)

a)5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Mean ______


Median ______

Range ______

b)5, 6, 9, 6, 5, 6

Mean ______


Median ______

Range ______

c)12, 15, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20

Mean ______


Median ______

Range ______


4)Divide the following. ( you may need to use decimal division)

a)217÷ 5= ______b) 479÷6= ______

c) 4,861÷ 15= ______d) 7,456÷12= ______

e) 1,221÷ 14= ______f) 9,156÷16= ______

5)Division Word problems

A)Mohammad is saving for a new phone. The new phone will cost 2,150dirhams. If he saves the same amount every month for a year, how much will he need to save each month?


B)Haya is in Dunkin’ Doughnuts to buy treats for her birthday party. Each doughnut costs $4. If she has $132, how many doughnuts can he buy? How much money will she have leftover?

How many doughnuts? ______

How much money has he left? ______

C)There are 345 students going to Ferrari worldnext week. If a van can only seat 11 students, how many vans will the school need to take all students toYasWaterworld?


D)Marwanis decorating cakes in a bakery. He puts 14 strawberries on the top of each cake. He has 356 starwberries. How many cupcakes will he be able fully decorate?


Negative numbers

6)Write these numbers in order from least to greatest.

a)1, -2, 10, -7, 3, -3

1st ______2nd ______3rd ______4th______5th______6th ______

b)1, -2, 10, -7, 3, -3

1st ______2nd ______3rd ______4th______5th______6th ______

7)Write the correct sign , <, >,between each pair:

a)- 4______-3 b) -5______4 c) 4______-3

d) -2 _____ 0 e) - 10______1f) -2______-3

8)Work out these calculations:

i)̶12 + 5 = ______ii) 3̶ 5 = ______iii) ̶8 + 6 = ______

iv) -6 + 9 = ______v) -8 + 7 = ______vi) 6 - 9 = ______

Negative number word problems

9)The temperature in Moscow is -25 degrees. In Dublin the temperature is 12 degrees. What is the difference in temperature?

Answer =

10)The temperature in Abu Dhabi is 45 degrees. In Alaska the temperature is ---12 degrees. What is the difference in temperature?

Answer =

11)The temperature in Berlin was 42 degrees in the summer time. In the winter it fell by 50 degrees. What was the temperature in Winter?

Answer =

Simplifying expressions

12) Simplify the following:

a) 6k + 3k b) 10 f – 5 f

Answer = Answer =______

c) a x 3d)16p ÷ 4

Answer = Answer =

e) 2c x 2df) 25 m ÷ 5

Answer = Answer =

13) Work out the following.

a) m + 3y - 2– 4y +8 +2m

Answer =

b) 8 (2k - 3) +4 (d + 2)

Answer =

c)3a (a + 4) + 4b – 2

Answer =

d)2a ( p + 3) + 3 - 3 a

Answer =

Length mass and capacity

14) For the following questions you will need to convert between the different metric units of measurement.

A) 3 kg = ______grams. B) 5,000 Grams = ______kg

C) 7,000 meters = ______kmD)7liters = ______mL

E) 60,000 mm = ______meterF) 14meters = ______cm

G) 4 cm = ______mmH) 61,000 grams = ______kg

I) 13liters = ______mLJ) 5.2 km = ______Meters

G) 6.3 cm = ______mmH) 31,000 grams = ______kg

I) 9 liters = ______mLJ) 2.1 km = ______Meters

Perimeter and area

15)Find the perimeter andarea of the following shapes.

A) B)

Perimeter = ______Perimeter = ______

Area= ______Area= ______

c) d)

Perimeter = ______Perimeter = ______

Area= ______Area= ______


Perimeter = ______Perimeter = ______

Area= ______Area= ______

g) h)

Perimeter = ______Perimeter = ______

Area= ______Area= ______

16)Write each of these fractions in their simplest form.

(Hint: you will need to find the GCF !!)

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

g) h) i)

Proportions with fractions and ratios

17)Complete the following table

Fraction / % / Decimal
25 %
105 %

18)Write the following ratios with white balls and black balls.

(Make sure you write your answers in simplest form.

Proportion of white balls as a fraction:

Answer =

Proportion of black balls as a percentage:

Answer =

19)There are 100 students going on a school trip. There are 65 boys. Write the following proportions. Make sure you write your answers in simplest form.

The proportion of boys as a fraction

Answer =______

The proportion of girls as a percentage

Answer =______

20)The following table shows the total number of seats in two different cinemas. It also shows how many seats in each cinema are pre-booked this weekend.

Cinema / Total seats / Total pre booked seats
Dalma Mall cinema / 300 / 90
Yas Mall cinema / 250 / 75

Which cinema has a greater proportion of pre-booked seats this weekend?

(show all working)

Answer =

21)There are 26 students in grade 4G and 18 of them are girls.

There are 32 students in grade 4F and 18 of them are girls.

Which class has the largest proportion of girls?

Answer =

22)To make stir fry sauce, Sam uses teaspoons of corianderand teaspoons of Cumin in a ratio of 5:3.

a)What fraction of the sauce is Cumin? Answer =

b)What fraction of the sauce is coriander? Answer =

23)An art teacher makes green paint using a mixture of blue and yellow paint. She mixes 450 ml of blue paint with 550 ml of yellow paint.

a)Write the ratio of blue paint to yellow paint in it’s simplest form.

Answer =

b)What percentage of the paint mixture is :

i) Blue Answer =

ii) Yellow Answer =

c)How much of eachpaint would you need to make 1.4 liters of green paint?

i) Blue Answer =

ii) Yellow Answer =

Drawing triangles accurately

24)Use a ruler and protractor to make accurate drawings ofthese triangles.



Angles in a triangle

25)Work out the following missing angles in these triangles.

(without using a protractor.)


Answer = Answer =

c) d)

Answer = Answer =


26)Work out the following missing angles in these quadrilaterals.

(without using a protractor.)

a) b)

Answer = Answer =

c) d)

Answer = Answer =

Pattern sequences

27)This table shows how many packets of chips the shop sells every day. If this pattern continues, how many packets of chips will be sold on Day 5?

Day / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Chips sold / 9 / 13 / 11 / 15

a)The rule is : ______

So ______packets of chips will be sold on day 5.

b)How many packets of chips would we expect to be sold on day 6?

Answer =

28) For each of these sequences, complete the empty boxes and write the equation in terms of y.


X / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Y / 6 / 7 / 8

The equation is : ______


X / 35 / 55 / 20 / 60 / 45
Y / 7 / 11 / 4

The equation is : ______


x / 8 / 5 / 7 / 6 / 4
Y / 24 / 15 / 21

The equation is : ______

29)For each of the following answer the given questions:

Position / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Term / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11


Term to term rule ______

Position to term rule ______

Rule for finding nth term ______

Position / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Term / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25


Term to term rule ______

Position to term rule ______

Rule for finding nth term ______

Position / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Term / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11


Term to term rule ______

Position to term rule ______

Rule for finding nth term ______

30)Find the nth term for the following sequences;

a)1, 5, 9, 13, b) 24, 19, 14, 9 c) 21, 39, 57, 75

Nth term = ______Nthterm = ______Nth term = ______

31)Draw and label the following lines on the given coordinate grid.

a)A ; y = 2d) D ; x = 6

b)B; x = -2e) E ; x = y

c)C; y = -4f) F; x = -y


a) Copy and complete the table for the equation y = 3x- 4

x / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / -1

b) Write down the co-ordinates pairs from the table.

(0, ) (1, ) ( , ) ( , ) ( , ) ( , ) ( , )

c) Draw the graph of y = 3x- 4

Symmetry and rotational symetry

33)Identify and draw all lines of symmetry in the following shapes.


Lines of symmetry :_____ Lines of symmetry : _____

Order of rotational symmetry: _____ Order of rotational symmetry: _____

c) d)

Lines of symmetry :_____ Lines of symmetry : _____

Order of rotational symmetry: _____ Order of rotational symmetry: _____

e) f)

Lines of symmetry :_____ Lines of symmetry : _____

Order of rotational symmetry: _____ Order of rotational symmetry: _____

34)Draw and label the following lines on the given coordinate grid.

a)Draw the following shapes given these coordinates

i)A (1, 2), B ( 4, 2) C (4, 6)

ii)W ( -9 , 5 ) X ( -9 , 2 ) Y ( -6, 3 ) Z ( -7, 5 )

b)Reflect the shape from question a) part i) in the line x = 0.

c)Reflect the shape from question a) part i) in the line y = -2.

d)Reflect the shape from question a) part ii) in the line y = -3.

35)The grid shows a triangle that has been rotated about (0,0).

Describe the following rotations. The first one is done for you.

a)W onto X 90 degree rotation clockwise about (0, 0)

b)Z onto W ______

c)W onto Y ______

d)Y onto Z ______

e)Y onto X ______

f)X onto Z ______

g)W onto Z ______